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The Wolf's Revenge

The Wolf's Revenge

Ennie J


Synopsis. Eight years ago, Amaya's pack was invaded by the strongest pack in Holbeck; the Blackwood pack. They killed her parents, her brother, and some members of her pack. Just when she knew it was the end for her, she was saved by a boy who suddenly appeared out of nowhere. Eight years later, Amaya returned with plans to get revenge on the Blackwood pack. She wanted them to suffer the same fate as her pack. She wanted them to suffer as she had done for the past eight years. The only language she understood was revenge and nothing else. On a certain evening, she received information that, the Blackwood pack was holding a coronation to crown the next Alpha. "How dare Tobias crown his son to be the next Alpha, when he killed my brother," Amaya growled. That evening, she started for the Blackwood pack. In disguise, she pushed her way through the crowd. However, she wasn't prepared for what happened next as she felt a strong mate bond pulling her forward. With curiosity, she went further and came face to face with two handsome boys under the coronation canopy. One was the Alpha's son; Hiro, while the other was his cousin; Kazumi. Two mates! From this pack! Heck No. She denied that fact. Would she let go of her plan of revenge and go after her mates?

Chapter 1 Odd feelings

Amaya stood in front of the glass window in her room. It was slightly pushed to the side. Her eyes were fixed in the distance. She watched the trees as they swung from left to right, due to the heavy gust of wind that was blowing outside. It was her younger brother's birthday.

It was supposed to be a pleasant day. She was supposed to be excited for her brother. He had dreamt about celebrating his 10th birthday. She remembered she had once asked him why he was so excited about it and he told her that it was because he was becoming an adult.

The day had come. Her parents, brother, and all the guests were outside in the courtyard, some under the blue and white canopy that had been mounted, others stood in small quorum with wine glasses in their hands as they chatted in celebratory voices.

Regardless, Amaya was in her room, desperately trying to deny the odd intuitions that had been resurfacing in her mind for the past two days.

Earlier, she had helped her mother and the cooks in the pack to put everything in place, after which she'd come up to her room to prepare herself before going down to fully welcome the guests.

However, after she was done, she turned to head downstairs, and unknowingly, her foot accidentally jabbed against her nightstand which had her lamp and a photo that had all four members of her family.

The glass frame had fallen and broken into unrecognizable pieces.

She had never been the type to believe in bad portents or such signs. However, the last time she had such instincts, her pack was invaded by rogues virtually killing some of her pack members.

She didn't want to believe what happened earlier, but her gut told her otherwise.

"It's time to cut my cake, Amaya." A sharp and small voice echoed in front of her door, which brought her out of her thoughts.

She spun around, a forced smile on her face but that didn't work as she had never been the type to fake things.

Chairo took slow and steady steps toward Amaya. He stopped a few inches away from her and gazed up at her face.

"It is my birthday, Maya. You're supposed to; with the breath in you, have a bright smile on your face."

He scolded his sister. Amaya released a deep breath. She walked a hand down her face. "I'm happy okay. It's just that..."

"No no, don't tell me you're having one of those instincts, Maya. It's my birthday. I want us all to celebrate with love and happiness. "

Just from the look on her face and her body reactions, he could tell what was going on through her mind. This was not the first time. All the times she had had such feelings, something terrible ended up happening.

"You know what, no explanations. Come with me." He excitedly took her hand in his. He dragged her out of the room.

"What nonsense are you talking about? I will never do such a thing."

Amaya and Chairo halted above the stairs when they heard their father's voice roaring in rage downstairs. They exchange quick and frightened glances.

She had never heard her father this angry. What could be wrong? Who was he talking to?

"Hold on." She dragged Chairo behind went he attempted to go down the stairs.

"I believed you to be my friend. I thought we could form an alliance and work together as a team, despite that, you betrayed me."

Amaya immediately recognized the voice. It was Alpha Tobias; the Alpha of the Blackwood pack.

Holbeck was made up of many packs, the prominent ones being the Blackwood pack which was the strongest and was ruled by Alpha Tobias, the second was Wintermoon, ruled by Amaya's father; Darius, and the third was the Nightfall pack, ruled by Alpha Jackson.

