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The Successor of The Richest Man

The Successor of The Richest Man

Truett O’Neill


What would it be like to become the heir of the richest man from poverty? A contract of inheritance of the richest man not only gave money, but also gave a goddess fiancée! Ordinary people needed to work hard to stand out, but Michael Kane didn't need it!

Chapter 1 Chapter 1 Got five million

In New York.

A young man in a light blue shirt and old jeans walked in the campus of New York University. He looked at the ground from time to time as if he was looking for something.

The boy looked good, but his clothes seemed to have not been washed for a long time. The black stains on his sleeves were unusually conspicuous. When passing by, the students looked at him as if they had met the God of plague, and their eyes showed disdain and dodged away.

It seemed that Michael had already been used to such gaze. With an indifferent expression, he walked towards a water bottle on the roadside.

"Ring, ring, ring!"

His old NOKIA suddenly rang.

Michael quickly took out his phone and answered it.


"Is that the young lord Michael Kane?" A middle-aged man's voice came from the other end of the phone. His voice was low and powerful, and his voice was neither too fast nor too slow.

"I'm Michael, not young lord..."

Michael replied after a short pause.

"Young lord, here is the thing. Now you have an inheritance to inherit. Do you have time today?" the middle-aged man said respectfully.

"Ha ha, I have a heritage to inherit?"

Michael was amused by his words. He said helplessly, "Bro, you'd better find another person to lie to me. All my family members have died. I'm an orphan. Where does my heritage come from?"

"Young lord, I..."

Without waiting for an explanation from the other end of the line, Michael directly hung up the phone. Then he gently shook his head and said, "These swindlers are so unprofessional now. I can't find fifty dollars all over my body, but they still want to lie to me? They also said that I have inheritance, and my parents have died for many years..."

Just then, his phone rang again!

Without hesitation, Michael pressed the refuse button and walked towards the bottle not far away. He was afraid that the bottle would be taken away by the old man who sold bottles in the school later.


Just as Michael bent down to pick up the bottle, a red high-heeled shoe stepped on the bottle directly.

Michael paused by instinct, and then looked up along her slender leg. What he saw was a beautiful girl with a sexy figure.

The girl had light make-up on her face, delicate facial features, and attractive clothes. The black tight T-shirt perfectly outlined her chest. Her waist was slender, and she wore a denim miniskirt below, covering her two straight buttocks. Her legs were long and white, and she wore a pair of red high-heeled shoes. She looked very sexy and charming.

"Flora, why... Why are you here?"

A hint of astonishment flashed through Michael's eyes when he saw the girl.

The girl who appeared in front of him was his girlfriend, Flora Grant.

"Michael, why are you picking up trash again? Do you really want to be a loser selling rubbish all your life?" Flora scolded him with a cold face, without giving him any face.


Michael opened his mouth and wanted to explain.

"What are you talking about? Forget it. If you want to pick up trash, I can't care about you. From now on, let's break up with each other. I don't want people like you to be a stain in my life." Flora shouted at Michael with disgust.

Break up?

Hearing Flora's words, Michael was stunned and his eyes were full of shock.

"Flora, are you kidding me?"

Michael looked at Flora and asked in a low voice.

"Are you kidding me? Do you think I will joke with someone like you?"

Flora sneered.

"Why did you break up for no reason?"

Michael finally realized that what Flora said was not a joke, but a serious one.

"What else can I do? It's just that you don't have money. You are a pauper who only knows how to pick up trash!"

Flora looked down at Michael with disdain and continued, "Michael, do you really think that I want to be with you for the rest of my life? Look at yourself. Do you think that you are good enough for me now? You can't give me what I want!"


With a dull look in his eyes, Michael looked at Flora. In fact, he had already guessed the reason, but he was not reconciled that his girlfriend, who had been with him for nearly three years, really left him because of money in the end.

"Michael, now I officially inform you that we two have nothing to do from now on. I hope you won't pester me anymore!"

After saying that, Flora turned around and walked away.

Michael hurriedly stepped forward to stop Flora, but at this time, a young man rushed out from behind Flora, lifted his leg and kicked him directly on the belly.

"Ken Jackson?"

Michael took two steps back and looked at the young man beside Flora in confusion.

Flora skillfully held Ken's arm and said in a sweet voice, "Michael, let me introduce to you. This is my new boyfriend, Ken. He is more handsome, richer and more interesting than you. Only in this way can someone match Flora!"

