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Billionaire's Substitute Bride

Billionaire's Substitute Bride

Mercy's writes


BLURB When identical twin sisters, Madison and Madilyn, are thrust into a high-stakes game of love and deception, only one thing is certain: only one can win. Madison was destined to marry the billionaire Logan Pierce, but cold feet and a desperate escape leave her sister, Madilyn, as the perfect replacement. As Madilyn navigates the treacherous world of wealth and privilege, she must confront her own desires, the billionaire's dark past, and the secrets that bind her to her sister. Will Madilyn find love in the arms of a man who doesn't know her true identity, or will the truth tear them apart? Dive into a world of glamour, passion, and betrayal.

Chapter 1 The Escape

Madison's heart raced as she gazed out the window, the city lights blurring together like diamonds on black velvet. The engagement ring on her finger seemed to tighten, a constant reminder of her impending fate.

"Logan will be here any minute," her sister Madilyn called from the living room, her voice laced with a mix of excitement and concern.

Madison's eyes locked onto the door, her mind racing with escape plans. She couldn't go through with this. She couldn't marry a man she didn't love, no matter how perfect he seemed.

With a deep breath, Madison made her decision. She grabbed her bag and slipped out the back door, into the night, leaving behind the life she was supposed to lead.

Madison's feet pounded the pavement as she raced through the quiet streets, her heels clicking out a rhythm of liberation. She didn't dare look back, fearing what she might see: Logan's sleek black car, Madilyn's worried face, or the suffocating weight of her own doubts.

She turned a corner and spotted a taxi, its yellow light beckoning like a lifeline. Madison yanked open the door and slid in, gasping out the address of a small café on the outskirts of town.

As the taxi sped away, Madison finally allowed herself a glance back. The city lights blurred together once more, but this time, they symbolized freedom.

She pulled out her phone and sent a quick text to Madilyn: "I'm okay. I need some time. Please cover for me."

Madison's heart still raced, but a small smile crept onto her face. She was finally taking control of her life.

The taxi pulled up to the café, and Ava stepped out into the cool night air. She took a deep breath,

feeling the weight of her decision settle upon her shoulders.


Back at the apartment, Madilyn's eyes widened as she read Madison's text. "What does she mean she needs time?" Madison wondered, a knot forming in her stomach.

She tried calling Madison, but it went straight to voicemail. Madilyn's mind raced with worst-case scenarios: Madison was in trouble, or worse, she was leaving Logan for good.

Madilyn's eyes darted to the clock. Logan would arrive any minute, expecting to see Madison, not her. Panic set in. She couldn't let Logan know Madison was gone; he'd be furious, and Madilyn would be the one to face his wrath.

With a deep breath, Madilyn made a split-second decision. She would impersonate Madison, just until she could figure out what was going on and convince Madison to return.

Madilyn's heart raced as she quickly changed into Madison's clothes, her hands shaking as she put on her sister's engagement ring. She took a deep breath, trying to channel her sister's confidence and poise.

Just as she finished, the doorbell rang. Logan had arrived.

Madilyn took a final deep breath, pasted on a bright smile, and went out to greet him.


(After Logan had left)

Madilyn took out her to and call Madison.

“Logan left, will you come back now and explain the meaning of what you did” Madilyn said immediately Madison picked her call.

“I'm sorry Lyn, I'm coming back now. Thanks” Madison said on the other line.

“She won't be the end of me” Madilyn said and signed.


“Why did you do that?” Madilyn question Madison immediately she got in.

“I'm sorry, I just can't do it, I can't get married to the Pierces. Never” Madison said.

“It's not like you have a choice Madi, the both of you have been engaged for a long time now” Said Madilyn.

“I know, and that's our parents fault not mine, why should I be the one to suffer instead” Madison cried out.

“I don't even want to get married now, I have a boyfriend and a life to live. I can't become a married woman, cooking for a man, taking care of a family, having kids, argghhh” She said disgusted at the thought of having kids.

“I just can't”.

“But do you have a choice?” Lyn asked.

“Let me think first” She added.


Madison's P.O.V

“Let me think first” I said to Lyn.

I don't know what to do.

I can't get married, I don't want to.

Why will my parents put me in this position?

I can't stop partying or clubbing.

I want to have a lot of fun with my life and don't want to live as someone's wife.

Having kids?

Nahhh, Never.

I suddenly got an idea and smile.

“Lyn, I need a favor from you”. I told my twin sister.

“Promise me you will do it for me” I said.

“What's it?” She asked.

“Can you get married to Logan instead? Please”. I begged.

I know she will later give in, she always do everything I told her to do, especially if I begged desperately.

“I also have a life to live Madi”

“I know but I need you to help me. Okay, let's do it this way, just for 2 years and if after that you feel like stopping, I will switched back the position, please Lyn” I begged her.

“ Okay fine”. She gave in.


“ I so much love you Lyn”. I said and move to her, planting kisses all over her face.

“Go away from me” she said I ran out.

Ahhh! Finally I can breathe, I know I shouldn't be doing this to her but I don't have a choice. I just need to escape from this marriage stuff and Lyn is the only one that could help me with that and I'm going to pay her for all she has done for me.

Now, all I need is to get high. I took my phone to call Leah.

“Let's go clubbing girl” I shouted happily immediately she answered the call.

