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Seducing the Ice Cold CEO

Seducing the Ice Cold CEO



She wants to seduce him and he wants to seduce her, who will win the war of seduction? Jennifer Eddie a 24 year-old lady lost her contract to a guy popularly known as the Ice Prince. Acquiring the contract was a challenge given to her by her father. If she couldn't acquire the contract she would have to dissolve her company and join the family business. But if she managed to acquire it, she could save her company. Just to get the contract she lost, the renowned great seducer, Eddie Jennifer , embarked on a mission to seduce the Ice Prince and get her contract back. In her series of attempts to seduce him she ended up falling into his trap. She would fall deeply in love with him just like he wanted. Jerry Philips, the only heir of Philips's International, was well known for his fine looks and cold attitude. Because of his cold attitude, people of the city gave him the title Ice Prince. The day he set his eyes on her, he had promised himself to make that strange woman his. After waiting for so long, the opportunity to get close to her finally arose, and so he vouched, "People say she is the great seducer, but I will seduce the great seducer and make her mine!" Just to realise his goal, Jerry snatched the important business contract from her. However, in the process of seducing her, he ended up being seduced over and over again. Who would win in the war of seduction? Could Jennifer save her company? Or would Jerry manage to make her his? Has anyone ever stopped to think about why this goddess became the renowned Great Seducer?

Chapter 1 FURIOUS

In an office whose walls were partly glass and partly brick, a lady wearing a white and green pattern suit sat on her executive seat working. By merely staring at her, one could see how immerse she was in her work.Just then a young lady in her early twenties adorn in a red long sleeve shirt and a black fitted skirt entered the office. The expression on her face looks unhappy. After taking her position in the middle of the room. Within the space of one minute, she relayed a piece of important news to her boss. The reaction she got from her boss wasn't a pleasant one.

"What? Mr Lawrence has terminated our contract?" Jennifer said springing up from her chair almost immediately. Agnes who just relayed the news to her boss wasn't shocked to see Jennifer reacts like this. she knows just how hard her boss worked before she finally got her hand on the contract that has just been stolen away from her overnight. She deemed it normal for Jennifer to react like this.

"Yes, boss. His secretary just emailed us the letter of termination about ten minutes ago," Agnes said keeping a safe distance from Jennifer in case she picks up a vase to smash.

"Get me on the phone with Mr Lawrence. He needs to tell me why he suddenly terminates the contract we just signed not less than fourteen hours ago. I don't believe he will not change his mind after I talk some senses into him," Jennifer said furiously as she walked to the centre of the room where Agnes was standing.

"Boss, I called his office about five minutes ago but I am sorry to say that Mr Lawrence office refused all our calls..."

"That is not possible! I don't believe Mr Lawrence will be so daring to terminate a contract I worked my ass off to get," Jennifer said as she paced about the room in fury. Deep down Agnes silently prayed that her boss should not go berserk.

This is the first time anything of such has ever happened since she started working for her, this is why she understands her boss feelings so well. There is no contract or project her boss wants that she doesn't get at the end so this termination of the contract is something foreign to her boss.

"It is possible, Boss. The letters state that the contract has been awarded to another company," Agnes replied in a mellowed tone with her gaze focused on her boss.

"It hasn't been up to 15 hours since we signed the contract and that fat old thing dares give my hard-earned contract to another person. This is a breach of contract and I am gonna sue his company for this," Jennifer said as she slammed her right hand against the glass table.

"Sorry to say again but the letter says that the person who won the contract is willing to pay the fee for termination of the contract. It is also said that he is willing to pay for any damage that might have been caused....,"

"This is ridiculous," Jennifer remarked as she sat down fuming.

"Have you found out whom the old fat man gave my contract to? I would like to know who is the gutsy fool who dares to steal from me," Jennifer said showing a slight sign of calming down.

"The one with the contract is none other than Mr Jerry Philips, the CEO of Philips's International. Because of his cold and domineering attitude, the netizens popularly refer to him as the Ice Prince. From what my friend working in Mr Lawrence company told me, I heard he did not say too much before Mr Lawrence agreed to sign the contract with his company," Agnes relayed calmly.

"What do you mean? Isn't Mr Lawrence well known for being strict and well discipline in business so why did he abruptly give my contract to some Ice Prince guy?" Jennifer asked as she tries her best to keep her cool. If she was to react according to how furious the sudden information about the contract termination has made her, nobody in her company will remain safe.

"I heard he just needed to assure Mr Lawrence about paying the termination fee and not letting any harm happens to him or his company before Mr Lawrence passed him the contract," Agnes said meekly.

"Wow! So the senile old man choose to be my enemy because of a measly million dollars? This is ridiculous," Jennifer said tightening her fist even more.

Agnes stares at her boss tightened fist with a pained look. She was scared that her boss will hurt her palm if she goes on like this.

Seeing her boss like this Agnes could not help but feel bad for her. Others might have thought it was easy for her to get the contract but only she knows just how hard her boss worked to get the contract. She watched her worked overtime just to make sure nothing goes wrong. The fate of the company her boss worked so hard to build solely relies on this contract so she could imagine how hurt and disappointed her boss must be. Even she had worked extraordinarily hard to assist the boss because she does not want the company to be dismantled.

I can't just watch my blood and sweat get dismantled by my dad because of that senile old man's betrayal. For my company to survive I need this contract and I am gonna make sure that Jerry of a guy gives me my contract back.

Jennifer thought gritting her teeth in anger.

"Agnes, as far as I can recall the famous Philips's International does not deal with anything technology or games so why did their CEO just steal my contract? Has our company ever has a clash with theirs? Have I ever offended him that is why he wants to take revenge?" Jennifer asked after a few minutes of silence.

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