With his eyes wide open, Michael stared at Ken. Although Ken looked ordinary, he was from a rich family in his class. It must be because of money that Flora broke up with Michael and then got together with Ken.

"Michael, from now on, Flora is my girlfriend. If I find that you dare to pester her again, I will break one of your legs directly. Do you understand?"

Ken stepped forward and said to Michael arrogantly.

Michael gritted his teeth and didn't say anything, because he knew that Ken was not only rich, but also knew a lot of hooligans. If he really offended Ken, the consequences would be very terrible.

"Honey, let's go!"

Just then, Flora snuggled up in Ken's arms and said coquettishly.

"You little bitch, why are you in such a hurry to sleep with me?"

Ken couldn't help but smile faintly. Then he took out a few green cash from his clothes and shook it in front of Michael. He said with a smile, "Michael, I remember that you are willing to do anything as long as I give you money, aren't you? Now I give you five hundred dollars. You go to the pharmacy to buy a box of contraceptives. Later, Flora and I can use it..."

A trace of shyness flashed through Flora's eyes when she heard Ken's words, but she didn't say anything.

Looking at the money in Ken's hand, Michael's eyes were full of anger.

Because he had been with Flora for more than three years. Not to mention sleeping together, he hadn't even touched Flora's hand!

But at this time, Flora and Ken had been together for only a few days, and the two of them had actually slept together!

And at this time, Ken even asked Michael to buy contraceptive pills for the two people. He didn't take Michael as a man at all!

At this time, the surroundings were already full of students. Everyone looked at Michael as if they were watching a joke, with an extremely disdainful expression on their faces.

After all, nothing in the world was more pathetic than what had just happened.

But in fact, they didn't know that the most pathetic thing was not that Ken asked Michael to buy the contraceptive pills, but that when he looked at the cash in Ken's hand, he was a little tempted!

If Michael could get the money, his could get his rent.

"What do you think? If you don't go, I'll ask someone else for help!" Ken asked with a smile.

After hesitating for two seconds, Michael turned to look at Flora and said coldly, "Flora, I hope you will never regret your decision today!"

"Regret? What do I regret for? I regret breaking up with you, a pauper?" Flora couldn't help but sneer.

Taking a deep breath, he turned around and ran away without hesitation. Then he disappeared from everyone's sight.

After leaving the school, Michael went back to the house he rented outside the school alone.

Since Michael had to work in the bar at night, he had to get off work at two o'clock in the morning at the earliest. At that time, the dormitory of the school had been closed, so he rented an apartment outside.

Although the room was only as big as the bathroom, he thought it was enough for him to live in.

When he returned to his room, the scene that he and Flora had been together came to his mind. The vows before a seemed so ridiculous now!

In fact, when Michael first met Flora, Flora was a very kind and innocent girl. Others looked down upon him, but only Flora had always been with him.

But in the past two years when she came to New York University, as more and more people came into contact with Flora, her thoughts gradually changed. Michael had long realized that Flora would break up with him, but he never thought that Flora would be so heartless.

When Michael was young, he came from a rich family. The Kane family was a big family in the local area. His parents were all senior executives in their family companies. Although they were not as rich as those top rich people, they were still very rich compared to Ken's family.

But when Michael was fifteen years old, his parents died in an accident. The Kane family regarded him as a thorn in the flesh. In the end, he had no choice but to leave the Kane family and live on his own.

In order to pay for his tuition and living expenses, he had done all kinds of dirty work in the past few years. During the day, he would pick up bottles when he was free, and at night, he would work as a waiter in the bar beside the school.

The students in the school also humiliated Michael, but he didn't care at all. As long as Flora was by his side, everything would be fine. But at this time, Flora also left him.

At this time, Michael was lying on the bed, staring at the ceiling blankly. He didn't know what the meaning of his life was now.


Just then, the message alert rang.

Michael was stunned for a moment, and then picked up the phone and took a simple glance at it. When he saw the content on the phone, he was stunned, with an extremely shocked expression on his face.

"Your account with the ending 6174 received 5000000 and the balance now is 5000025."

Michael quickly sat up straight and looked at his phone in shock.

"Five million. This... This should be a joke!"

Looking at the message on the phone, Michael said in a very puzzled tone.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Before Michael could figure out what was going on with this message, there was a quick knock on the door.

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