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The Onyx Awakening: The Earthdragon's Accord

The Onyx Awakening: The Earthdragon's Accord



Aiden didn't sign up for this. Nu-uh, not at all. He didn't want to follow Harlow in his crazy adventures that always end up with him getting into trouble. He didn't want to sneak into his school laboratory at night because his best friend dared him to do so. Aiden wanted to live his life as peacefully as possible, chill at home with his PC, read some manga and play videogames, maybe watch anime or read webtoons if he's got enough free time left but he definitely didn't sign up for this: for having to pretend to be someone he's not. If he could choose, he would've rather stayed back home in his cozy bedroom and enjoy his stupid, lonely life like a normal student but unfortunately now he's stuck here...in another world where magic and dragons exist, where kings rule kingdoms, knights fight wars and princes save princesses from evil witches or something like that. Now Aiden has to try and fit in this new environment with new people and their ways, all while keeping a secret that could get him killed and somehow manage to get back home where his life is waiting for him. 'One more world means one more adventure' right? That's what all the webtoons say. But if this is an adventure, then where are his waifus and husbandos? Where is his epic weapon and cool armor? Where is his mc power to make him succeed? Aiden thought he could handle this but little did he know, this was only the beginning, mostly since the red eyes of a certain dragon have fallen upon him.

Chapter 1 Prologue

At first, there was nothing, a big void of darkness where no light could shine, in this sea of nothingness, even time did not exist. It was as if life itself had died or perhaps not even created yet, even sound could not echo within this endless and dark abyss.

One day though, out of this lifeless and bottomless pit of emptiness, something began to stir, a noise resounded, and light lit up. Something that looked like a small dot started shining with all its might, white, blue, green, and red rays started to wave around and all of a sudden an enormous and deafening explosion echoed within the nothingness, and then slowly a strange sphere was created.

In the middle of the sphere stood a colossal humanoid being, covered from head to toe with armor that shone with a godly aura, it had a build like that of a strong warrior, and it possessed a height that seemed to surpass that of even the tallest of trees. Two bright golden eyes, amid its chest, was a pearl, and within the pearl laid a big and bloody red heart.

"Ah, it's time."

A deep voice emerged from the colossus. His lips did not move, but the voice resounded in every corner of the void. The golden eyes then moved, the red heart began to pump, and the pearl shone as if it were a living entity.

"I shall create the 10 realms and bring them to life. My will is the law. My words are the truth, and my sword shall vanquish all evil."

From the pearl then came an enormous amount of energy. It was so intense and mighty that it tore apart space itself, creating gaps in between dimensions, and through these gaps, different worlds were created.

The golden eyes moved to the right and looked at one of the worlds, a world with no name, a world without any civilization.

Then, the colossus spoke once more: "To this world I name Erthia."

It opened its palm and there were five eggs of different colors and five stones made of different materials.

"I shall endow each egg with a stone. The five elements that compose this world I will bestow on them."The voice was calm and full of confidence.

"From the pure white opal that dwells in the mind, the power of air will be created. I shall name you Lorek. May you rule over the skies and all the winds."

The giant placed the white opal on an egg that was pure white. The egg then was enveloped in a white light and shone with the force of a thousand stars.

"From the blue sapphire that dwells in the veins, the power of water will be created. I shall name you Ryujin. May you rule over the seas and all the oceans."

The giant then placed the blue sapphire on another egg, which was a calm and refreshing blue color. This time the egg shone with a cold light and was wrapped in a turquoise veil.

"From the gray Amethyst that dwells in the flesh, the power of earth will be created. I shall name you Maru. May you rule over the land and all the plants."

This time, the giant placed a gray amethyst on a dark green egg. The egg started shaking, and dark clouds started to envelop it.

"From the red ruby that dwells in the bones, the power of fire will be created. I shall name you Ryuu. May you rule over the volcanoes and all the flames."

The giant placed the red ruby on another egg. It was red as blood, and suddenly the egg lit up and flames engulfed it.

The four eggs then began to spin in circles around Erthia, the power of air, water, earth, and fire began to swirl and form a vortex of energy. They began to collide, clash, and explode, creating a huge storm of elements that shook Erthia to its core.

Giving the world its own climate and weather system, and providing its inhabitants with their natural resources.

Finally, the four eggs settled and landed on the ground.

"Erthia's firstborns have awakened, it's time."

The golden eyes shifted and now looked at the 5th stone, a black onyx. The stone was pitch black and seemingly bottomless, it had a sinister and cold aura.

"From the black onyx that dwells in the soul, the power of darkness will be created, it will bring with itself chaos and destruction, a primordial force of nature that not even the heavens can stop." The voice of the colossus became much more serious.

"I shall name you Ziddim. May you bring terror into the hearts of those that walk in this world. May you destroy and enslave them all."

The giant then placed the onyx on the last egg. A black aura then surrounded the egg, and it began to shine with an eerie light. "But you should rise when the time comes, because you are the beginning of the end, the seed that will devour the ten realms." The golden eyes of the colossus then closed.

And then there was silence once more.

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