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An arrogant girl who was possessed by the witches,who is set to destroy her cousin sister in many ways.

Chapter 1 The holiday


Mercy.....She called out to her angrily and looked at her

I don't like this thing that you call food,

this is not what I want to eat as breakfast...

She said again as she tapped the table numerous times angrily.

Well, I'm Sorry, There is Nothing to eat apart from these beans and pap..... Mercy said.

Nothing else is in the house, please manage it, If you want something else, You have to wait for your parents to come back......Mercy added

Ava looked at her and was speechless but angry as Mercy walked out on her...

Ava's Eyes turned Red with rage as she followed her to the kitchen...

Mercy Coughed and was choked to death by Ava's Powers...

As Ava sighted at her achievement and walked out of the kitchen.

Mercy... Mercy, Why are you lying down on the floor,

Get up, Mercy get up now

Mercy Somebody help, Said Mr Sam as he ran out of the kitchen....

From the report of the Autopsy, It was obvious that she was struck to death by the smoke from what she was cooking...The Officer said

We thought Sort of Job said...

If I may ask what was cooking, The Officer asked the family members of Ava.

Um...Officers, She wasn't cooking anything

Mr Sam said

I only saw a pot of streaming water on the gas stove and her body was lying on the floor when I entered the kitchen yesterday, Mr Sam added ...

Nothing else I know of, He said

Is she asthmatic? The Officer asked as he wrote down the statement,

No, I made sure, They conducted a thorough Medical Checkup before employing her to work for me as my maid in this house, Said Mrs Emma...

the officer paused and wrote down the statement again.

Okay that will be all for now but I shall come back for Further Questioning, If the need arises, The Officer said

No problem Officer, We appreciate you.... Job said...

Thank you as the Officer walked out of the house followed by Job.....

Sofia POV

It's really good that you have decided to stay with my family at this period, I'm Sure Ava my daughter will love it,Job said as he was driving...

Yes Sir but I Still Miss my mom and sisters, Sofia said

Yes, I know but uhh, I'm Sure, They'll be fine, It's Just a holiday Said Job...

Uncle, Could you stop at the church over here, Please I want to pray for some minutes, She said

Is it really necessary at this time, We're almost home, he said still looking at the road driving.

Yes, Uncle...

It is necessary, I've made it part of my daily routine to pray and I've made it my full duty to never miss that for anything, She said

Okay, let me turn over and pack he said,

Thank you, Uncle, she said happily

Is right, he added....

Sophia walked into the church in the daytime...

She called out to Jesus In prayers

Father Hi My sweet Jesus...

How are you doing today...

I'm sorry that I came by late today but you know the reason why I'm here, I'm New, and I know You have helped me settle in Just fine, See you Tomorrow Jesus...


Are you okay, Job asked Sophia for some reason, I feel Cold and scared

I don't know what's going on now...Sophia said Coughing in between...

Don't worry, There's nothing wrong with you okay, I guess that It is the changing environment that is affecting you dear, But as soon as you acclimatize,

You'll not feel Cold any longer,

So let's go inside the house...Mr Job answered her...

The door cracked open as Sophia and Mr Job walked in...

Oh, My darling.....How are you doing My Love, Emma said happily...

I'm fine, Auntie Sophia said holding hands with Emma.

You've gone bigger than the last time, I saw you she said smiling

come over here, she said and hugged Sophie again

Good to see you, How are your parents doing Mrs Emma asked Sophia.

They are fine ma

Sophia answered her...

please darling she needs to take her bath. Mr Job


No, she looks so tired and hungry right Sophia, Mrs Emma asked staring at her

Yes auntie I am... She replied!

So Honey! Now let's get something to eat before that, besides food is ready Mrs. Emma said...

Alright sweetheart, let's go inside then He said smiling.

Welcome Sophia...Auntie replied as she led me to the room...

The door was banged open gently and Auntie and I walked in...

Hey Ava...

Your baby cousin Sophia is here and She will be sharing your room with you throughout her stay here with us, She said smiling

Ava looked at Sophia angrily and disgustingly.

It's my pleasure meeting you for the first time Cousin Ava, Sophia said as she walked over to Ava for a hug but she was rejected and ignored by Ava,

Well Sophia she must be tired, let's leave it to be for now okay You see Ava can be quiet at times but with time, She'll come to get used to you being here and you two will be fine, Okay?

Mrs Emma said to Sophia

Yes Auntie I understand Sophia Said...

So now dear Enjoy your stay with us here!!!

Have fun girls, Mrs. Emma said as she walked out of the room....

Hey.....Hey You, Can't you hear me??

Are you deaf or something Ava spoke to Sophia angrily

I don't share my room with anyone....She said

Oh I'm sorry but there's nowhere else for me to stay in this house Sophia said in a scary tone....

I don't share my room with anyone...Ava said with anger and was staring at her...

If you would show me where else I can Stay, I will leave this room but If there isn't then I have no other option but to stay here and share the room with you Ava!!! Sophia Said...

Don't ever call my name again! Ava shouted

And I won't repeat myself again

I said I don't share my room with anyone Ava said as she stood up, getting more furious

I Will make your stay here, a living hell for you

Stand up....Ava commanded...

Drop Your box inside there...

That's your space young lady. Ava said

Silence breaks in as Ava walked into the dinning room

Go sit down and join us...Job said

Ava paused still looking at Sophia with rage in her eyes and sat down to eat supper.

Emma's POV

Honey!!! Mrs. Emma said to her husband

Yes...Job said

Did you notice the strange behavior of Ava towards Sophia earlier today in the Dining room when she saw Sophia with us eating? She replied

Yes I did, but I think it's normal, She is just surprised to see her...He said

Sincerely speaking honey, That doesn't seem like a mere surprise to me, I think Ava is not comfortable with Sophia's presence in this house....She said.

Come on my dear, don't talk that way about our daughter okay?These are two cousins who are just meeting each other.

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