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Overpowered Clone Mage

Overpowered Clone Mage

Electro Lord


"You have an army?" "I have thousands of troops." "You can use lightning magic?" "I can also use it too." ---- Elijah, killed in a homicide transmigrated into another world. Unlike his world, he had come to a world full of mages and warriors. People awakened their abilities and became mages. But Elijah awakened the most useless ability of all time, the clone ability, and was looked down upon by everyone. ---- "From today, I, Elijah West, will be the strongest mage alive." "I don't learn common magic." "My clone would defeat you, I don't have your time.”

Chapter 1 New World

"Elijah! Elijah!"

A man in his early thirties yelled as he called out to a figure whose head was on the table, frustration written all over his face.

"Huh?" The figure froze and raised his head revealing a handsome young teenager around the age of sixteen, confusion written all over his face.

"Elijah, are you supposed to be sleeping while I'm teaching?" The man fumed in anger as he looked at the boy.

"You'll fail the exams if you continue this way, no university would be willing to accept you."

"Already you failed your written exams, and all your aptitude tests are nothing to write home about, yet you refuse to listen and instead you choose to sleep." The man continued.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Ethan," Elijah mumbled an apology as he said.

"You...." The teacher said angrily as he pointed at Elijah.

"Don't you think he's too arrogant?"

"Shh, you'd better keep quiet. Even the teachers don't dare offend him, he has the protection of his sister who is a level 7 mage at Boston University!"

Elijah's classmates whispered to each other as they glanced at him, none daring to say anything to him.

Elijah on the other hand sighed as he tried to focus on what the teacher was doing, but he just couldn't. At this moment, his mind was in turmoil. How did he get here?

Didn't he just die? Yeah, he was very sure of it, he had died, killed in a homicide. He could still very much remember how he had gotten shot, and he could still feel the burning pain in his skull.

"Where the hell am I?" Elijah muttered as he looked around.

He thought he had died, but unexpectedly, his soul had jumped and taken over the body of another on this planet. Seemed like the Gods didn't want him to die yet.


All of a sudden, the light pain in his head suddenly intensified and he couldn't help but groan out in pain as a lot of information rushed into his head at the moment.

This planet was called the Blue Star planet and it was just like Earth, but with something different.

Millions of years ago, a strange phenomenon happened, the beasts mutated and they gained intelligence, then they started to attack humans forcing the humans into despair as they had no choice but to fight back.

But then it was not easy, weapons had little to no effects on them and thus, there were a lot of massacres. But as luck would have it, humans also started to awaken some special abilities.

Ranging from those who awakened the power of fire, water, earth, and many more abilities. Those who were unable to awaken these abilities became warriors and had a very strong body.

With this, they were able to fight back and push back the beast invasion. That time was known as the dark age for humans as a lot of lives were lost.

After successfully pushing back the beast, the humans started to grow once again, and then these abilities were divided from the weakest to the strongest. Fire and lighting were the strongest and most revered abilities of all time.

Also, there was a division in the level of powers, ranging from level 9 to level 1 with level 9 as the weakest and level 1 as the strongest. Those who were not able to awaken abilities cultivated their bodies to the highest level and were able to rival those with abilities.

Those who were able to awaken abilities were called mages. It was said that mages were very powerful and they could split the sea, raise the mountains, and even pluck the stars.

Another war suddenly broke out between the humans and the beast in the past years, it was then Elijah's parents who were well-known powerful mages disappeared after going to the Frontline.

Since then, Elijah had been taken care of by his sister who was a genius and had awakened the lightning abilities and was now a level 7 mage at Boston University, one of the best universities.

Since his sister was a genius, everyone expected the same from him, but unfortunately, Elijah was very lazy and never took his studies seriously, making everyone despise him and look down on him.

But there was nothing they could do about it, his sister's reputation was too high, so they just couldn't expel him even though his grades were very bad, they knew how much his sister doted on him and were afraid of incurring her wrath. Also, what if he turned out to be a genius and awakened an ability just like her?

"Elijah, what the heck is wrong with you? First, you sleep in my class, and now, you are groaning. What the heck do you think you're doing? If you don't want to learn, then get the hell out of here." The teacher fumed.

Elijah who was relishing in the memories of his predecessor came back to his senses, but at the moment, he didn't want to stay any longer and immediately stood up, picked up his bag, and walked out of the class.

"Hey, where do you think you're going?" The teacher yelled looking at Elijah who had walked out of the class.

"I'm tired, I need to rest, I'm tired of staying at school." Elijah waved his hands and soon his figure disappeared.

The teacher's face turned black in anger hearing Elijah's reply. Even though the latter was known for his laziness, he still didn't have such an attitude, as a result, he wondered what had happened to the latter.

"I hope you never come back again in your life." The teacher fumed walking back into the class.

Elijah on the other hand could care less about everything, and quickly, he got home. Elijah's parents were rather rich as the house where he was living was not small nor was it big.

Opening the door, Elijah threw his bag on the sofa, walked into his room, and fell onto the bed, before he knew what was going on, he drifted into a deep sleep.

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