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The Dark Side of Life Series Bianca Book 1

The Dark Side of Life Series Bianca Book 1

Jessica W


This story is about a young girl trying to find her way out from under her mothers roof and away from her pimp. She is still a high school student who is just trying to survive under the same roof as her mother and her mothers pimp. All she was is to continue to be invisible, but her body and her mothers pimp are determined to break her every step of the way.

Chapter 1 Book Bianca's Revenge: Just the Beginning

Bianca laid Victoria on the baby changing table “Ok, I only did this once in health class and it was not a real baby…. So, I might need a bit of help” she said out loud to anyone who might have been listening. Tyler stepped up on that as well trying to be the best father, friend or whatever Bianca saw him as. “Do you want me to do the 1st one and show you or do you want to do it all and I just tell you as we go?” he laughed when she snarled. She gave him a “Fuck off” look and he put his hands up in retreat.

“I’ll choose option 2 just guide me through the process” she suggested with a soft calm voice to Tyler. The process took 10 minutes and 4 diapers, but at the end Bianca did it and was on cloud 9. Bianca placed Victoria in the crib next to her brother and not a minute later Sydney started screaming. A second later Bianca knew exactly why her baby boy was screaming. “Dang son is that your butt that smells like that….oh wow that is crazy…” Bianca was still trying to understand how so much could come out of something so small.

Bianca took Sydney to the changing table thinking it would be simple now that she had done it 4 times. She undressed him to get him changed but as she tried to change Sydney, she called out for Tyler to help her. “This one might be just a little more than I can handle, if he’s anything like most men he’s not going to want 4 diaper changes. I don’t want, pooh everywhere either” she admitted. Everyone laughed and Tyler stepped up a second later and Sydney was changed and cleaned. That included new Pjs since he had blown clear through his diaper and had a mess all the way up his back. Once ready Bianca slowly picked him up and moved to the glider hoping Sydney would latch on as good and easy as his sister Victoria. “Ok son you are a squirmer, just like your father I can see that clearly now. So, I guess you’ll be my feisty one I take it which will keep me on my toes” she whispered softly to her son. Bianca sat Sydney on her lap with his head down towards her knees with him doing what Victoria did by suckling on his fists.

Bianca watched him a bit longer before he started to fuss or full-blown cry. “Ok son mommy understands the suckling and the feeling I’m having in my breasts. So let us see if we can put you on the other side and get comfortable” she whispered. Bianca brought him up to her chest and opened the left side of her robe and once Sydney was on and clamped his mouth down. Bianca was holding tight to the arm of the chair. “Okay dang son you’ve got a strong jaw” she groaned with a little pain to her voice. ? hour later everyone was settling down and relaxing watching the new parents. Bianca learning how to burp, somewhat diaper and swaddle her newborn twins was just the start. Not long after the relaxation there was a sound coming from the first floor of the house. “Mr. & Mrs. Eagleston there is a nurse Jamerson here for Ms. Patron” the housekeeper announced through the intercom. Bonita got up and had everyone leave the room except mother and babies as she met the nurse as she entered the room.

3 ? hours later the nurse left, and Bianca was even more exhausted than ever and hope and prayed everyone would keep their distances. Bianca had learned new ways to breast feed, new ways to hold them one at a time and at the same time if she wanted to. She learned how to change diapers faster and also learned to pump the milk with her breast pump manually and using the machine. “I can’t believe how tired I am and the things I just crammed into my brain in 3 ? hours. As if I were cramming for a final or something” she whispered to the twins who lay snuggled close together in their crib. Bianca didn’t even realize that she was not alone in the room until she turned around and found Nevaeh in the bed. “Damn sweets you startled me I didn’t even hear you come in. You know you don’t have to stay” Bianca whispered as she slowly moved towards the bed.

Nevaeh scowled at her “I haven’t been able to leave your side in 28 days. I should have never left you alone…while you were at that house. I would have killed myself if something…” Bianca stopped Nevaeh before she could go any further. “I’m way too tired to deal with any more tonight and it’s not even night yet. Nor is it fair for you to say these things to me right now or even ever! It was my choice to do what I did and yes, I should have known better” she admitted. Bianca finally looked down at her watch not wanting to deal with whatever it was that Nevaeh had running around in her head wanting to let out. Nevaeh grabbed the phone and pressed a button before speaking to whoever it was on the other end. “Can we please have some food brought up to the room for Bianca please?” she asked. Bianca sat back down on the glider and put her feet up not wanting to get into bed quite yet. “I’m strong enough to go down…” she thought out loud. Nevaeh gave her a serious look before speaking “No Dr. orders you are to stay close to the babies and relax I mean that’s what she wrote down, but if you don’t believe me maybe you should ask her yourself” she bitched.

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