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Revenge and Love.

Revenge and Love.



Clara has gone through a painful love journey after being with Dimas for almost 10 years. Affection and sincere love are rewarded with betrayal. Dimas is in love with Carissa, the second daughter of a wealthy businessman who is also a rival of Dimas' company. Dimas does not even know if Clara is Carissa's sister. The simplicity of Clara's life makes Dimas never suspect that Clara is the daughter of a businessman. And it is from Dimas that Clara learns the cause of her father's death, which increases the pain and disappointment she feels for Dimas. Dimas is the murderer of his father, and now Dimas is trying to get close to his sister in order to get Clara's father's company. On the other hand, Dimas truly loves Clara. Dimas is in a relationship with Carissa only for the purpose of taking over Carissa's company. Unbeknownst to Dimas, this is the reason for the destruction of his relationship with Clara. What will their next story be when all the facts are revealed? How will Dimas convince Clara to come back to him? Will Clara continue with her plan of revenge against Dimas, now that she knows that Dimas' love is not a lie? Or will Clara choose another man who has helped her?


"Ra, I saw you walking with Dimas yesterday I called you - you didn't respond."

Clara questioned Gladis with a furrowed brow and a pointed finger, "Did I go out with Dimas?"

Gladis responded with a nod.

"When?" Clara asked, still with the same expression.

"Yesterday, why did you ask me, Ra?" Gladis didn't understand why her best friend was asking her when she was the one who did it.

"The problem is that I was at the apartment all day yesterday." Clara replied, making Gladis a little surprised. There was no way her best friend would suddenly turn into a self-dividing amoeba, right?

Gladis directed her gaze towards Clara.

"Seriously?" Gladis asked to make sure that what she heard was true.

Clara nodded in confirmation of her words.

"Then that woman with Dimas isn't really you?"

"No, it's not."

"But her face looks a lot like yours."

Clara took a deep breath, then turned her chair so that she could now look at the face of her best friend, Gladis.

"She's my sister." Clara replied, as if it were carefree.

"Seriously, Wao... that means there's been progress in your relationship with Dimas." Gladis' face lit up.

"Progress?" asked Clara.

"Yes, that means you've introduced your sister to Dimas, your boyfriend."

Clara smiled bitterly. Maybe it was time for her to be honest with her best friend about her relationship with Dimas.

Clara looked down.

"Dimas has been cheating on me behind my back." Clara tried to be strong and not shed her tears when she said that. Her memory went back to the moment when she heard Dimas' words, which she overheard when Clara was about to meet the man she loved. The man she had believed could be her backup when she was weak, in fact, was nothing more than a barbaric man who had destroyed her family, a fact she accidentally heard, Dimas caused her father to die, and now he was approaching her to take her family's property, who knows what grudge Dimas had against his family that the man had the heart to eliminate her father.

Dimas had not known that Clara was the eldest child of the man he had killed.

"What do you mean? I really don't understand." Gladis did not want to misinterpret Clara's words.

"Dimas is dating my sister." Clara replied with her face down.

Gladis' eyes widened perfectly, her gaze fully fixed on the dark-haired girl in front of her.

"How so?"

"Yes, it could be."

"Then you just keep quiet? Dimas doesn't know if she's your sister or what, I'm confused!"

Clara shook her head again.

"He doesn't know that she's my sister."

"So, what are you going to do? You're crazy, Ra. Why didn't you tell me?" Gladis growled.

"I haven't. you know we have so much work. how could I tell you about this?"

"Ok, now what are you going to do, now Lo knows that Dimas is a bad man, I pity your sister if she has to be a victim of Dimas."

"That's what I'm thinking too, I want to get back at Dimas, but the problem is I don't want to hurt my sister either." Clara replied sadly.

Gladis tapped her tiny lips with a finger.

"You have to play pretty, Ra."

Clara looked at Gladis with a confused look.

"What do you mean?

"You have to play along with Dimas, but you also have to strategize so that he doesn't find out about your revenge plan."

Clara thought for a moment, then smiled.

"You have a good idea."

"Take it easy, Ra. I'll help you."

Clara smiled showing her two dimples clearly.

"Thank you my love, you are indeed the best friend." Clara said as she hugged Gladis from the side.

"I will always support you, Dimas is crazy, how could he cheat on me, even though you guys have been dating for almost 10 years?"

"Yes, you're right he's crazy and I'm stupid." Clara replied.

"Ra, called Mr. Sam to his room." The voice of the secretary to the CEO of the company she worked for was suddenly heard behind the door.

"Oh, Okay Mrs. Key I will see the CEO sir now."

Keysha nodded and left Clara's office.

"What's the matter with Mr. CEO calling you?"

"I don't know! I'll go to the boss's room first, I'm afraid he'll get angry if I take too long." Clara said.

"Ok. Good Luck."

Clara smiled and left her office for the CEO's office.

Meanwhile, in a luxurious room with various supporting facilities. Sitting proudly was a handsome and charismatic man.

"Are you sure that man is Dimas, the owner of Anntara Group?" Samudera asked Anton, his assistant.

"Very sure, sir." Anton replied with certainty.

"Alright then, you can continue your work."

"Yes, sir."


Anton rubbed his forehead as the door to his boss's office was suddenly pushed from outside as he was about to leave the room.

"Eh! sorry - sorry. I didn't know you were standing behind the door." Clara said regretfully.

"What a habit you have, Ra." Anton snapped at Clara

"Yes, sorry, why didn't you tell me that you were standing behind the door, so I could slowly open the door." Clara's answer successfully made Sammudera laugh towards Clara and Anton.

Yes, Clara, Anton and Sammudera were best friends since they were in junior high school, but they were separated from Samudera who had to continue his studies abroad.

Even so, their communication never stopped, until Sammudera invited his two best friends to join his father's company that he now leads.

"Did I know you wanted to come in?" Anton replied with an annoyed face. Meanwhile, Clara laughed and stepped towards Sammudera who was also laughing out loud.

"What is the need for you to call me? Just disturb my lunch break." Clara said standing in front of Sammudera with her arms folded across her chest.

"I want to take you to lunch, I know you don't have any money. "

"ckckckck". Clara chuckled.

"But it's okay, it's enough to save the wallet. As usual, I'll go first, I'm lazy to be with you, you'll end up being the talk of the office." Clara replied easily and then turned around to leave Sammudera's room.

"Your style has never changed."

"Change is painful boss, and one more thing... change requires capital."

Sammudera smiled and shook her head.

"It's up to you." Sammudera said and took her car keys after Clara left the room.

'I will help you to get back at Dimas for your heartache, Ra..." Sammudera said silently

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