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Little Bird

Little Bird



Phoenix Arnold was born into riches a man of great and unfathomable wealth, he had everything except freedom from his mother he dreamed of a perfect life and a perfect marriage but just to go against his mother he refused his chosen wife and picked the one woman his mother will definitely go against.. Gemma is a little orphan who took on the best paying job available to her right after college, she just wanted to survive until she met the one person who gave her a dream, the one man she ever loved and was loved right back…

Chapter 1 We are not married yet…

Good morning sir! A lady greeted and the man woke up from his bed and looked at her from head to toes, she looks intimidated and it’s annoying as fuck why are they all afraid of me? He thought to himself and threw away the blanket and she shrunk back


Nothing sir

What do you want?

Your mother and your fiancée is here sir

This early morning?

She arrived last night

Oh it was Elise knocking on my door vigorously last night?

Seems so sir

I said no one should ever come to the doorway talkless of knocking on my door

She’s your fiancée sir


I’m sorry sir

You definitely found a new job outside there

No sir I’m very sorry

Didn’t Josephine told you the rules? He walked closer to his closet and held the door, no matter what you have to pass all informations through her or jones

She fell down her on her knees immediately, please sir I’m very sorry I told your mother nobody except Josephine and Jones can come in here but she insisted I come up to call you please pardon me

Leave my room and never come back! He yelled angrily and she stood up hurriedly and rushed out, idiot!

He strip his pajamas and threw them away angrily and went into the bathroom, bunch of fools in this house she was so annoying! Aishh! He said and kicked his leg it hit the bathtubs he jumped up and swirl around, fuck! Fuck! That shit hurts!

Where is he? Calista yelled as the maid came down

I’m sorry ma’am he said I shouldn’t come into his room!

So useless just get out!

What’s wrong ma’am? A lady in his late 40s said as she was coming in, she was dressed in a well tailored suit and and holding a stick she looks beautiful while smiling looks like she smiles often


Yes ma’am

Where have you been? I need Phoenix to come down right now I sent this maid he sent her back

Did you send the maid ma’am? Phoenix do not like anyone going into his room

I will go there right now!

Including you ma’am!

Calista looked back at her and glared the smile was plastered on her face still

Have you gone nuts? I’m talking about my son not yours

That’s the rules he laid down for everyone ma’am

Miss Josephine aint you going too far? This is his mother how can you say she’s not allowed to go to his room?

Excuse me miss?

My name is Elise

Oh miss Elise I’m only following my boss’s order

Calista stood up and slapped Josephine hard her face went sideways, how dare you ! She looked back at her and smiled

I’m sorry ma’am

I’m gonna get you fired! You can leave here right now

Mum, please don’t do that! Josephine has been with Phoenix since he was a little boy you can’t just chase her away he will get angry

Because she is my sons nanny doesn’t give her the right to think she is his mother!

Don’t let her give you headache mum after all she’s still a servant no matter what! Elise said and smiled at Josephine who smiled at her back

Ofcourse she’s just an ordinary servant how can she be doing like the boss of the mansion,after your wedding with Phoenix chase her out immediately she might try to make things hard for you

Sure mother! She has no place here I don’t want an old hag fighting over my husband with me! She took her champagne and sip it while looking at Josephine, useless old woman! She thought and smiled

Phoenix was coming downstairs holding his laptop and phones, Josephine rushed down to him and collected it from him, she gave it to the maid standing behind her, he sat down at the diner and she gave him a napkin

Good morning mother

Oh my darling son! Why did you come here so late? I told the maid to go look for you and you sent her out


Yes sir

Fire that maid!


What? Why are you firing her?

She broke the rules of the mansion

The rules? What stupid rules ? No one can enter your room including me

Yes mother

You want to be feared by all

Isn’t that what you wanted?

Calista scoffed and looked at him

Please sit down mother our breakfast will be cold

They served their food and after eating Jones came in exactly that time and collected his laptop and phones

The car is ready boss

I will be going to work now mother

Just like that?

Do we have anything else to talk about?

Elise is here


You need to prepare for your marriage

I haven’t proposed to her yet

You can do that now I will arrange your engagement for the weekend and you can get married soon

I’m not ready to get married now mother I’m still young

You are pushing 30!

I’m just 25 mother! Moreover 30 Isn’t a bad age

Nix! Elise called out and stood up, she walked closer to him and looked at him lovingly, he is such a fine man and Elise will do anything just to have him, he is very tall and handsome with a grey eyes he always makes his hair into curl and a bangs, always dressed in a well tailored suit I’m not sure I have ever seen him in a casual dress he just wears designer suits in different colors, he looked so good and hot effortlessly she wanna devour him right there

Stop looking at me seductively

Oh! I’m not!

What do you want?

I have been here since last night I wanted to see you but you wouldn’t open your door

Oh it was you?

Yes it was me

Please don’t do that again


Let’s maintain our boundaries we are not married yet


Stop calling me that too I would like Mr Arnold

I’m your fiancée!

You are not one yet so let’s be cautious! Let’s go Jones

Yes sir

Josephine take care of the house and don’t allow strangers in

Have a good day sir!

He left the house and got into his car

Ma’am you can leave now


The boss do not like having visitors in his house when he is not around

I’m a visitor here?

I’m sorry ma’am I need to obey the rules

Josephine! You are crazy! I employed you for Phoenix okay?

Senior sir Arnold did

Such a bitch! Calista picked up her bag and left the house angrily, Elise moved closer to her and gave her a dead glare

Stop feeling so important Josephine once i come into this mansion you are out!

Miss Elise im just a servant in this house you shouldn’t waste so much energy on me put that energy into making Phoenix accept you as his wife first


Have a good day miss! She smiled and spread her hands towards the door for her to leave

I will deal with you Josephine!

Such a headache! Josephine said and sighed

Ma’am! Someone called out from afar and kneeled down, ma’am please don’t fire me

The boss requested for it, why didn’t you listen to me? I told you no one is allowed in the hallway unless you wanna clean I only clean his room myself

I’m sorry ma’am I couldn’t disobey his mother because I was scared of getting fired I won’t do it again I’m very sorry

If Phoenix sees you in this house again it will be Troublesome I don’t want his trouble

Please ma’am I really need this job please! She pleaded and cried

Hey stop crying like this! She said and holds her up, she cleaned the tears rolling down her face, because he asked me to fire you doesn’t mean you will be jobless we will just assign you somewhere else he is not that heartless to fire you


Yes sure! I will send your resume to the hotel you will be working there if that’s okay by you

Ofcourse! It’s perfectly okay as long as i get a job

Good! You can change your uniform and leave now

Yes ma’am! Thank you so much

It’s fine

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