Her father had some friendship relations with the Alpha of the Blackwood pack.

"Hahaha. Acting innocent huh?" Tobias laughed out loud, his laughter mixed with venom; it was like splitting open the throat of your worst enemy and watching blood pour out of it like a fountain while you stood there and laughed as they took their last breath.

"You tried to negotiate with other packs to get the luminous spring and you're acting up?"

Amaya's mouth felt opened as she heard about the Luminous spring. Her father could never do that. It was a dangerous and powerful spring that was said to belong to the Blackwood pack. The Blackwood pack had encountered numerous attacks in the past because of that spring. Many Alphas wanted their hands on that spring as they speculated that it was due to that spring that Alpha Tobias was this strong and bold to challenge even his elders. Yet, she knew her father could never do that. He didn't envy what belonged to others.

"You know I could never do that" Her father stood up straight, glaring at Tobias in the eyes.

"You know I don't take deceptions easily." Tobias spat out. Within the blink of an eye, his right hand glided down to his waist, he pulled out a sword, and with immediate effect, he pushed it into Darius' chest directly to his heart, a wicked grin danced on his lips. It was like he had successfully gotten the trophy people told him he could never get.

"NO!" Amaya wailed at the top of her lungs. She stumbled backward, her vision became blurry. What did she just witness?

"Kill them all. Burn down this entire pack. This is what you get when you try to betray Tobias."

He snarled as he dragged the sword out of Darius' chest. His limped body felt with a loud thump on the floor.

"Father!!" Chairo growled as he hurried down the stairs.

The entire pack became rowdy. People screaming and running for their lives, blood spilling. Things cracked across the room.

"Kill everyone and burn down the entire pack," Tobias commanded with no grief.

"CHAIRO!!" Amaya yelled when she saw a guard lifting a sword over her brother's head as he leaned over their father's dead body.

However, everything came crashing down, when her mother ran right under the sword. It came right at the nap of her neck. Her head snapped from her neck and rolled over the floor.

Blood. All she saw was blood. No words seemed to leave her mouth. She stood motionless, not knowing what to do. It all happened so fast.

"Get her!" Tobias ordered and immediately, two of his men hurried up the stairs where Amaya was.

Realizing what was happening, she ran into her room and tried to lock the door behind her, but the force of those two men was stronger than hers.

The door was broken and they got inside.

One of them held her hands behind her.

The other one punched her hard in the left eye. She could testify that her eye socket had been shifted from its original position. She was instantly blinded. She felt the pain, her brain refused to function. She couldn't scream. Her voice had completely abandoned her at this time. Neither could she hear the voice of her little wolf.

They all abandoned her. She couldn't scream for help. The only thing left with her, were her tears which repeatedly ran down her only good eye while blood streamed down the dislocated eye which was now hanging down her face held by just a tiny eye filament. The slightest mistake could leave her eyeball sliding down her face to the floor.

She opened her mouth to scream, beg, shout, but all she received was another deadly punch on her nose which responded with a cracked sound.

It was the end for her. She knew it. There was no need to try to fight.

Despite that, her good eye widened in shock and surprise, when the guard holding her behind, fell to the floor behind her, with a bow and arrow stuck at the center of his forehead. What just happened? She thought looking behind her. But then, the guard in front of her fell face flat.

With a shaky and confused body, she looked at her door.

"We need to leave. Everyone is dead."

A tall guy dressed all black from head to toe, spoke as he adjusted a brown bag that looked like that of a hunter on his side. He had brown shoulder-length hair and piercing blue eyes. Who was this? She was sure she had never seen him before.

Amaya's eyes travel down to his neck which has a chain of black tattoos around it.

He lifted his hands in surrender and said "Well, I'm Kenji." He introduced himself when he noticed that Amaya was trying to figure out who he was.

"You can admire me more when we leave this place." He told her.

"I must admit, you have a disgusting face." He shrugged, skipped over the dead bodies, and took her hand.

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