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Destined for the Lycan Prince HUNTER

Destined for the Lycan Prince HUNTER

Sophie Summers


Leila gasped as Hunter pulled her behind the crumbling stone shed, his muscular body pressing her against the rough wall. His eyes smoldered with an intense hunger as his gaze raked over her. "I can't keep pretending anymore," he growled, his voice thick and gravelly. "Being around you is torturing me with how much I want you." Before she could respond, his mouth crashed against hers in a searing, demanding kiss. She melted into him as his hands roamed hungrily over her curves. When he finally broke the kiss, his sharp incisor teeth had extended, grazing her tender lip. "What...what are you?" she whispered, electrified by his wild, animalistic intensity but also fearful. A feral grin spread across his chiseled features. "I'm a werewolf, princess. An alpha werewolf. And you're my fated mate..." Leila is an unassuming, introverted high school girl who loves reading fantasy novels and escaping into worlds of her imagination. Insecure about her ordinary life, she has spent years pining for the roguish and mysterious Hunter from afar. Hunter is the rebellious, wealthy new student who recently transferred to Leila's school. Brooding and reckless, he struggles with the power and burdens of being heir to his family's wealthy werewolf pack. Despite being from vastly different social stratospheres, he and Leila share an electric chemistry that neither can deny. When geeky Leila and hard richer-than-sin werewolf prince Hunter get stranded together on a school field trip, Leila discovers the unbelievable truth - Hunter is next in line to lead one of the region's most powerful werewolf packs. Despite their worlds being oceans apart, they realize they're cosmic fated mates, bound by destiny's unbreakable bond. In order to be together, they'll have to defy Hunter's snobbish werewolf family who disdains Leila's human roots. They'll also have to contend with vicious supernatural rivals who desire to take over the pack's riches and power at any cost. Can two star-crossed mates from opposite sides of the tracks survive deadly paranormal and parental threats to their forbidden love?

Chapter 1 Just Your Average Bookworm

"Did you finish reading that weird werewolf book again?" Jessica wrinkled her nose as she slid into the seat across from me in the cafeteria.

I clutched the battered paperback to my chest defensively. "It's not weird, it's amazing worldbuilding! The alphas, the pack politics, the fated mates..."

Jessica made a gagging sound. "You just like drooling over those muscular shapeshifter dudes."

I flushed scarlet. "Maybe a little," I mumbled. It was true, the supernatural alpha werewolves always made me swoon a bit as I devoured the juicy romantic subplots between them and their mates. Not that I'd ever admit that to Jessica.

"Earth to Leila!" Jessica waved a perfectly manicured hand in front of my face. "Put down the wolf porn for two seconds, will you? I have gossip to spill."

Reluctantly setting aside my beloved book, I sighed. "What is it now? Did Kyle Sampson finally ask you to prom?"

"Ugh, as if!" She flipped her shiny blonde hair over one tanned shoulder. "This is way juicier. There's going to be a new student starting tomorrow. From what I heard, he's crazy rich. I'm talking private jets, island-owning levels of riches."

That piqued my interest, despite my usual indifference toward the dating scene drama. Shiny Town was an affluent suburb, but we never got any billionaire-caliber arrivals at Shiny Heights High.

"Do you know anything else? What's his name?"

Jessica shrugged one sleek shoulder. "Just that he's our age and transferring in right before spring break for 'personal reasons'." She made air quotes with a mischievous grin. "Plenty of time to get properly situated before prom season."

Knowing her, she definitely had her sights set on sinking her claws into Mr. Moneybags as her latest boy toy. I rolled my eyes. Same old Jessica.

Glancing around the lunchroom at all the typical high school social scenes playing out, I wondered what an uber-wealthy guy would think of our small-town vibe. He'd probably be utterly miserable here after living the high life.

Not that I cared much either way. My life was blissfully routine - going to school, going to my part-time job at the library, going home and reading fantasy novels into the night. I didn't have time for the relentless social climbing that so preoccupied Jessica and her circle of pretty, popular girlfriends.

Still, I had to admit a tiny flutter of intrigue that someone from the rarefied world of the stupendously rich was gracing our humble halls. Maybe a fresh face would liven up the monotony around here.

Fat chance of that happening, I chided myself. Rich kid would probably take one look at this place, then bolt faster than you can say "old money." He'd be jetting off to his villa in Monaco by the weekend.

The shrill bell rang, jolting me from my momentary fantasy. I scooped up my bag and books as the lunchroom emptied out.

"Come on, Orphan Annie," Jessica teased, using her signature nickname for me thanks to my frizzy red hair. "We'd better not be late for English or Mrs. Adams will eat us alive."

Dutifully following my friend down the overcrowded hallway, I tried to shake off thoughts of the mystery billionaire boy. He'd come and go and life would remain exactly the same for a meek, ordinary bookworm like me.

Little did I know, the world as I knew it was about to be shattered forever.

A few towns over, a brooding figure gazed out the tinted windows of his family's private jet as it began its descent toward the small regional airport near Shiny Town.

Gripping the plush leather armrests, Hunter Westbrook steeled himself for rejoining the regular world, albeit temporarily. Going to public high school was just a blip, a pitstop to get through before he could return to embracing his true destiny.

He was the next alpha heir of the super-elite Crimson Hart Werewolf Pack, one of the oldest and most powerful Lycan dynasties in the world. And this season, he'd be finally undergoing his awakening - the rites and rituals to unleash the wolf within.

That transformation was all that mattered now. Finding his fated mate, carrying on his bloodline's lineage...screw algebra tests and hormonal human girls. For the next few weeks, he just had to lie low and keep his outer beast tamed.

