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Pharaoh's Undying Love

Pharaoh's Undying Love

Stellar Rathanzanite


Freya Zlatislava wasn't your typical time-traveling damsel in distress. No, she was a hardworking office worker with a deep fascination for Egypt and its pharaohs. One fateful day, while handling an Egyptian artifact in her company, she found herself inexplicably transported to another dimension. However, the pharaoh himself took a peculiar interest in her. The constant attention she received was overwhelming, making her feel like a spoiled little girl. Despite the indulgence, Freya wasn't one to passively accept her situation. This story delves into her journey of survival and adaptation in this bygone era of pharaohs.

Chapter 1 Nebet (1) - Devotion

The Pharaoh, Akhenrah, gazed at Freya with a smile so sweet it could melt the very stones of the pyramid. His voice, a deep rumble that resonated through her core, whispered, "My love, you illuminate this room more than any jewel."

Freya sighed, a hint of amusement dancing in her golden eyes. She knew his unwavering devotion. Ask him to dismantle the entire kingdom for her, and he wouldn't hesitate. Wealth and power held no sway if it meant keeping her by his side. Here, in their private audience chamber, Akhenrah sat upon his gold-encrusted throne, his posture relaxed as he basked in her presence. His love for her was a double-edged sword; it could be both a comfort and a cage.

"Akhenrah," she began, her voice a silken thread. The Pharaoh's gaze intensified, not with a sorcerer's enchantment, but with a devotion so profound it bordered on worship.

"I'm not leaving," Freya clarified, a hint of exasperation tingling her words. Detaching him from his emotional state, where he was putty in her hands, was a daily battle. With a gentle hand, she stroked his raven hair, its midnight sheen contrasting starkly with her own dull locks. He nestled closer, burying his head in her lap.

"Forgive me, my Queen," he murmured, his voice husky. "After nearly losing you, after defying the every gods to bring you back, how could I bear to let you out of my sight?" His smile, though charming, held an undercurrent of possessiveness.

Freya chuckled, a light, melodic sound. "My Pharaoh, I can't go anywhere right now," she assured him, cupping his face in her hand. "But you can't be so dependent on me." Her golden eyes, usually alluring, held a steely glint. She leaned in and pressed a soft kiss to his forehead. "What am I to do with you when you cling so tightly?"

A flicker of discomfort crossed Akhenrah's face, but it was quickly replaced by a placating smile. "Forgive my weakness, my love. It stems from a fear of losing you again."

Freya traced the contours of his jaw with her thumb. "I understand," she said softly, her voice laced with a truth that wasn't entirely genuine. "But there's a world beyond these walls, Akhenrah. A kingdom that needs its Pharaoh strong and decisive."

Akhenrah remained silent, a pout forming on his handsome lips. This was the crux of their struggle. Freya craved a partner, a king who could stand beside her, not a lovesick puppy at her feet.

"My love," she began, a new plan forming in her mind, "would you like to hear about the rebellion brewing in the eastern province? They dare to challenge your authority, a truly pitiful sight."

A spark of interest flickered in Akhenrah's eyes. "Rebellion? Tell me everything."

Freya launched into a detailed account, weaving a narrative of injustice and discontent. She embellished the threat, painting a picture of chaos on the horizon. Akhenrah listened intently, his brow furrowed in concern.

"This demands immediate action!" he declared, his earlier despondency replaced by a renewed sense of purpose.

"Indeed," Freya agreed, a triumphant smile curling her lips. "But before we can address it, there are matters that require your royal attention here in the palace."

Akhenrah straightened his posture, a flicker of his old regal demeanor returning. "Of course, my Queen. What needs my attention?"

Over the next few hours, Freya skillfully steered the conversation towards pressing political matters. Petitions piled high on his desk were addressed, ambassadors awaiting an audience were granted one. Slowly, Akhenrah began to morph back into the Pharaoh he was destined to be, his focus shifting from her to the needs of his kingdom.

As the sun began its descent, casting the chamber in warm hues, Freya dismissed the last petitioner. Akhenrah, his brow furrowed in concentration, was reviewing a military report.

"There," Freya announced, breaking his focus. "That's enough work for one day. It's time for you to unwind, my Pharaoh."

With a reluctant sigh, Akhenrah put down the scroll. "As you command, my Queen." His voice, though still laced with devotion, held a hint of the old Akhenrah, the Pharaoh who understood the need for duty as well as love. A satisfied smile played on Freya's lips. This dance they performed, a constant push and pull between love and responsibility, was exhausting, yet strangely exhilarating.

She knew her methods were manipulative, bordering on cruel. But she held an unshakeable belief: a weak Pharaoh meant a vulnerable kingdom, and a vulnerable kingdom meant a life sentence of gilded captivity for her.

The night stretched before them, a canvas yet to be painted. They would share a meal, perhaps a stroll through the palace gardens under the watchful gaze of the moon. Laughter and stolen kisses would pepper their interactions, a carefully crafted illusion of perfect unity. Yet, beneath the surface, the tension would simmer, a constant reminder of the delicate balance they had to maintain.

Freya yearned for a simpler love, one devoid of such calculated maneuvering. But her past held secrets, shadows that clung to her like a shroud. It was those secrets, a past she couldn't share for fear of jeopardizing everything, that necessitated this elaborate charade.

As Akhenrah rose from his throne, extending a hand to help her up, a flicker of unease crossed her features. A messenger, breathless and harried, burst into the chamber, disrupting their carefully constructed moment. His words, delivered in a hurried whisper, sent a jolt of fear through Freya.

"The rebellion in the east, Akhen... it's worse than we thought. They've captured the Governor's son and threaten to execute him at dawn. Akhenrah's face hardened, his earlier weariness replaced by a steely resolve. Freya watched him, a war of emotions raging within her. This wasn't part of her plan.

"Prepare the army!" Akhenrah commanded, his voice leaving no room for argument. "We leave for the eastern province at sunrise. This rebellion will be crushed with the swiftness of a desert wind."

Freya's smile faltered. Akhenrah, fueled by the charade she had created, was rushing headlong into danger. Now, she faced a critical choice: maintain her carefully constructed illusion and watch him march towards potential defeat, or reveal the truth about the rebellion, a truth that could shatter their fragile bond.

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