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A Packs Deception

A Packs Deception

Lady veekee


Maverick after banishing Aurora from his pack was deceived by his pack's Beta and his mate into losing his position as an Alpha. He later finds Aurora and together instead of seeking revenge they both set up their own pack. Will they later grow feelings for each other and find out that they were supposed to be mates ?? Will their same fate help them to be able to set up a pack that consisted mainly of rogues and lonewolves??

Chapter 1 A new alpha

The death of the old alpha of the Dark Moon pack came as a shock to everyone.

He had been kidnapped by the Moon Stone pack while he went hunting and there was a need to bring him back, but not without war.

When they invaded the Moon Stone pack, to bring back their Alpha they found out that he had already been struck with a silver blade on his thighs and was slowly dying.

When they arrived at their pack, he was taken to meet their pack physician who told him that he was going to die.

This put the whole pack into pandemonium as they all loved their Alpha and didn't want him to die, but the deed had already been done, there was no way he could escape death. Not even the moon goddess could save him.

After the death of their Alpha, there was the need for another and there was a rule that guided all the werewolf packs when choosing their Alpha.

The rule had been declared by their past Alpha's, so no one went against it. The rule was that for one to become an Alpha, he must be able to become the strongest in the pack, which must be achieved through combat with other werewolves.

Another way to become an Alpha was if a werewolf was able to gain the loyalty of his other werewolves.

This was a rule that must be followed, so following the rule, there was the need for combat.

Almost all the adult male werewolves who sought to become Alpha were involved in the contest.

The contest lasted for days until they had just two contestants that were left.

The contestants were friends who had to fight against each other to attain the Alpha position.

They were both strong and well-body-built for the position, there was a hunch from one of the Omegas that the winner wasn't going to be decided since they were both strong.

As the fight went on, a winner emerged.

He was known around the whole pack for his good looks and his admirable character which hastened up his initiation as an Alpha.

Maverick Blaze, which was the name of the new Alpha, was told to choose his Beta and he chose his opponent who he thought was his friend.

Things took a different turn when Shadow Kodiak, Maverick's friend, was initiated as the new Beta of the pack.

He always had issues with Maverick because he could not control his emotions and jealousy, he had at one point told Maverick that he purposely made him win. He also suggested a rematch to test their strength.

His plan was not successful, as Maverick informed him that the deed had already been done and there was nothing he could do about it.

He sought other ways to make Maverick angry and pick a fight with him, but none worked out.

There was a time when he had picked up a fight with an Omega and when Maverick was informed, after hearing from both sides, he knew that Shadow was at fault but discarded the issue.

When they got to their cabin he confronted Shadow about being at fault, but Shadow told him to his face that he wasn't fit to be the Alpha.

This was shocking to Maverick, and he asked Shadow why he said such a thing and Shadow informed him that it was because he was partial.

Maverick knew where this was headed so he decided not to stress it any longer and kept quiet,

When they went out to carry out their responsibilities which were to train the young werewolves and also protect the pack if there was any attack, Shadow didn't show up.

This angered Maverick, and he sought a way to teach Shadow a lesson but couldn't think of any, so he relied on advice from Gamma.

To make Shadow pay for his wrongdoings he cleared that Shadow was going to go hunting for the whole pack still they were satisfied.

Shadow was furious when he was told that his other friends who also weren't present to carry out their different responsibilities were asked to go with him.

After the punishment, Shadow's hatred for Maverick filled to its brim, and it was so obvious because he couldn't hide it.

He openly insulted him in front of others, which made the others angry, and couldn't help but question him, he said they were friends, and it was a way that they joked with one another so they let it slide.

Despite their hatred towards each other they still always fought side by side and defense their pack

While one of the young werewolves went out to play in the woods, he was kidnapped by a member of a low-ranking pack which was the Blue Moon pack.

They immediately swung into action when they traced the young werewolf scent to the Blue Moon pack territory.

When they got there, they tried to settle the matter amicably by asking why their member had been captured and also ordered for his release.

The Alpha of the Blue Moon pack refused and told them that the young werewolf was going to face judgment for hunting in their territory.

They also stated that the punishment was going to be that he would be bitten and scratched with their sharp claws.

Maverick saw their judgment as unnecessary and pleaded with them to let the young werewolf go, but they refused and instead made fun of him and his pack.

This angered him and immediately Shadow who was standing by him shifted into his werewolf form and launched an attack in the direction of their Alpha.

He was immediately blocked by one of the Beta of the Blue Moon pack, and he then fell to the ground

This made the whole of the Blue Moon pack laugh, but they didn't know that it was going to be their last laugh.

Immediately Maverick shifted into his wolf form and howled, the Blue Moon pack was still in their human form so they couldn't understand what the howling was for.

Immediately after howling, there was a thunderous sound that was heard and was followed by the warrior pack of The Dark Moon pack.

The Blue Moon pack knew that they were not going to be able to survive it, so they used the young werewolf from the Dark Moon pack as a shield.

They brought him out from where he was chained and told the werewolves of the Dark Moon pack that if they hurt a strand of hair of their wolves they were going to kill the young werewolf.

Maverick and Shadow had already expected this action from them because they always knew that they were weak so he signaled the rest to shift back to their human form.

As everyone started shifting back to their human form, one of the werewolves from the warrior pack launched an attack at the werewolf in human form that was holding that young werewolf.

This happened suddenly when no one expected so before they could register what was happening he had already torn off the head of the werewolf with the chain and freed the young werewolf.

As the young werewolf was about to go and meet his pack, he was attacked and killed by another werewolf from the Blue Moon pack, and immediately it resulted in war.

The werewolves in each pack started shifting to their werewolf form and attacking each other.

The war didn't take much time because it was widely known by all the packs that the Dark Moon pack was the strongest and had never been defeated.

When they got back to their pack, Maverick was angry that he had disobeyed, and it was also known that the Dark Moon pack never started a fight.

So when they had fully settled down and mourned the death of the werewolves that they lost, Maverick ordered that the werewolf that didn't shift when he told others to shift, should present himself.

It was then that he knew that the werewolf that didn't shift was the father of the young werewolf.

As a result of the relationship and the loss of the young werewolf, Maverick discarded the situation.

The next day, Maverick told Shadow that they should both go hunting together, Shadow refused at first but later complied because he couldn't go against his Alpha.

When they got into the woods, Maverick tried talking to Shadow, but Shadow ignored him and went another way.

While Maverick was on his own, he came across a girl, she was looking intently at him, and refused to tear her gaze.

Then he went to her

and inquired about her origin but she said nothing about it and broke down in tears instead.

Little did he know that his life was never going to remain the same with her presence ever again.

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