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Secret Affairs of the Werewolf Siblings

Secret Affairs of the Werewolf Siblings

Abby M.S


She didn’t know why she was alienated by her brother, who had been close to her since childhood. Until the night she turned eighteen, she heard his wolf growl MATE! How can a mate bond exist between biological siblings? A prank by the Moon Goddess? Or......

Chapter 1 One

Alexis's 18th birthday was supposed to be a celebration, a milestone marking her transition into adulthood. But little did she know, her life was about to take a drastic turn. The party was still fresh in her mind, the laughter and cheers of her friends and family echoing in her thoughts, when her brother Alexandra pulled her aside, his eyes grave with concern.

"Lexi, we need to talk," he said, his voice low and urgent.

Alexis's heart raced as she followed him to the backyard, the darkness of the night swallowing them whole. It was there, under the light of the full moon, that Alexandra revealed the shocking truth: they were mates, bound by a primal, unbreakable bond.

The revelation left Alexis reeling, her mind struggling to comprehend the impossibility of it all. Her brother, her own flesh and blood, was her intended partner, her soulmate.

As the days passed, the tension in the household grew thicker than the fog that rolled in from the ocean. Their parents' anxiety was palpable, their fear and unease hanging like a dark cloud over the family. Secrets long buried began to surface, and Alexis found herself questioning everything she thought she knew about her family, her brother, and herself.

Who was the biological child of their parents? And was it right to feel the way she did about her brother, her mate?

The questions swirled in her mind like a maelstrom, as she and Alexandra embarked on a journey to uncover the truth and navigate the treacherous landscape of their forbidden love.

Alexis's mind raced with questions, but she couldn't bring herself to ask them aloud. The weight of the revelation hung heavy in the air, making it hard to breathe. She felt like she was drowning in a sea of confusion and uncertainty.

Alexandra, sensing her distress, reached out and took her hand. The touch sent a spark through her body, and she pulled away, unsure of how to process her emotions.

"Lexi, we need to talk to Mom and Dad," Alexandra said, his voice firm but gentle. "We need to figure out what's going on and why they kept this from us."

Alexis nodded, knowing he was right. But the thought of confronting her parents made her stomach twist into knots. She had always been the obedient child, the one who followed the rules and never rocked the boat. But now, she felt like she was swimming in uncharted waters, with no lifeline in sight.

As they entered the house, the tension was palpable. Their parents, John and Elizabeth, were sitting in the living room, their faces etched with worry and fear. The air was thick with secrets and lies, and Alexis could feel the weight of it all bearing down on her.

"Mom, Dad, we need to talk," Alexandra said, his voice firm.

John and Elizabeth exchanged a nervous glance, and Alexis knew they were hiding something. Something big.

"What is it, Alexandra?" John asked, his voice laced with a hint of warning.

Alexandra took a deep breath before speaking. "Lexi and I... we're mates. And we want to know why you kept it from us."

Elizabeth's face went white, and John's eyes narrowed. The room fell silent, the only sound the ticking of the clock on the mantle.

"We'll explain everything," John said finally, his voice low and measured. "But you need to understand, it's complicated."

Complicated? That was an understatement. Alexis felt like her whole life had been turned upside down.

"Try us," Alexandra said, his voice firm.

And with that, the floodgates opened. Secrets spilled out, one after another, each one more shocking than the last.

John and Elizabeth exchanged a glance, and Alexis could see the fear and uncertainty in their eyes. They knew they had no choice but to reveal the truth, but it was clear they were hesitant to do so.

"Where do we even start?" Elizabeth asked, her voice barely above a whisper.

"The beginning," Alexandra said firmly. "Tell us everything."

John nodded, taking a deep breath. "Okay. It starts with our family's history. We come from a long line of werewolves, and our pack has always been... complicated."

"Complicated?" Alexis repeated, her mind racing with questions.

John nodded. "Yes. You see, our pack has a history of... unusual matings. And we've always had to be careful to keep our secrets hidden from the rest of the world."

Alexis's eyes narrowed. "What do you mean by 'unusual matings'?"

John hesitated, glancing at Elizabeth before continuing. "Well, in our pack, it's not uncommon for siblings to be mates. It's just the way our pack has always been."

Alexis felt like she'd been punched in the gut. Siblings as mates? It was unheard of in the werewolf world. And yet, here she was, facing the very same situation.

"But why keep it from us?" Alexandra asked, his voice firm. "Why not tell us the truth from the start?"

Elizabeth's eyes filled with tears. "We were trying to protect you, kids. We didn't want you to grow up with the weight of our pack's secrets on your shoulders. We wanted you to have a normal life, without the burden of our family's history."

Alexis felt a surge of anger. "A normal life? You call this normal? You've been lying to us our whole lives!"

John held up his hands. "We know it was wrong, Lexi. But we were trying to do what we thought was best for you and Alexandra."

Alexandra's voice was cold. "Well, it's too late for apologies now. We need to figure out what to do next."

And with that, the room fell silent once more. The weight of their family's secrets hung heavy in the air, and Alexis knew that nothing would ever be the same again.

As they sat there, trying to process the truth, Alexis felt a strange sensation wash over her. It was as if her body was responding to the revelation, her heart pounding in her chest. And when she looked over at Alexandra, she saw the same look of confusion and uncertainty in his eyes.

They were mates, bound by a primal, unbreakable bond. And they had no idea what the future held.

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