Raking a hand through his thick, tousled hair, Hunter scowled at the thick bank of storm clouds rolling in. Like some sort of cosmic omen, thunder rumbled as fat raindrops began pelting the jet's windows.

A menacing grin spread across the eighteen-year-old's chiseled features as they soared over the petite suburban sprawl of Shiny Town below. Looks like things might be about to get a little more...interesting.

The tiny hairs prickled on the nape of Leila's neck as she settled into her usual seat in English literature, her final class of the day. A strange premonition rippled through her, the unsettling sense that something was about to change.

She tried shaking it off, figuring it was just residual adrenaline from her lunchtime conversation with Jessica about the mysterious new rich kid. Get a grip, Leila, she chided herself. It's not like billionaires show up every day at Shiny Heights.

Mrs. Adams rapped her ruler on the podium, commanding the class's attention. "Alright, everyone, settle down. Before we dive into our analysis of Lord of the Flies symbolism, I want to introduce a new student joining us."

Leila's head whipped up, her book falling from her hands as the classroom door opened. Her jaw dropped as the most ridiculously gorgeous guy she'd ever seen sauntered in.

"This is Hunter Westbrook," Mrs. Adams continued. "He'll be attending Shiny Heights for the remainder of the semester. I trust you'll all make him feel welcome."

Understatement of the year, Leila thought dazedly. It was all she could do not to gape at him.

Despite his obvious wealth that seemed to radiate from his expensive-looking clothes and effortless confidence, there was something almost...dangerous about him too. Like a wolf prowling through a room of unsuspecting lambs.

Thick, artfully disheveled chestnut hair framed his chiseled features and piercing hazel eyes that seemed to stare straight through you. As he passed her desk, she caught an intoxicating whiff of some spicy, musky scent that made her head spin.

To Leila's utter disbelief, the Adonis glanced her way and their eyes locked for the briefest of moments. She felt herself flush scarlet as those intense eyes roamed over her in a way that made her feel...hunted.

Snapping out of her trance, she realized Jessica was smirking and giving her a subtle thumbs up, clearly appreciating the new view as much as Leila. Although to be fair, every girl in their right mind was blatantly ogling Shiny Heights' latest acquisition.

As the prize specimen strode to his assigned seat in the back, Leila had to remind herself to breathe. How was she supposed to focus on analyzing book symbolism when living, breathing teen demigod material was now gracing these halls?

Risking one last peek, she gulped as she noticed a devilish smirk playing on Hunter's full lips, like he could literally smell the want rolling off her in waves. She quickly snapped her gaze forward, cheeks burning.

Something told her that with this new student's arrival, things were going to get downright primal around here...

After English was finally dismissed following the most excruciating class period in recorded history, Leila booked it out of there. As much as her hormonal daydreams might like to linger on Mr. Tall, Ridiculously Handsome and Brooding, she knew guys like him were totally out of her league.

As she hurried down the hallway, she heard a velvety voice call out from behind her. "Hey, new girl, wait up!"

Freezing in her tracks, she felt her pulse quicken as the unmistakable presence of Hunter bore down on her. Get a grip! He couldn't possibly be talking to you...

She turned slowly to see him closing in, looking even more lethally attractive up close. Hunter raked an appreciative gaze over her as he stopped mere inches away, near enough for her to catch his rugged, earthy scent.

Realizing she was gawking, Leila flushed and managed to find her voice. "I...I'm not actually new. You are." So much for sounding anywhere close to calm and cool.

Hunter flashed her a heart-stopping grin, not mocking but almost...predatory. "Then let me start over. I'm Hunter."

"Leila," she squeaked out, mentally kicking herself. Could she be any more awkward right now?

He leaned in conspiratorially, sending Leila's heart into overdrive at his proximity. "I couldn't help but notice you're not like the other mindless drones around here, Leila."

Her brows knit in confusion. Where was this going? "How's that?"

Hunter shrugged one broad shoulder lazily. "You've got this...spark about you. I can just tell you're different. Special."

Leila's mouth went dry, because for some delirious reason he seemed to be watching her lips. Suddenly, his eyes snapped back up to meet hers, glittering with playful mischief. "I thought I'd get the inside scoop on where all the fun is around here. You seem like you'd know."

All she could do was stare at him blankly, like an utter idiot. Was this real life?

Before she could even attempt a response, Jessica swooped in and looped her arm through Leila's. "There you are! I've been looking everywhere for you."

Fixing Hunter with an admiring smile, she purred, "And you must be our newest student." To Leila's utter mortification, Jessica not-so-subtly checked him out from head to toe.

"I'm Jessica. If you need anything at all during your stay..." She paused to bat her lashes flirtatiously. "Anything at all, just let me know."

Hunter's gaze flicked over Jessica dismissively before settling back on Leila, his stare smoldering. "I think your friend and I will be seeing a lot more of each other."

Leila's traitorous heart leaped at the obvious innuendo in his tone, but she willed herself not to read into it. Guys like this pretty much had "no entry" stamped on their foreheads when it came to her, Shiny Town's resident social leper.

As badly as she might want to take the delicious bait he seemed to be offering, she knew the unwritten rules. Guys like Hunter didn't go for girls like her, no matter what mixed signals he gave off.

Refusing to be fazed by his remarks, she forced herself to remain nonchalant. "It was nice to meet you. See you around, Hunter."

With that, she tugged Jessica toward the exit, leaving the smirking new student behind. If he wanted to play mindgames, she wouldn't bite.

Little did she know, the strange spell he seemed to be weaving over her was only just beginning...

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