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Come Kiss Me

Come Kiss Me

Lu Yao


Trinh Man held the book and whispered: "The grass and trees are dry, the youth has passed." [*] She paused for a moment before reading again: "Come kiss me." Luc Hao Nam knew that the last sentence was not in the book but in her eyes.

Chapter 1 (1)

This year, summer in Hong Kong came quite early. On the sidewalk, lush green conifer trees blocked most of the light, sparse shadows fell from small gaps and then quickly hid into the clothes of passersby. A few days before returning to Hong Kong, Trinh Man could only go to work without stopping to enjoy this short moment of peace. During a busy period, her mind was confused, and for some reason, a strange feeling arose in her heart about this place.

At this time, it was rare for her to have a free afternoon like this, so she took the opportunity to go to her favorite old tea shop in school to sit for a while. In front of her was a glass of orange plastic Hong Kong milk tea and a piece of Western-style croissant, while I lazily sat on the familiar blue bench, watching the scene of hurried passersby outside. remember before. She is not from Hong Kong. Although she was born and has an ID card here, before the age of ten she lived in a city in the South, then moved to Hong Kong. The city she lived in before was very different from Hong Kong, that place was always quiet and peaceful, while Hong Kong was bustling and bustling. When she first arrived, because she was not used to life here and did not know the language, it really bothered her for a while. Fortunately, her adaptability is very strong, so she gradually got used to it. After graduating, she entered the University of Hong Kong as she wished, but had to study a major that she did not like. After graduating from university, she worked at a job related to her major for two years and then suddenly got inspired to go to Beijing, where she found a job that had nothing to do with her major. . Every day she is busy opening art exhibitions. The people around her all felt that she didn't know how to grasp the opportunity. If she had a good position in a transnational corporation, she wouldn't do it and instead would run east and west. But she doesn't think so, everyone has their own ambition. Trinh Man is very satisfied with his current life, he has money, he can do his favorite job, and he has a good boyfriend... Maybe he can also be considered a boyfriend. Thinking of this, a faint smile appeared on Trinh Man's lips. Modern people have many words to describe this type of relationship, but she feels that those descriptions are not very interesting. Although the relationship between her and her boyfriend is mostly about sex, there is no lack of spiritual harmony, it's just that the two are absolutely not lovers or normal partners. In short, she didn't know how to imagine this strange relationship. But she was very satisfied with the present and didn't expect much, so she still didn't care. Her "boyfriend" is quite busy. During the past month, when I'm in the mood, I call her for several days in a row, and when I'm not in the mood, I don't even get a text message. Of course, Trinh Man is the same. Since childhood, she has not liked intimate contact with others for too long, and when solving her physiological needs, she does not ask anyone, so she has no opinion on this matter. She met her boyfriend in Beijing. The weather in Beijing and Hong Kong is completely different. November in Hong Kong still has the breath of autumn, you can still wear a white silk dress with thin long sleeves to walk around. In November in Beijing, it is late autumn, ginkgo leaves fall all over the ground, everywhere is a bright yellow color, so a city that is gradually turning cold becomes a little warmer. And Trinh Man met Luc Hao Nam in such weather. Romain Rolland [*] once said: in this world there is no lack of beauty but a lack of eyes that know how to find it. Trinh Man never doubted this statement, but when she saw the man with a tall and poised figure, wearing gold-rimmed glasses on his eyes, he looked elegant but could not hide his perfect muscles under his shirt. shirt, she immediately knew that at least she still had eyes that knew how to see beauty. [*] Romain Rolland (1866 - 1944) was a French writer and playwright who won the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1915. He tilted his head slightly, his eyes falling on a landscape painting from Russia. In that picture, near there are beautiful, bright flowers, far away there is a vast blue sky. This artist has a knack for arranging colors so he can always create beautiful landscapes that make people look forward to them. But in that moment, that picture in Trinh Man's eyes lost its touching look when she was next to that man. Trinh Man walked over to say hello. When facing that man, it was rare for her sense of smell to no longer be as sharp, and it was not until she was on the way back to the hotel that she learned of his identity through his last name. This is not simple. But no matter how high one's position of power is, when it comes to sex, it's not worth mentioning. All worries and concerns can be thrown to the back of your head. She blatantly turned her head to look at the man who had always been calm and confident, looked at the long fingers holding the phone and the beautiful