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That guy who rape me

That guy who rape me



Prologue~~~~~~ Aria's POV. "Sister, is the address you gave me correct?" I asked sister Maria on the cellphone, I called her today, she texted me the address when I was going to work, she said it was a good job, I really need someone to work with, especially with My father is sick at home while my mother is in the hospital, my siblings take care of my father, and my older brother also has a job in the province but our income is still insufficient. "Well, yes, that's what he told me when I was driving," he said, so I just nodded. "go ahead"-Me. and the call was turned off, I'm a little nervous because I'm new to the city, but I found the address, but maybe I'll wander around here. Also, let me tell you that I have a gf hehe, I'm gay, and we've been together for 4 years, we're legal on both sides, it's very kind, caring and loving, it's good that both sides accept me, I took a risk here in Manila to find someone good job, especially since I am also teaching my girlfriend, 4 year collage

Chapter 1 Part 1

Clark's POV.

I was distracted by the sound of my phone alarm going off, (we don't have an alarm clock) but it's just not set.

when I woke up, I looked at the time, it was 7:34 in the morning, why am I naked?.My head still hurts a lot, maybe from a hangover, f** those gays, I'm really drunk, I'll slap them later!.

.By the way, my name is Clark Aiden Liam Lucas Noah, and I'm 25 years old, hmmm, my name is a boy, but I'm flirty every night, haha, I'm with you, but we can't be together yet, because my dad will beat me , that's still a soldier.

.so when my parents are there, I have no choice but to act like a real man which is disgusting for me.

I have friends like Shokla, they are Benjamin, Alexander, and Jayce, aren't they, male names too but they flirt every night hahah, always looking for daks.

.Besides, wait, why am I naked, well maybe this is how I sleep sometimes to make me comfortable, I was about to stand up, but I gasped because I saw blood on the bed sheet.

ohhy holy devil, whose blood is this, don't tell me I'm coming! OMG!!.

.I stood up and went straight to the bathroom, when I looked at my precious, there was nothing, or maybe I had a wound somewhere, never mind b*tch, I'll just wash it, and I really don't remember anything from last night, as in nothing, I remembered I'm very tired and I feel like I'm sleeping well, while walking.to get ready to take a shower I noticed a small notebook.I came over, and bent down and took it, the cover is still 10, but who cares?!, it's so bad, a lot of weird things are happening in my condo these days! I opened it and there was nothing written on it except for what to buy at the market? wtf is this ?!, it's impossible for me, I don't have a notebook like this.

.My address is still written here, ayy whatever, I'm going to take a shower, I'm just going to throw it away, after all, it's not mine. After throwing it away, I went straight to the bathroom to take a shower.

Aria's POV.

.When I left the building, I couldn't see myself, I looked fine, I looked at myself in my reflection, I was devastated, that man was an animal, he had no mercy, he almost killed me last night, tortured me, and almost was raped all night, after one time it was repeated by.repeated until he was tired of my body.His face is thick, he even put money in my bag, it's all worth 50,000, the rest is in an envelope, I can only see a thousand, some are still tied, what does he think of me?! Paid woman?! I never once thought of doing that, I'm a victim!.even though I'm very angry with myself, how can I be with other people, what can I do?.btw, I haven't introduced myself to you yet. I'm Aria louisse Buenaventura, isn't my name beautiful, but we're poor, I'm just a pensioner, and im 23 years old.

.I have to get up, I can't sink like a rock, I'm the only one who can help myself especially since I don't have anyone here in the city, I walked and then I got in a jeep, I paid and I told my direction.

.after a few minutes I arrived, at my boarding house, when I entered I immediately laid myself down on the bed, looked at the money in my bag, I didn't know what I was going to do with this money, I accepted it because I didn't have anything either, tomorrow I will look for another job, I don't want to go back to.that's hell, no matter what happens, even if this money runs out, I will never go back to that place.

.I will look for another job tomorrow, even though I have a lot of money, I will send it later for mom, and my family, my brother will take care of spending the money, I was surprised because someone called my phone.


