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Adversarial Journey: The Immortal Legend of Thunderbolt Traval

Adversarial Journey: The Immortal Legend of Thunderbolt Traval



The protagonist Chen Tianyi enters the heavenly realm and begins his journey of cultivating immortals. He met a mysterious old man in the Heavenly Realm and learned that the cultivation of the Supreme One could return to Earth. Chen Tian, with the help of a divine guide, encountered difficulties while practicing the Collection of Treasures and Literature, but also obtained treasures and information. He interacts with different characters, including Yuanmu, Du Zilu, Wu Rui, etc., to face enemies and challenges together. Chen Tian demonstrated his strength and fought alongside Yun Biyu, engaging in battles with the Dark God, and ultimately lifting the corrupt contract. The story involves the friendship between master and disciple, combat strategy, and personal growth, and Chen Tian's position and influence in the heavenly realm gradually increase.

Chapter 1 The Heaven

Pain, a piercing pain, as if his body had been violently thrust by hundreds of people. Especially his face, which was probably comparable to a boiled pig's head, swollen badly. When he slowly woke up from the coma, Chen Tian couldn't help but curse him.

Why? It's not easy to travel, but I was struck by lightning. Who did I offend? Chen Tian was furious.

In my hazy memory, there seems to be a woman, and I was flying up to the sky with her.

I'm done, I'm struck dumb by the thunder! Chen Tian thought sadly, otherwise how could this illusion be so real?

Youyou opened her eyes and saw an old face full of wrinkles, almost entirely pressed against Chen Tian's face. The close proximity made Chen Tian feel as if he could almost smell the other person's bad breath.

“Young master, are you awake?“ The owner of the old face smiled and said as he saw Chen Tian open his eyes.

The strong odor made Chen Tian hastily crawl back a few steps despite the intense pain in his body. He thought that he was right. This guy's bad breath was like a toilet that hadn't been cleaned in hundreds of years. He forced himself to hold back the nausea in his heart and said,“Stay away from me. How long has it been since you brushed your teeth?“

“Brushing your teeth?“ the old man in front of him asked,“Oh, you mean cleaning your mouth, right?“

“It means the same thing,“ Chen Tian waved his hand.

“Well, it's a bit old and I can't really remember. Let me calculate...“ The old man looked serious and started to count on his fingers.

Chen Tian rolled his eyes and said that he had never seen such a shameless person. Could it be that this guy was so poor that he couldn't even afford toothpaste? When he carefully examined the old man in front of him, Chen Tian was shocked.

This guy's attire is completely like that of an ancient person, wearing a linen robe, a silk scarf on his head, and a pair of hemp boots on his feet, plus a half-foot-long goatee. If he were to carry a hoe, he would be a standard image of an ancient farmer from northern Shaanxi.

It won't be struck by a thunderbolt and come to ancient times, right? Chen Tianhan is sweating as follows.

Seeing the old man still in deep thought, Chen Tian asked with a trembling voice,“May I ask, which dynasty is this?“

“Dynasty?“ the old man was puzzled.“If we're talking about dynasties, if I remember correctly, it should be Tianhe 6587 now

“Tianhe?“ Chen Tian thought hard about the historical knowledge that he had long forgotten. He had never heard of a dynasty with the title Tianhe. And there was no dynasty in history that had unified the world for more than 6,000 years. Could it be... another world?

He looked up and saw a dense forest not far away, with thick trees towering into the sky. Various birds of unknown species were resting on the branches, and from time to time, one or two inexplicable beasts would leap out of the woods. There were no clouds or sun in the sky, just a vast expanse of white. Wasn't this the standard otherworld in the legend?

“Oh my god, you killed me.“ Chen Tian wailed in despair. He had thought he would be transported back to ancient times, but instead he was transported to a different world.

“My lord, why are you crying? Isn't it your mortal dream to come here? Why are you crying so much?“ The old man looked confused.

“Oh, how I wish I had bedded my girlfriend the night before last. I'm still a virgin, and I'm sure that after I leave, she'll definitely be wearing a green hat on my head.“ Chen Tian wailed and beat his chest and feet.

The old man stroked his goatee and remained silent.

After Chen Tian had vented his anger, the old man asked slowly,“Do you really want to go back?“

“Nonsense! I don't have any special abilities or magic skills, so why should I stay in this wild world and wait to die?“ Chen Tian's heart became even more unfair. In ordinary books, the protagonists who were transported to other dimensions were all powerful and capable of controlling lightning and electricity. But when it came to him, he had to suffer a painful blow.

“Wilderness?“ The old man was puzzled, then smiled slightly and said,“Actually, there is no way out

Upon hearing that he could return to Earth, Chen Tian was thrilled, no longer concerned about his halitosis, and hastily asked the elder,“What method is there?“

The old man raised his eyes and carefully looked at Chen Tian from top to bottom, then he smiled and said,“If you have become a supreme being, you can use your great power to force your way through the reverse channel!“

“I... say!“ Chen Tian opened his mouth wide, as if an invisible banana had been inserted into it.

The words of supreme, immortality, and heavenly realm only appear in fantasy novels. As a journalist, Chen Tian has also heard some rumors about these words, but he thought they were false. He never expected to hear these words again from this old man. Could it be that this place

“Where is this?“ Chen Tian asked, feeling like a woman who had been stripped naked and was waiting to be fucked, nervous and helpless.

The old man chuckled and said,“This is the Heavenly Realm

... as expected.

“Are you a martial artist?“ I didn't expect to see a legendary martial artist. I was about to take a few pictures with my camera, but the pain in my body made me unable to move, and my fingers were stiff for a moment.

