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Falling For My Enemy Alpha

Falling For My Enemy Alpha

The Splash


To bring down the usurper of his father's throne, Alpha Orvyn made a promise to his late father's grave stone to get back what was rightfully theirs, no matter the cost. Little did he know that the cost of his lifelong task would come in the image of his arch-enemy's daughter, lighting up an incendiary of love he couldn't undermine. Most of her subjects outside the castle walls thought Princess Olive lived the perfect princess life. But little did they know that the Princess is nothing less of a bargaining tool in the hands of her powerful father, Alpha Kazamir. The paths of the two lost souls cross in what seemed like a cross fire, sparking off an incandescence of forbidden love between them. Will the duo be able to navigate the forbidden route of their new found love, or save their skin from burning in the flames?

Chapter 1 Hatred and Betrayal

Olive's POV

Father was that kind of man. He was the man who never listened to his only daughter about anything and everything. He was the man who saw his daughter as a tool to becoming more feared and powerful across the five Houses in the realm.

The night he let Alpha Cassian take my maidenhead, he became no father of mine. Perhaps, I was blinded by his title over me as father that I never opened my eyes to see the cruel fibre he was made of.While I expected much from him, when apparently, he respected none of me.

I peeped out of my bedroom window atop the castle keep, and saw him speaking with Alpha Cassian. They were nose deep into some mischief or the other- that much I knew.

The bailey was alive with music, a stark contrast to the gloom I bore. Stringed musicians, clowns, ribaldry, and lots of food to be devoured. Tonight was the night I would be sold off to Alpha Cassian of the House of Storstrand in the guise of marriage.

Hot tears springing from the depth of my heart ran down my face undisturbed as the sour event of that fateful day replayed itself in my head.

''The House of Storstrand commands the highest resources in gold and men. Mating him will bring me the desired fortune I need to win this protracted war against Vagamor,'' he'd said squarely, looking out the window that winter noon.

''But father, I want none of this.'' I protested in tears. ''I do not want to be wed to Alpha Cassian. Moreover, he's not my fated mate. I'm keeping myself pure for the lucky man whose destiny and mine are intertwined.''

I should have known arguing with my father was pointed

''Daughter," he exhaled a breath, turning slowly to face me. His harrowing black eyes pierced into me sharply as he stroked his long plaited black beard, making my pulse thrum. "What do you think wins a war?'' he asked calmly.

''Urm... Good strategies, good generals, and good soldiers.'' I responded honestly, frightened by his towering height.

''Good! Well said!" He exclaimed, stretching his arms wide. With a pat on my shoulder, he drew me into his side, and led me to the open window, overseeing the vast strip of forestry and cottages in the plains of Mortem. ''Firstly, I happen to be the best strategist in the castle...need I say, in the entire realm. Secondly, the war generals have agreed with me that we need more men to win the war- good soldiers of valor. And thirdly, you, my daughter, can get me the second," he flashed me a sarcastic grin and I felt chills running up my spine, which had nothing to do with the freezing atmosphere.

I gulped down the bile in my throat. "'Do I have to get married to him before he gives you what you want?''

''Yes, daughter. That's the only way.''

''I cannot accept this, father.' I peeled away from him, pouting. ''I'm old enough to make my own decisions.''

"You do not have a say in this matter, child!' he growled. "What is done is done. There's no going back."

I swivelled to look him in the eyes, with tears in my eyes. Not that my opinions ever mattered anyway. Perhaps, I might tamp on his soft spot...if he had one.

''Have you ever asked me what I wanted, father?'' I challenged, my voice brittle. "Mother would never have accepted any of this!''

Last time I checked, mother was his only soft spot, and I knew when to play that card on him.

''You know nothing about her. Your mother would have done anything to bring the House of Mortem to victory. Do not bring the dead into matters of the living.''

He blurted and turned on his heels, locking his hands behind him.

Hanging my head low, I whispered, hoping I could still get him to change his mind. ''I am only nineteen, father. I can barely stand the sight of a man.''

"'And Drustian?''

I stopped breathing for a moment. How did he know about Drustian? I never told anyone I had feelings for his Beta.

''It- it's not what you think, father.' I stuttered weakly. "There's nothing between Drustian and me."

''You think I don't see the way you look at him whenever he trains the soldiers? I may not be here all the time, but I see things, Olive. I hear them too.''

'Cassandra...,' I snarled internally. 'I'll gut that maid the next time I see her.'

She's always had her loony eyes on my man- one of the many shameless females I had to contend with.

Father had that card all the while and he used it at the nick of time. Too bad I played my 'mother' card sooner.

Knowing the brutality my father was capable of, I resorted to stooping for Drustian's sake. "He doesn't know anything,'' I pleaded. "Let him live."

Although he had his back to me, his smirk was perceptible. "That's why he still has his head on his body. It's a good thing you kept it to yourself."

As long as my crush lives, I might be happy.

"It has been decided. You have no say in this.''

''Father! I_"

"It has been decided,'' he cut me off.

''I do not love him.'' I wasn't done either. A new wave of courage spurred inside me, and I chose to expend it for as long as it lasted.

He peered down at me, brows meeting. ''Love is weakness in times of war. It's a distraction; a poison to the mind. We need all the hatred we can get to win this war.''

''You cannot marry me off to him, father. if you ever loved mother before you were betrothed to her, why can't I have the same privilege? I want to be wed to the man I fall in love with. Not the man you choose for me!'' I yelled in tears.

''You'll not speak to your father with such insolence! I trained you better!''

''You also trained me to fight for what I want!'' I shouted, crossing my hands defiantly.

''Enough!'' he raved. ''I'll not have you disobey me and put the House of Mortem to shame. You and Cassian shall be mated, and no one shall say otherwise!''

I crumbled to the floor in tears, burying my face in my palms. ''Play your role, and help your father win this war," he soothed. ''Cassian!''

What?! He was here already?!

The wooden door creaked open to allow the light blonde Alpha into my room, a flowing red cape sweeping behind him.

By the Moon, I hate that cape.

With a disgusted look, I sized him up. Aside the exaggerated cape he donned, bold gold rings were slung around each finger, with a dangling pair in his ears. He was tall for an Alpha, but father was imposing. He had short permed brown hair styled to the back, with complementing brown eyes that screamed wild perversions.

The disgusting manner at which he licked his lips made me hate him more. Despite his gourmand scent, I could perceive the whiff of ale coming from him.

I admit he's handsome. Unfortunately, that's where it ended for me. To a lesser woman, he's a head turner. However, his ostentatious appearance was a huge turn off for me. Drustian was simply breathtaking. He effortlessly made the heads of nobles and commoners spine. If he wasn't Drustian, he was not meant for me.

I shifted my gaze to my father. ''What is this about?'

Father crouched to my level and kissed me on my forehead, muttering what seems to me like a warning than an admonition it was meant to be. ''Make me proud.''

He strolled to where the salivating Cassian stood and whispered into his ears, ''Be gentle on her. She is all I have.'' With that, he left the room, bolting the door behind him, leaving me behind closed door with a heartless rapist.

That night, I swore to have my revenge on him and on father.

Veering back to the present, I stared at the most hateful men in my life, counting down to the perfect time to strike.

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