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do you know me

It's already 7:40 a.m. in the morning, and the sun was glittering, displaying the beauty of the earth. In the little sunshade tree, the birds were singing. The flowers are already rising, about to show their true colours. I, who was still on the bed, "Ouch… this hurts…" I muttered, applying more cream to soften it. I arranged my tie to be in line with my little rumpled suit which i was putting on. The door swung open, revealing my sister Evelyn—my blood sister and my best friend. "You're still here?" she asked. I was shocked, and in haste, I tried to grab some files and my office bag. "Your phone has been ringing in the dining room, where you left it since you finished your breakfast," my sister said, standing in the doorway. "Excuse me, please." I hurriedly passed through the door, rushing out on my way to the office. Luckily, my Uber driver was already waiting for me to show up. I checked my watch, it was already 15 minutes past 8 a.m. I remembered what my boss told me at closing time yesterday. "Tomorrow, I'm having a meeting with my managers, and as my personal assistant, I would like you to document and keep records of the meeting. Be here on time. Mr. James, be here on time, I repeat, be here on time." His words kept ringing in my head, knowing that I was late and aware of what my boss is capable of. I had witnessed him let go of many staff for going against his rules. "Ah, I don't want to be fired," I muttered to myself. He warned me, my boss warned me. "Driver, please move faster, please, I'm already late." Now in the office, I didn't even bother to greet anyone. I moved straight to my office, dropped off my files and bag. I had no time to wipe the sweat off my face, and in a rush, I headed to the head office, which is my boss's office. I entered Mr. Ethan's office, and the Glory of the space immediately struck me. He stood at the window of his skyscraper company building, gazing out at the cityscape, his back to the door. His sleek, modern office was a testament to luxury and power, with polished marble floors, rich wood panelling, and elegant furnishings. Luxurious materials adorned every surface, including marble, granite, marquetry, and other precious materials that added to the opulent atmosphere. The room was a masterpiece of design, with every detail meticulously crafted to exude wealth, sophistication, and refinement. (Not my first time, just wanted to let you know how wealthy Mr Ethan is.) Mr. Ethan's confident stance at the window, his back to the door, commanded attention and respect, his authority and leadership palpable in the way he stood, surveying his domain. The overall effect was awe-inspiring, a true reflection of the billionaire's success and status. "Hi, good morning, boss," I greeted. For a few seconds, there was no reply. Inside me, I knew I had failed to adhere to the rules and regulations, so I just stood there, bracing myself for the repercussions. "Mr. James, why do you keep failing to follow the simple rules I've given you? I called, but you didn't pick up. You're just com

Chapter 1 Commencement: A Day of Unseen Battles

It's already 7:40 a.m. in the morning, and the sun was glittering, displaying the beauty of the earth. In the little sunshade tree, the birds were singing.

The flowers are already rising, about to show their true colours.

"I'm standing in front of a mirror, admiring my reflection, and styling my hair."

"Ouch, this hurts…" I muttered, applying more cream to soften it. I arranged my tie to be in line with my little rumpled suit, which I was putting on.

The door swung open, revealing my sister Evelyn—my blood sister and my best friend.

"You're still here?" she asked.

I was shocked, and in haste, I tried to grab some files and my office bag.

"Your phone has been ringing in the dining room, where you left it, since you finished your breakfast," my sister said, standing in the doorway.

"Excuse me, please." I hurriedly passed through the door, rushing out on my way to the office. Luckily, my Uber driver was already waiting for me to show up.

I checked my watch; it was already 15 minutes past 8 a.m. I remembered what my boss told me at closing time yesterday.

"Tomorrow, I'm having a meeting with my managers, and as my personal assistant, I would like you to document and keep records of the meeting. Be here on time. Mr. James, be here on time, I repeat, be here on time."

His words kept ringing in my head, knowing that I was late and aware of what my boss is capable of. I had witnessed him let go of many staff for going against his rules.

"Ah, I don't want to be fired," I muttered to myself.

He warned me, and my boss warned me.