The old man's face darkened and he smiled awkwardly,“Well, although I'm not a martial artist, I'm not far away from being one

“Why is there any non-martial artist in the heavenly realm?“ Chen Tian was surprised.

The old man curled his lips and said,“Are all people in the human world? What a fuss!“

Chen Tian scratched his head and said,“That's true

Although he knew that the old man was not a martial artist, he still couldn't help asking hesitantly,“Can you send me back?“

The old man rolled his eyes and said,“If you want to be left with nothing, you can try jumping into the Reverse Channel. But don't blame me if you don't have a soul when you do. The Reverse Channel can tear apart souls.“

Chen Tian asked with a weak voice,“Why am I here? Isn't this the heavenly realm? I am a mortal.“

The old man stroked his beard and said,“I don't know the specifics, but you did catch the Xuan Nu Immortal and ascended to the heavenly realm together from the Pregnant Sky Lake

“The Immortal Xuan Nu? The Pregnant Lake?“ Chen Tian was shocked.

The Pregnant Lake is the most precious treasure in the heavenly realm, and can be said to be the foundation of the heavenly realm, the lake behind you. The old man raised his hand and pointed to the back of Chen Tian.

Chen Tian turned around and saw a huge lake behind him. The clear water allowed him to see deep into the distance. In the center of the lake, a huge whirlpool was driving the water to rotate continuously. Although it was far away, he could still feel the power that could tear apart the air.

“That vortex is the reverse channel,“ the old man pointed to the vortex and said to Chen Tian,“If the people in the lower world who are cultivating immortal can meet the requirements, they will be guided by the light of the path to ascend to the heavenly realm through this reverse channel. However, if people in the heavenly realm want to descend to the mortal world, they must have the ability to withstand the power of the reverse channel, such as... supreme beings

Looking at the huge whirlpool in front of him, Chen Tian felt a chill in his heart. He couldn't understand how he had managed to stand here in the reverse channel without any damage.

The old man seemed to have seen through Chen Tian's doubts and smiled, saying,“Everyone who successfully cultivates immortal power will be protected by the Pregnant Sky Lake when they ascend to the heavenly realm. The guiding fairy light is also for this purpose. As long as you are protected by the guiding fairy light, you will not be torn apart by the power of the reverse channel. That's why you can stand here intact

“But... I've never practiced immortal cultivation,“ Chen Tian asked, expressing his confusion.

The old man lowered his head and pondered for a long time before saying,“You should have heard the saying:'When one achieves enlightenment, even chickens and dogs will ascend to heaven! Your situation should be like this.“

“What?“ Chen Tian asked urgently.

“The Xuan Nu immortal was in the process of ascending when you interrupted her. Although she succeeded in ascending, the guiding immortal light also brought you to the heavenly realm by chance,“ the old man speculated. Although the speculation did not match the facts, it was not far off. In fact, the lightning that struck Chen Tian was a heavenly thunder that the Xuan Nu immortal reflected with her magic weapon during her ascension. Fortunately, it was only the last heavenly thunder, and the guiding immortal light immediately enveloped Chen Tian. Otherwise, as a mortal, Chen Tian would surely die if he was struck by the heavenly thunder without the protection and transformation of the guiding immortal light.

“By the way?“ Chen Tian's eyes widened.“Can something like this be done by the way?“

The old man shook his head and muttered to himself,“Logically speaking, this is impossible. Although there is no danger of being caught in a thunderbolt during the ascension, there is still a thunderbolt. Moreover, flying together with two people is already a bit more difficult than passing through a thunderbolt. Could it be that Thunder God got drunk again last night?“

Chen Tian's mouth twitched, resembling a bearded Mona Lisa.

“Anyway, you have come to the heaven, congratulations!“ The old man said to Chen Tian with a smile.

Damn, I was struck by lightning for no reason and was dragged to this strange place. What's there to congratulate.

Chen Tian pursed his lips and asked,“What about the Xuan Nu martial artist?“

No wonder that illusion felt so real, it was all true. Thinking of the softness of his hands in his daze, Chen Tian chuckled.

“Let's go,“ the old man said simply.

“Gone? Where did she go?“ Chen Tian became angry. If it wasn't a hallucination, then the little foot that slammed against his handsome face was also real? No wonder he felt his face was swollen when he woke up, and it still hasn't gone down.

“Go to the Heavenly Court to report. Since you have ascended to the Heavenly Realm, you should naturally be under the jurisdiction of the Heavenly Court.“ The old man said it as a matter of course.

“Damn...“ Chen Tian cursed under his breath.

“Cough...“ At this moment, the old man's face was dirty and he approached Chen Tian,“Young master, do you have a grudge against her?“


“So you robbed her of her magic weapon?“

“Neither do I!“

“Did you just make out with someone?“ The old man looked surprised.

“I said... what are you trying to say?“ Chen Tian asked impatiently.

The old man stroked his goatee,“In fact, the Xuannu Immortal is quite beautiful...“ He paused, as if remembering something astonishing, and shuddered:“She's just a bit too fierce. It's understandable. Anyone would be angry if they were unjustly sharing half of their guide's immortal light, even a martial artist would be angry. So, young master, even if she kicks you a few hundred times and slaps you a few hundred times, you shouldn't be angry with her... Ah, did I tell you that another function of the guide's immortal light is to help newly ascended martial artists shape their golden bodies?“

Chen Tian felt a burning anger in his heart and asked how his whole body felt like it was being kicked by hundreds of people. It turned out that he had been kicked by that crazy woman for hundreds of times. Damn it.

“Oh, yes,“ the old man said again,“When the Immortal Xuan went to report to the Heavenly Court, she asked me to take good care of you

Chen Tian was surprised:“That woman's conscience hasn't been eaten by the dog yet?“

She said that when she is free, she will come back and slowly clean up your place

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