"aria, it's your brother"-Brother Ethan.

."oh brother, you were called, is there a problem?, how are mom and dad?"-Me."Because we need money, I'm going to buy mom's medicine, she's still in the hospital right now, we need to pay mom's bill, Aria, I got fired from my job, they downsized a while ago and I'm one of the fired, if you can It's up to you first"-Brother Ethan.

."Alright bro, I'll send it, now, just check it later"-Me."thank you aria, go ahead and take a rest maybe you are tired from your work" he said and hung up the call, yes brother I was very tired earlier, because that demon almost killed me, I want to tell my brother what I experienced earlier but my tongue retracted, I don't want to add to the problem..

Clark's POV.

"You sh*ts! Don't flirt in my office!" I yelled at the gays, those who have no respect for singles! I scream at them, it's embarrassing.

."Mimi is very artistic! We're always used to it here, my bf is with Kopa" said Alexander, she's the most flirtatious, artistic and beautiful on her own, there's a b*tlog, Ayyy! man, we just have the same b* egg ahahahaha .

."yes Mimi!, by the way you liked the gift we gave you last night"-Jayce.

"yes, for sure you enjoyed it!"-Alexander.

"What gift? Are you crazy?! Are you saying that?!" I asked in surprise, I have no f*cking idea of ​​what they are saying.

."Well, it's like this, I drove someone in the province, they weren't rich, they just had enough, my mom also drove, and then I told her to get fresh boyssss, at least one from their place, then bring them here !!.We gave it to you as a present, but we have no intention of anything happening, it seems like Mimi is warming up! It's like you're going to dance!! Oh, isn't it exciting?!" Alexander explained, but in fairness, it's ostentatious, so that means danced. I was that guy last night!!! sheeeet why didn't I remember!!.may have seen a cup of healthy pandesal rour!!!.

"but how are you, Mimi sure enjoyed it, the gaga!"-Jayce.

"but I don't remember anything" I said, suddenly alexander gasped, because he was drinking.

"Marss Ms. Kadiri ah! The pig!".Jayce said, I just laughed too, I'm sorry, we're like squatters, we're really used to insulting each other and have no manners with each other.

"I'm sorry, aren't I"-Alexander.

"but when I woke up, I felt great, and I was so tired last night"-Me.

."As a matter of fact, it's really fun, oh my god, I can't wait for that guy, I hope we can see him"-Jayce.

"Hey benji! What's so quiet?!"-Alexander.

"don't take it, it's like shit, it was broken last night, wasn't it" Jayce whispered to us.

"You have a bad attitude!"-Me.

."Well, why is that, we haven't even dated for a week, he doesn't want to!!!" Benjamin shouted, hahahaha because they broke up with his bf.

"Didn't we tell you, it's money, because you're flirting, you're a d*ks hahah"-Alexander.

."Hey go ahead, you idiots, I can't focus on you, jusko!"-Me.

"The apple Mimii!, let's go, we're going to leave, your company will burn!" shouted Alexander, I just shook my head, they are really crazy.


.I turned around, and immediately stood up when I saw papa, kallurkeeiii! You're surprised popshiee! I'm going to be attacked.

"Why, there's a problem baby" I said and I forced my voice to be male otherwise, I might not make it to 26 next month.

."Nothing, I just came to visit, my son is 25 years old, I asked, do you plan to have a girlfriend?"-papa.

"Ahh actually nothing, I'm focusing on the company first"-Me.

.o to the M to the f*cking G, I'm nervous, he looks at me badly, likeee duuuh dad I don't like merlats, it's disgusting, I wish I was one of the merlats, why is it that I'm a man, lord !, it's crazy, I lose my beauty, when I think about that.

."Alright lets consider that there is a point karin, but remember, you know what will happen when I dissapoint you" he said so I immediately nodded, he stood up and left in my packing office.

"Itchuserang frog, dad, I don't like merlat!".I whispered as I looked at my phone watching my bebe loves!, you are really pogi pogi bebe lovesss!!.


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