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Miss Clumsy and the CEO

Miss Clumsy and the CEO



Harper Daniels is clumsy. Full stop. A recent graduate, she's starting her career at Brewer Enterprises. What happens when she meets James Brewer, the billionaire playboy? A lot of hot stuff. That's what.

Chapter 1 One

Harper Daniels. Aged twenty-three. Exceedingly clumsy. The trait had been with her since she started walking. It may sound like an exaggeration, but it's the truth. Her parents had likely spent a fortune replacing cameras, vases, and clothes damaged by Harper's frequent mishaps. Even as she grew older, the clumsiness stuck with her. Her white blouses were often stained with red wine or coffee, leading her to spend £60 last month on replacements. Her grandparents weren't joking when they suggested she needed protective armor.

That's why some relatives kept their valuable antiques out of her reach. Harper was undeniably clumsy.

Her clumsiness didn't spare her on dates either. The last one she had was at twenty-one, where she accidentally spilled her drink on her date's phone and wallet. Needless to say, he wasn't pleased. Nerves often got the best of her, to put it mildly.

That's perhaps why she hoped for a smooth day today. Starting a new job, fresh out of Oxford University with a degree in financial economics, she landed a position at Brewer's Enterprise. The company had a stellar reputation, good pay, and promising career advancement opportunities.

Understandably, she was feeling nervous. The anticipation of something going wrong was overwhelming. Harper felt like her clumsy alter ego, 'Miss Clumsy,' was gearing up for potential accidents. Something was bound to happen, she knew it, and she dreaded the wait.

Staring at the imposing, gleaming cylindrical building in front of her, she felt a sense of unease. Would she ever get used to seeing it every day? Probably not.

Uncertain if she should proceed, doubts flooded her mind. Could she really handle this? Was she ready for the demands of the workforce? The temptation to retreat to her cozy apartment, hiding from responsibilities under the covers, lingered. If only money wasn't a necessity, her conscience taunted her.

Quitting was not an option. She had put in too much effort for this. The essays, the revisions, and the countless nights she spent staying up late to achieve success were not going to be overcome by nerves. Regaining her composure, she adjusted her bag strap on her shoulder and took a confident step forward. "Come on, you can do this," she encouraged herself.

A large puddle remained in the middle of the pavement where the water had not drained. Skillfully avoiding it, she smiled awkwardly, feeling proud of herself for overcoming that obstacle. Not today! Harper had this. She had everything under control. Nothing would prevent her from leaving a good impression.

And then, she must have tempted fate. Celebrating her small victory and holding her head high, she failed to notice the second largest puddle directly ahead. Suddenly, she took a big step into the puddle, splashing water onto her black skirt and some on her face. Wonderful. Just wonderful. Now, she was somewhat wet. Only you, Harper. Only you.

She sighed, "Great job, Harper. Just what you needed."

There was no point in standing around expecting her clothes to dry instantly, so she continued on, entering the automatic doors and being engulfed by the sleek, metallic polished reception area. Crowds of people passed by, swiping their IDs to go through the gates before disappearing from sight. Harper stood there, probably looking bewildered and out of place as she stared at the polished sign above the reception. Brewer's Enterprise. This was definitely the right place.

Now, all she needed was a restroom. She noticed the ladies' room on the left. With each step, her black flats squeaked, soaked in puddle water and attracting unwanted attention. At this rate, Harper felt like running. She tried to ignore the amused glances she received as she walked by.

The restroom was as elegant as the reception area. Pristine and spacious. She headed towards one of the stalls, grabbing tissue to dab her face, grateful that she hadn't applied foundation as it would have resulted in red blotches. Then she attempted to dry her skirt as much as possible under the hand dryer.

She heard some giggles. Her eyes caught sight of two stylish ladies, their black heels clicking on the white marble floor as they disappeared from view. She must have looked disheveled or completely ridiculous lifting her leg to dry each side.

Harper left the bathroom after fifteen minutes of trying to fix the damage and made her way outside towards the reception area. Four receptionists were busy at the large desk, either directing visitors or answering calls. She was confident she needed floor nine but wanted to double-check before taking the lift.

"Excuse me, I'm starting a new job today and I'm looking for floor nine," Harper inquired politely to the male receptionist with spikey hair.

He nodded, "Would you like the exclusive VIP tour as well?"

Harper chuckled awkwardly, "No, thanks. I was just wondering about the conference rooms-"

She stopped mid-sentence, realizing he wasn't talking to her but to someone on the headset. It was a bit confusing since he was facing her, giving the impression he was addressing her directly.

"Thank you. Have a great morning," he concluded. Then, turning to her, he asked, "How can I assist you?"

Harper hesitated, observing him for a moment to see if he was addressing her or someone else. "I'm looking for the financial department. I start today. Do you know which floor that is? I believe it's on floor nine."

"Yes, it's on floor nine. Take lift A," he replied with a smile before attending to another call.

After thanking him, Harper joined the crowd heading towards lift A. The space inside was cramped, leaving barely any room to move as people squeezed in closely.

As the doors opened, she followed the crowd onto the same floor she was directed to. Unsure of where to go next, she was about to ask for directions when she spotted Mr. Collins, the interviewer who had hired her. He recognized her and motioned for her to come over. Standing by a cubicle, he was in a discussion with a colleague when she approached. Beads of sweat were trickling down his forehead as the colleague left.

"Harper Daniels, right?" he inquired.

She nodded, confirming, "Yes."

"I've been waiting for you. You're not late or anything. I just need to settle you in quickly. I've had a meeting with the CEO, so please bear with me if I seem a bit disorganized," he explained, pulling out his phone.

"Excuse me one second. I just need to double check something."

Harper stood patiently, observing the rows of cubicles and array of people working. It was to nice to think that someone here could be one day a close friend. Potentially, she might even meet her soulmate as cheesy as that sounded.

At intrigue, three men and women exited a room. The group followed one in particular. Their hurried strides attempting to keep up as they chattered, some on their phone, some to him who appeared to ignore every word coming at their mouth. This one male ahead of them was what caught her eye. Harper couldn't help but stare. He was handsome. Was he a model or just a Greek god sent from earth? She must have been obviously staring pretty badly because as he passed Collins and herself. the beautiful stranger met her eyes with disapproval.

"Mr Brewer," Mr Collins chipped in, startling her from her daydream. "CEO of Brewer Enterprises. The man behind our prestigious company," he described. "Now, let's get you settled in, shall we?"

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