“Seems you are in a good mood” she said from the other line.

“Shut up, are you going or not?” Did she even have a choice, I laughed.

“Is there a reason for me not to go?” I know she will be smirking when saying this.

“Get dressed, I'm driving over there in some minutes”

“Okay babe” she said and I hanged up.


At the club, Madi met her long time crush Ethan and she was so happy.

Ethan also saw her and was happy and asked her for a dance.

The thumping bass reverberated through the crowded club, the strobing lights illuminating the sea of dancing bodies. Madi felt the music pulse through her veins as she moved to the rhythm, her worries left at the door.

Ethan wrapped his arms around her waist, pulling her close as they swayed to the beat. The sweet scent of his cologne mingled with the sweat and music, intoxicating her senses.

The DJ spun a hypnotic mix, the crowd entranced by the pounding drums and soaring synths. Madi lost herself in the music, her hips swaying, her hands raised in abandon.

As the song reached its climax, Ethan spun her around, his eyes locking onto hers with a sparkling intensity. In that moment, they were one with the music, their bodies moving as one.

The song faded, and they collapsed into laughter, the music and lights swirling around them like a kaleidoscope.

As they caught their breath, Ethan leaned in close, his voice low and husky. "You're incredible, Madison. Your energy is infectious."

Madi's heart raced, her skin tingling from his proximity. "You're not so bad yourself, Ethan. You know how to make a girl feel alive."

Their eyes locked, the connection between them crackling with tension. Ethan's gaze dropped to her lips, and Madi's pulse skipped a beat.

"Want to get out of here?" he whispered, his breath caressing her ear. "My place is just a few blocks away."

Madi's mind raced, her body screaming yes. She nodded, her voice barely audible. "Yes, let's go."

Ethan's smile was triumphant, his eyes gleaming with desire. He took her hand, leading her through the crowd, out into the night air.

As they walked, the tension between them grew, their bodies drawn together like magnets. They didn't need words; the chemistry was palpable, the attraction undeniable.

At Ethan's apartment, they barely made it through the door before their lips met, the passion exploding like fireworks in the night.

As they entered Ethan's apartment, the soft glow of the city lights outside cast a warm ambiance, illuminating the path to the bedroom. The air was electric with anticipation, their hearts beating in tandem.

Ethan's fingers traced the curve of Madi's jaw, his eyes burning with desire. "You're so beautiful, Madison. Inside and out."

Madi’s breath caught, her skin tingling under his touch. "You make me feel seen, Ethan. Like I'm home."

Their lips met in a tender, yet passionate kiss, the world around them melting away. The music of the city, the laughter of strangers, all faded into the background as they lost themselves in each other's embrace.

As they moved closer to the bed, the tension between them built, their bodies yearning for connection. Ethan's hands cradled Madi's face, his eyes locked onto hers, filled with adoration.

"I want to make this night unforgettable, Madison. With you, I feel like I'm exactly where I'm meant to be."

Madi's heart soared, her soul resonating with his words. "I feel it too, Ethan. Like we're two pieces of a puzzle, finally fitting together."

Their lips met again, this time with a depth of passion that left them both breathless. As they sank into the softness of the bed, wrapped in each other's arms, they knew that this night would be etched in their memories forever.

Don’t beg me to stop

Ethan said before moving down to Her Breast,he leisurely removed the gown from her breast reveling her standing pink breast.

She cover her breast with her hands feeling shy, her both cheek turning to red.

Ethan illicitly replace his hand with his own until he gain the full access to her breast, compressing it slowly and intimately, Madison let him be as she was enjoying everything he was doing to her.

He gently move his mouth to the second breast sucking it, tasting every sweetness that comes from it.


Madi release a sweet groan which makes Ethan smirk.

He play with her nipple with his tongue, bitting and licking it, all Madison could do was to support him by holding his head tightly to herself.

He was busy sucking and licking one of her breast while his second hand was doing well perfect job to her second breast.

She released her breast as his hand trace down to her golden pot fondle it ardently.

He gain another loud moan from Madi as she open her whole mouth groan lovely and sweetly.

Ethan free her two breast as he make it way down to her clit.

Madison was not feeling anything so she gently open her eyes but to her surprised he find him in between her legs,only god know what he was doing there

“Ethan what are you ouuuuchhhhh!!”

She wanted to complain about what he was doing in between her leg but she ended her word with a loud moan as Ethan was busy eating her ureter sucking her and licking all the Liquid coming out of her body, all Madison could do was to hold the blanket tight to her self shifting her head from left to right as Ethan was satisfying her




F**k me harder Ethan……


Melina groan pleasuring.

Ethan suck her with his tongue,Rolling it and pulling it out

Madi use her one hand to hold his hair telling her to coming inside her already but Ethan play deaf he was really enjoying how Madison was moaning.

He added his one finger inside her making Madi to increase her moan.

He f**k her with his one finger he try to add another finger but she was so tight

“F***k me already”

Madi yell out which surprised Ethan

A smile escaped his mouth.

“Don’t beg me to stop”

Ethan said and in a minute he off his trouser and bounce on her, he kiss her gently before thrusting his dick in her which make her groan


He mumbled before increasing his raise

Thrusting deeper inside her, Madi open her leg widely for him accepting everything he does for her.



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Billionaire's Substitute Bride

Chapter 1 The Escape