"Driver, please move faster, please, I'm already late."

Now in the office,

I didn't even bother to greet anyone. I moved straight to my office, dropped off my files and bag. I had no time to wipe the sweat off my face, and in a rush, I headed to the head office, which is my boss's office.

I entered Mr. Ethan's office, and the glory of the space immediately struck me. It was brighter than it used to be, and many things were rearranged.

He stood at the window of his skyscraper company building, gazing out at the cityscape, his back to the door.

His sleek, modern office was a testament to luxury and power, with polished marble floors, rich wood panelling, and elegant furnishings. Luxurious materials adorned every surface, including marble, granite, marquetry, and other precious materials that added to the opulent atmosphere. The room was a masterpiece of design, with every detail meticulously crafted to exude wealth, sophistication, and refinement.

(Not my first time; I just wanted to let you know how wealthy Mr Ethan is.)

Mr. Ethan's confident stance at the window, his back to the door, commanded attention and respect, his authority and leadership palpable in the way he stood, surveying his domain. The overall effect was awe-inspiring, a true reflection of the billionaire's success and status.

"Hi, good morning, boss," I greeted.

For a few seconds, there was no reply. Inside me, I knew I had failed to adhere to the rules and regulations, so I just stood there, bracing myself for the repercussions.

"Mr. James, why do you keep failing to follow the simple rules I've given you? I called, but you didn't pick up. You're just coming now?" Mr. Ethan finally spoke.

I nodded in reply, "Yes, I saw your missed call, and I knew I was already late, so I rushed to the office." Sir I promise it won't happen again…

With a flick of his two fingers, he gestured for me to leave, then turned to head back to his desk.

"Hey, Mr. James, take this document and print it," he said as an afterthought.

Okay, sir," I replied. "But what about the meeting you arranged for today?

It's been postponed to next week. I have some things to sort out before we can proceed, he explained.

I felt relieved that I wasn't the cause of the postponement.

Got it, sir. I'll take care of the printing," I said, feeling a weight lifted off my shoulders.

So, I'm in my office, buried in work, when suddenly my phone rings. I pick it up and hear my sister Evelyn's voice on the other end, saying, "Hey, I'm on my way.

I reply, "Okay, I'll be there soon," knowing exactly what she's talking about—lunchtime. That lil girl can't eat without me showing up, and honestly, I wouldn't miss it for the world.

I grab my scooter, files in hand, and rush out of the office. It's already 1:30 p.m., and I'm starving. We usually meet up at this spot not far from my workplace, our little lunch rendezvous spot.

As I zip through the streets, dodging traffic, I can't help but feel a surge of excitement. Lunch with my sister always brightens up my day, no matter how hectic things get at work.

Finally, I see her waiting for me; she was sitting on a bench. That familiar smile on her face. I greet her with a hug, grab the food she brought, and we settle down to eat.

Just as we're digging into our meal and catching up on each other's day, my phone rings again. It's a colleague from the office, telling me the CEO wants to see me urgently. Talk about bad timing!

I reluctantly tell Evelyn, "I gotta go, but we'll catch up later tonight, okay?"

She nods understandingly, with a smile on her face waving her left hand, i smiled back and said bye…

Brothy! Evelyn, called out to me , you forgot your food!

I was quite a distance away from her, so I replied in a loud, clear voice, ‘please don’t worry about it, Evelyn. We’ll talk later!

Grabbed my scooter and headed back to the office. The streets are buzzing with activity, and my mind's all over the place, mainly trying to silence my ringing phone. It's like a persistent mosquito buzzing in my ear.

Out of nowhere, this dude on a bike comes zooming around the corner like he's auditioning for a Fast and Furious movie. Next thing I know, bam! He slams right into me.

I'm lying on the ground, trying to piece together what just went down. It all happened so fast, I didn't even have time to hit the brakes. Talk about a reality check—I go from rushing to the office to flat on my back in the blink of an eye. Life sure has a funny way of throwing curveballs, huh?...

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