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Top Marriage Contract

Top Marriage Contract

Reese Chung


Three years of marriage, three years of coddling! Unexpectedly, when he found out that she was pregnant in the afternoon, he handed her the divorce agreement at night, and the reason was that the woman came back. Heartbroken, Leila refused all his compensation, money and house,and disappeared form his world with the unborn child. And she didn't know...he loved her, spoiled her to heaven, and never thought that she was...! ? Five years later. She came back on behalf of the Black Group, became his strong opponent, and launched a brutal attack on his fiancée's family! Philip: "Is that why you hate me?" Leila: "Mr. Johnson is still as narcissistic as he was five years ago. Do you think you are worthy of provoking me to get the best of that woman?" Philip: "narcissistic? Aren't you in love with me?" Leila burst into a smile, but felt sad inside, love? Profound, but also let people have no way out!

Chapter 1 Chapter 1 Divorced in the rainy night, returned after five years!


Thunder and heavy rain poured down, disturbing the originally peaceful night.

In the villa, the lawyer pushed the document to Leila, and said in a very formulaic tone: "Ms. White is back, here is the divorce agreement for you from Mister!"

'Ms. White', Leila's complexion paled in 'Divorce Agreement'!

Sitting across from her, speaking to her in a formulaic tone was Philip's lawyer.

With trembling hands, he picked up the divorce agreement that was pushed over, and smiled bitterly: "Just because she came back? So you are in a hurry to abandon me?" The man's place has already been signed, it is his own handwriting!

Her already pale face made her heart bleed even more when she saw the strong and powerful font. She never thought that he would divorce her at this time.

"Mr. said that letting you go abroad will ensure that you have no worries about food and clothing for the rest of your life!"

go abroad? Hehe, not only did he want to divorce her, he didn't even let her live in New York?

This is what he called not owed to the three-year marriage? Who in this world could be so ruthless than him? "Is it because of her?"

Worried that that woman saw her soon-to-be ex-wife in New York, so when she came back, she would immediately divorce her and go away?

"Ms.Black should know how important Ms. White is to Mister, and I hope you don't make things difficult for him!"

The lawyer's words still didn't have any warmth, and Leila felt like hearing a ridiculous joke.

"Make it difficult for him?" Who is making it difficult for whom?

Since he had planned to do this a long time ago, what is the gentleness of these three years? Is his kindness to her these three years all fake? He told her that he wanted one of their children, so what was it?

Suppressing the dryness and pain in her throat, the words "I want to see him!" almost used all her strength.

Even though she had planned for a long time that he would divorce her, but at this moment, she still hoped that he could tell her in person.

"Sorry Ms. Black, I don't think sir will see you now!"

As soon as the lawyer finished speaking, she saw Leila frantically pulling out her phone and dialing the number she knew so well, it was just a private number that had always been unblocked, but at this moment it was "Sorry, the number you dialed has been turned off '!

Called his personal assistant, "Ask him to answer the phone."

"What's the matter?" The man's cold voice came from the phone, without the gentleness and warmth of the past.

Hearing this voice, Leila almost held her breath and asked, "Do you really want me to sign?"


"No regrets?"

"My Philip, the biggest regret in my life is marrying you!"


These words almost made Leila's sky collapse.

His heart fell into an ice cellar in an instant, and all the anger and arrogance also melted into a plain sentence: "Okay, I will sign." With this sound, the phone has been hung up.

She regretted this phone call very much, and regretted that at this time, she was still thinking of humiliating herself in front of him.

Hanging up the phone, he frantically grabbed the pen he had prepared and signed his name on the divorce agreement with such force that it almost tore through the paper!

"Ms. Black, this is the ten million compensation that Mister gave you."

"Get out!" Leila grabbed the check and tore it into pieces.

Compensation, she doesn't need his money...!

Suppressing tears and looking at the lawyer, his eyes were about to burst, and he said every word with coldness and ruthlessness: "Give him a word for me, just say, don't regret his choice today, let alone look back!"

She will not give him a chance to regret it, if she turns back, she will definitely let him taste the heartbreaking today!

The lawyer quickly packed up the agreement and left. When Leila was the only one left in the hall, she lightly put her hand on her lower abdomen, laughing wildly, with tears mixed in.

"What to do, you only have mother left!"

The child, she already had his Philip's child, who was just diagnosed in the afternoon, who would have thought that in the evening, she would receive the divorce agreement from his lawyer.

This child really came at the wrong time, he came... so unblessed!


Time flies, five years in a flash!

The Night Sea Party in New York is full of the customs and customs of this place.

The mighty convoy stopped, and the leading red sports car door swung open. The man in a black suit and white gloves got off the car with his slender white hands. The silver high-heeled shoes were even more dazzling under the light. Behind him were the orderly bodyguards. The women in front of the team are more like queens!

The woman was dressed in an off-white diamond-encrusted dress, and her steps were graceful, attracting countless amazing eyes in an instant!

"Wow, who is that, so beautiful! Wait, isn't that Mr. Johnson's ex-wife, Leila?"

