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Black Moon Lord

Black Moon Lord

writer GAG


When darkness falls and on a night of the black moon, Satan moves to take his victim to hell But what will happen after that? Will he leave her? What awaits in hell? What is Satan's realm?

Chapter 1 The newspaper

The sun rose and its golden rays entered from the window and fell on the face of a sleeping person He opened his eyes in annoyance and raised his hand towards the window to close and the curtains moved and closed The darkness prevailed He opened his green eyes and got up and sat on his bed He was wearing only shorts and showing his chest naked His body was athletic He stood up and went to the bathroom to bathe, he went out after a while to put the towel on his head Remove it and fell on his bed He went to the closet She opened the closet alone and chooses a suit consisting of a black jacket an

d black pants And a white shirt and black shoes .

He dressed and stood in front of the mirror and wore his luxurious watch and came down from his room to notice the presence of a newspaper on the table he looked at it and smiled lightly, it was the first page in the newspaper in which they talk on the night of the black moon and that he approached came out of the palace and rode his black car and drove out, he arrived after a short time to his own company and got out of his car and entered the company he met employees walking behind him All employees stand at seeing him he looked at them and sees the features of fear, tension and confusion on their faces He went up to his office.

He went in and sat on his chair, one of the employees put a document in front of him, he signed the files, left, locked the door, moved his chair back, heard a knock on the door, then it opened, a person with brown eyes and a white face entered, and he was handsome and wearing a beautiful blue suit, saying, "Hey Stan, I was waiting for you, the black moon will appear soon, everyone is talking about it, and I am thinking where we are going to stay up that day." Satin moved the chair again and looked at him, saying, "Sam, you don't change, you always think about me." I'm busy that day I can't come with you."

Sam sat down and looked at Stan tightly, Stan said, "Don't be sad, we'll stay up another day, why this day you insist on," Sam looked at him, saying, "I know you're not busy that day, I'm your assistant and friend, and I know everything about you."

"You always know that black moon night something strange happens and I don't want to go out that day, really, my friend, excuse me."

Sam smiled, "Okay, I'll leave you, but you'll come with me today to stay up, okay?"

Satin, "all right, come on, get to work".

Sam left while Satin's features changed and he was thinking what he was going to do on that special day, Sam walked out of Satin's office and found his secretary saying, "How can you talk to Mr. Satin freely, we're all afraid of him, he never laughs, he doesn't know what a smile means." Sam took a deep breath and said " Satin is my friend and I love him no matter what his actions are, he represents my family because I don't have a family, you understand, and next time talk in a good way about your boss, you understand, come on for your work."

In New York, a girl looks out the window called Bella, a girl with yellow hair, blue eyes, and snow-white skin, holding the newspaper and looking at the news of the black moon night, that night comes every three years and they say that it is a rare phenomenon: some people say that aliens from another planet are the reason because they visit the moon that night, and others say that that night demons appear, stay up late and play in the minds of humans and make them enjoy everything that night!

But Bella is thinking what she will do that night, will she stay up with her friends or sit at home watching the moon from the window, she smiled and decided to travel to London and enjoy a new city,

While Satin returned to the palace, he opened the door alone, he entered and went up to his room, changed his clothes and went to the balcony and looks at the bright color of the moon and thinks about the night of the black moon and what he will do and whether it will be a normal night or darkness and Satin enters the life of a new person, only two days on the moon, the moon remains black for three days and the country prays because they think that it is anger from their Lord and his curse will hit them, but they do not know that hell awaits them.

Bella prepared her bag to travel to London to prepare for the black moon night Two days later she found someone knocking on her room door for her father to enter Bella smiles and says

"Dad, why are you awake so late, you should rest?"

Her father holds her hand tenderly and says, "My beautiful love, you will travel tomorrow and I want to sit with you for a while, you are my only daughter." Bella felt surprised by her father's words, and Bella says, "Dad, why do you say that?" The father points towards his heart and says to her.

"I'm afraid of this travel, but I don't want to stop you from having fun with your friends that night."

Bella smiles and says, "Don't worry, I'll only stay in London for two days and I'll be back quickly, nothing will happen, I'm always traveling."

The father looks at Bella and says, "But this time I'm worried. I want you to call me at all times to reassure and don't trust strangers." Bella hugs her father and says, "Okay, dad, don't worry, your beautiful daughter will be back quickly." Bella stands with her father. They look at the moon, while Satin looks at the moon with concentration. A picture of a girl appears in front of him on the moon. He smiled and said, "Welcome to you, beautiful, in Satan's hell."

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