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Worth the Wait

Worth the Wait

Teresa Mayer


Wyatt Buckland's heart belonged to the woman he loved, but she wasn't Riley Hayton. However, Riley thought he might see her one day and fell in love with her. Therefore, she waited and waited until Wyatt was willing to turn around. This time, he finally noticed her. Then Riley suddenly felt that this man did not seem to be as perfect as she thought. It turned out that it was all because Riley was young and ignorant when she saw Wyatt and loved him at first sight. Therefore, Wyatt wondered if he should go bankrupt or be crippled so that Riley would be willing to look at him again.

Chapter 1 Chapter 1

This year's first snow fell on Christmas Eve.

At midnight, Riley Hayton received a text from Wyatt Buckland.

Wyatt: "Riley, let's get married."

Riley's palm was slightly hot, and she felt her chest was a bit cold.

She hesitated for a few minutes before calling back.

As she expected, it was Wyatt's assistant, Hamza Craig, who answered.

"Hello, Ms. Hayton. Mr. Buckland, he... He is..."

Hamza stammered.

Riley frowned. "Where is he?"

"The private room on the third floor in Night Peacock."

"Got it. I'll be there soon."

Riley got up, washed up, and changed her clothes. Before she left, she pulled open a drawer and took out a bottle of medicine.

She took a pill with warm water and went downstairs to drive.

This year, she had a heavy cold in the autumn and kept relapsing into coughing.

Half an hour later, Riley arrived at the largest club in New York, Night Peacock.

In the private room, Wyatt was already drunk and unconscious.

When Hamza saw Riley, he ran over with a worried expression.

"Ms. Hayton, you're here! Mr. Buckland drank a lot. I couldn't stop him."

Riley nodded. "Thank you for taking care of him. You can go now."

Riley walked forward and crouched down beside Wyatt. She wanted to stretch out her hand but hesitated.

The huge private room was empty and lonely.

Riley knew that the person he was waiting for was not her.

Seven years ago, on Christmas Eve.

Tiara Kenward stood at the entrance of Idlewild Airport. She said to Wyatt, "Wait for me. I'll be back in seven years."

The bell at midnight rang, and seven years had passed.

Tiara did not appear in the end.

Riley lowered her head and looked at Wyatt's tightly clenched phone.

On the screen, there was still a text message that he had just sent Riley.

Wyatt probably sent it in a fit of temper.

Riley smiled bitterly and shook her head. Fortunately, she wouldn't take it seriously.

Riley brought Wyatt back to the apartment.

She wiped his body, changed his clothes, and cleaned up the vomit on his body.

Riley kept cleaning until dawn. Then she shrank back on the sofa and took a nap for a while.

When she opened her eyes again, the sun shone on her face.

Wyatt stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling window. He had already changed into the clean shirt she had prepared for him.

In Riley's home, she had always prepared clothes for Wyatt.

There was also a bath towel, slippers, and other things he often used.

Wyatt often showed up at parties for his business, but he wasn't good at drinking.

Every time Wyatt was unconscious, Hamza would call Riley and ask her to pick him up.

Riley was worried about Wyatt's body and could not stand to see him get drunk. Besides, she wanted to see him and keep him as she could only stay with him at home when he was drunk. The secret stayed buried in her heart.

"You're up?"

Riley sat up from the sofa, rubbed her eyes, and said to Wyatt who was standing in front of the French window.


Wyatt did not turn around. His shoulders moved slightly.

"Did you pick me up last night?"

Riley nodded. "You drank too much. Oh, by the way..."

She jumped off the ground and walked toward the kitchen.

"I made some soup for you. Just have one."

However, her wrist was suddenly grasped. Wyatt turned around and grabbed her.

"No need. Clean yourself and change your clothes."

The man's eyes were deep and serious.

Riley was confused and stared at Wyatt without blinking.

"Change my clothes?"

"Are you going to marry in your pajamas?"

Wyatt frowned.

"Wyatt, what ... what did you say?"

Riley almost couldn't believe what she heard.

Was he going to marry her?

Last night, he was drunk and lost his mind. She did not take it seriously at all!

"Did you think I forgot about it?"

Riley froze in place for a long time.

Wyatt seemed to be a little impatient.

"I mean it, Riley."


Riley bit her lips, and her hands were covered with a cold sweat.

"But I don't love you?"

Wyatt took a deep breath and looked into her eyes.

"What does it matter? I don't love you, and you don't love me either. Tiara went abroad, and Calvin also went abroad. Since the two of us can't wait for the person we want, why don't we choose someone we have known for many years to marry? Isn't it good?"

After that, Wyatt turned and walked to the entrance.

"Get ready, and I'll wait for you downstairs."

Riley looked at the man's back as he left, and tears welled up in her eyes.

What Calvin? He was just a senior at her university. She rejected him, and later he went abroad.

Riley had never loved Calvin. She only loved Wyatt.

It would always be him!

In City Hall.

"Congratulations. From today onwards, you two are legally married. I wish you two a happy life and a lifetime of companionship."

The staff handed two marriage certificates to them with a sincere smile on her face.

Riley carefully held them in her arms, and she somehow felt hot.

Her brain was still a mess.

Was this marriage?

They signed their names and took a photo. The whole process took only a few minutes.

She was now Wyatt's wife?

"I will ask Hamza to help you pack your things. You can move into my place tonight."

Wyatt opened the car door and let Riley get in.

"Okay. Do you want to buy new bedding?"

"It's up to you."

Wyatt casually started the car, paused, and then said, "I'll sleep in another room. You don't have to worry about me."

Riley's heart was like a roller coaster, fiercely rushing into the air and then smashing down. It made her almost break down.

Wyatt turned his head slightly, and his gaze only rested on Riley's face for a second.

"Riley, my grandpa is getting old. He hoped for my marriage and family. We are married only for our family to be at ease. And that is all."

"I understand."

Riley was stunned and then turned to look out the window.

It just so happened that there was a strong gust of wind. Riley rubbed her eyes with her hands, but tears fell uncontrollably.

He married her but refused to touch her.

As for the reason, they both knew it.

Wyatt's phone rang.

He focused on driving and signaled Riley to answer it.

"You brat, get the hell back here!"

Samir Buckland, Wyatt's grandpa, roared like a lion and almost deafened Riley's ears.

Then they were supposed to drive to the company. Now, Wyatt drove directly to the Buckland's house.


Wyatt, who was upset because of love, had stood the partner up who came for the contract about millions of dollars on Christmas Eve.

Samir was furious when he received the news early in the morning.

"How can you be so muddle-headed for a woman? Do you think you're still young? How can I entrust the Buckland family to you?"

Wyatt knelt in the main hall with a straight face, but his upper body was stiff and straight.

"If you're worried, you can personally take charge of the company. Or you can choose someone else to lead the Buckland family. I am not the only one in the Buckland family."

Riley knew that Wyatt's dissatisfaction with his grandfather had never disappeared over time.

After all, back then, if not for the fact that his grandfather looked down on Tiara, they would have been together long ago.

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