"Yes, she is right, my God, is she on the list of other big money? Why are there so many bodyguards following her to protect her?"

"It's so different from her a few years ago, when she was just a housewife!"

"I heard that Mr. Johnson will bring his fiancée here. I don't know what it will be like to see Leila like this!" At the banquet, with the appearance of Leila, there were discussions of envy, amazement or schadenfreude.

Leila is as if she has never heard of it. Five years have passed, and her aura has already overshadowed everything back then!

"Naomi, when we talk to Mr. Smith later, don't make it too obvious that we came to New York!" Leila explained to the attendants following behind.

"Yes! But miss, the master called and was very worried about your safety here!"

"Jason Black is not in danger when he comes back?" Leila's serious tone made Naomi shut up quickly, she could clearly hear the impatience in Leila's tone at the moment!

They came back this time to represent the entire Black Group.

Such a large batch of raw materials would be robbed in New York, which made the entire Black Group unable to swallow this breath, and even provoked the Black Group's deputy Mr. Johnson Leila to personally intervene.

"Wait for my order, let's go!" Mu Naomi turned her head and said to the headed bodyguards!

This is the Black Group's cruise ship, so the on-site security facilities are naturally not much to say, as long as they board the cruise ship, they are absolutely safe, and with so many people, it will affect their purpose.

After Naomi left, Leila took a glass of champagne from the waiter's tray and walked towards the plywood station beside the cruise ship, minimizing her sense of presence.

Behind him, there was a commotion, "Mr. Johnson is here."

"Where, where is Mr. Johnson?"

"What are you excited about, he brought his fiancée!", "What's the matter? This doesn't prevent him from becoming the girl of my dreams!", "Wait, he doesn't know that his ex-wife is here too?" The discussion was loud One after another.

Leila turned her head, and saw the handsome man who hadn't seen him for five years and was still handsome, but his silhouette seemed much colder compared to five years ago.

Standing together, they were really an enviable and well-matched pair; they only gave a cold look, and turned around mockingly at the corners of their eyes, no longer looking at the scene that disgusted her.

"Hey, you, aren't you Leila?" There was an exclamation voice from behind.

Leila turned her head again, and before she could see the person clearly, she heard the person screaming: "Are you really Leila? Why are you here?" Alice screamed like a ghost.

Leila frowned displeased, she didn't intend to be too ostentatious, but she didn't expect to meet this woman.

"Let me tell you, my cousin is getting along very well with Penny now, don't be shameless...!"

"Miss Chu, do we know each other?" Alice was interrupted by Leila before she finished speaking, her tone was alienated and implied a warning.

The sharpness in his eyes was something Alice had never seen before!

The movement here quickly attracted the attention of the other side, and the eyes that were originally on Philip and Penny were also shifted here, showing gossip.

Penny held Philip in his hand and walked towards them, "Leila, long time no see!" Penny greeted them very generously, with a gentle surface that dripped water.

"It's been a long time!" Leila smiled arrogantly, not feeling lonely because of Philip.

However, compared to Penny's generosity, the face of the man beside him almost dripped water at this moment, his arm was pulled out of Penny's hand, and he walked towards her with heavy steps.

After not seeing her for five years, he looked at her with cold eyes, "When did you come back? Why didn't you inform Leo Taylor?"

"Is this what Mr. Johnson should care about?"

"Let Leo Taylor take you back, this is not the place you should come to!" Her tone was cold, as if she was still the housewife who groveled in front of him five years ago.

There was a smile on the corner of Leila's mouth, the smile was even more ironic, and the words she said were even more ironic: "It seems that Mr. Johnson should not care about where I should be."

"Also, this is my banquet, why is Mr. Johnson here?"

"You...!" What a Mr. Johnson!

What an unfamiliar name, she can call it as she pleases.

"You're talking nonsense, this is clearly hosted by Ms. Evans, how could it be your banquet, Leila, if you want to save face, please find a better excuse!" Alice yelled, afraid that things would go wrong!

Facing her provocation, Leila smiled mockingly, and a red figure ran over anxiously not far away, "Leila, why are you here? I can't find you, the master, anywhere!"

It was Rachel who came, and her words caused an uproar among the people present.

Unexpectedly, five years ago, Mr. Johnson's ex-wife had such a friendship with Rachel, the first socialite in New York. Alice's face turned green and pale!

"I'm just going for a stroll... Ah!" Before he could finish speaking, a strong force came from his wrist, and Philip pulled her overhandedly and left!

The scene was instantly in an uproar because of Philip's actions, which made the whole party smell the gossip.

With the two people leaving and the strange eyes on the scene, Penny turned even paler.

"Sister-in-law, don't mind, my brother is the one who doesn't want her to lose you here." Alice calmly comforted her throughout the day.

Penny looked at Rachel calmly, and was also very surprised! Quickly put away the paleness on his face, and raised a decent smile: "Go and have a look, Ting has a bad temper, don't let him hurt Leila."

"As long as you are kind, you are worried about what she will do!" Alice curled her lips, her face full of reluctance!

"Hey, let's go!"

Timely and decent, Penny has won a good public image in front of everyone.

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