curve of his jaw, heard his calm but seemingly distant voice. Older brother. He is a very sensitive person, he could almost immediately feel her eyes so he calmly looked at her. Trinh Man smiled, not only was he not embarrassed, but his eyes were even bolder and without any reserve. He called for about five minutes and Trinh Man also looked at him for those five minutes. It wasn't anything important, I just heard a few trivial reports, so it's hard to blame her for not avoiding her. "Beautiful?" He said, then took off his glasses and wiped the lenses so they weren't contaminated with a single speck of dust. "Pretty." Trinh Man calmly nodded, then sat up straight and said: "If you make love to me in this position, I will definitely reach climax very quickly." He pursed his lips and did not speak. As soon as he entered the hotel, when the lights covered the room with a warm color, he simultaneously hugged Trinh Man, who was still holding on and not entering. When the door closed there was a very loud noise. Trinh Man spoke: "A little lighter." Don't know what she's talking about either. Trinh Man is not a person who is passionate about sex, but she cannot help but admit that when he entered her body and was with her, a whirlwind arose in her head, causing her to fall into the darkness. The waves are constantly undulating. All of her senses were taken away, leaving only the tight junction still moving in an abnormal state. Unusual is a very appropriate word. Trinh Man, who was lying among the colorful flowers, thought so. Sometimes it's like fireworks exploding, sometimes it's like a stream gurgling through it. Is this normal? No, she thought she had no control. If her vagina could communicate with her soul, her other soul would definitely have been penetrated by him. His movements were like a heavy rain and wind passing through her territory, with even more of a strong contrast to his face that didn't have too many emotions. The tiny drops of sweat on his forehead also sold him out, they clearly showed that he was in love. Trinh Man never knew he could moan so naturally. She raised her arms to hug the neck of the person above her, leaned into his ear and whispered two sentences. A moment later, she felt her lower abdomen getting hotter and hotter, like a fire that was constantly burning, as if taking root in her body. Make her lost in there. Finally the wave receded, he pulled out his meat stick and conveniently threw away his raincoat. As for Trinh Man, he was still in the throes of pleasure so he didn't even want to move. She lazily pulled the blanket to cover her naked body and squinted her eyes to observe him. In the chaos, she gradually regained consciousness, silently calling his name, Luc Hao Nam. Although she didn't know him, her thoughts were very deep. Just combining his last name and the conversation with the secretary, it wasn't difficult to guess his identity. Having a relationship with him is a good thing, but actually it's not really. Trinh Man doesn't like to cause trouble for herself. She's just a normal person or a very sane normal person, so she absolutely doesn't want to enter a world that doesn't belong to her. But... who said fate would arrange itself like that? She looked at the man who, despite being in love, still refused to take off his mask, asked: "Next time?" The man was zipping up his pants, his shirt hadn't even been put on yet, his strong bare chest appeared before her eyes, making her heart flutter again. But in the end she still didn't do anything, after all she only did it twice, not to mention he not only did it great but also took a long time. So if she did it again, she definitely wouldn't be able to stand it. She understands that whatever she wants to do must depend on her abilities. He didn't answer immediately but instead moved his eyes to the beautiful legs exposed from the white fur blanket. Her legs are long and straight, looking very balanced and not too skinny. She is a very attractive woman. Unruly, passionately sensual. Luc Hao Nam put on a shirt, then put on an overcoat, and meticulously re-buttoned the sleeves. He walked to the front of the big bed, stood and looked at her intently, even carefully pulling the corner of the blanket to cover her chest, his movements were quick and serious, not leaving any heat on her chest. “Don't get cold,” he said calmly. Trinh Man smiled, raised his hand to grab his wrist, then raised his head and looked at each other with four eyes, lazily opening his mouth: "The business card is in the pocket of my overcoat." Luc Hao Nam skillfully avoided her hand. He saw her light yellow overcoat lying on the carpet about two meters from the bed, so he went to pick it up, brushed it off and gave it to her. She searched in her pocket and pulled out a business card and gave it to him. He took it and bowed his head to look. “I am Luc Hao Nam.” Even though he said that, he actually knew that she already knew. Indeed, Trinh Man already knew, but she still smiled and nodded, her eyes curved like a crescent moon, looking as if she didn't know anything, she said: "Trinh Man, it's a pleasure to meet you." In theory, this is a very sincere self-introduction. If it wasn't that they just finished making love, then it was true. Luc Hao Nam ignored her persistent joke, just calmly replied: "Me too."

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