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The Tides of Fate

The Tides of Fate



"In a tale of love, betrayal, and vengeance, Princess Ocean must navigate the treacherous waters of palace politics to claim her rightful place on the throne. After discovering her true identity, Ocean is thrust into a world of royal intrigue, where her stepmother, Queen Eleanor, will stop at nothing to secure the throne for her own daughters. But Ocean's fate takes a dramatic turn when she falls for her personal guard, a forbidden love that blossoms into a passionate affair. As the queen's schemes threaten to tear them apart, Ocean must choose between her heart and her heritage. With courage and determination, she embarks on a perilous journey to reclaim her birthright, gathering allies and armies along the way. But as the battle for the throne reaches its climax, Ocean must confront the dark secrets of her past and the treachery that has haunted her family for years. Will she emerge victorious, or will the cost of her revenge be too high to pay? Dive into a world of medieval drama, romance, and adventure as Ocean fights for her crown and her happiness in this epic tale of a princess's quest for justice and love."

Chapter 1 1

My best and only friend, Margot stood outside my home waiting for me. We talked about visiting the baker to get fresh loaves of bread, and I didn't know she would be here this early.

I grabbed my bag from the nail and rushed out of my room forgetting to lock its doors. Well, I don't have to worry. It's just me and my Aunt Kiara, living here.

"Aunt, I'll be in the bakery," I yelled, not waiting for her reply before running out the door to meet an already pissed-off Margot.

"Hey, I'm sorry I woke up late and I had to help my aunt in the garden before leaving. Can you smile now?" I held her face so close to mine and she had no option but to smile.

"I'm still angry at you, what if we get to the bakery late and don't get fresh hot bread?" Margot pulled away from me, and I nodded, her question lingering in my mind. It'd be my fault if that happened.

"Let's look on the bright side, what if we get to the bakery and we are the first to be served? What then?" I smiled at Margot.

"Oh, Oceania, this is not a joke. I want to see James also, it's been a while. Seems he's avoiding me," Margot frowned. Margot loved calling me Oceania, and I was used to that. Well, the only people allowed to call me that were my Aunt, and Margot. To others, I'm Ocean and wouldn't take it lightly with anyone calling me my full name.

"Are you listening to me?" Margot asked, I nodded. We were almost at the bakery and could get the scent and aroma of the already baked fresh bread. But that wasn't my main focus,

Our village had the best bakers in town and so, kingdoms from far and near, came to Lilach to get bread and pastries. As we approached the bakery, Margot spotted James and she left me to meet him.

James and Margot were betrothed to each other as kids. Neither of their families was rich so I figured out, the alliance was perfect. I didn't tell Margot that of course. James worked in the bakery as an assistant, he planned on setting up his bakery once he had enough money. So, he and Margot were saving up for it.

With Margot gone, I was alone now, staring around the bakery. I found a bench to sit on, I had to wait here until Margot came so we'd get our orders and head home.

My name is Oceania and I am a very pretty girl, blonde curls cascading down my body, and I had sparkly blue eyes that shone like the bright sky, or like an Ocean, my aunt had said.

I've never known much about my mum, all I can remember is growing up with my Aunt Kiara in Lilach, our small village. My Aunt told me Mum died while giving birth to me. It's been 19 years, and I don't feel as much pain as I used to when I was younger.

I just take the present into control. I had my beautiful Aunt, and Margot of course, she was 25 and I was 19. But we were best friends and did everything together. Margot was always so mature, while I'm immature according to my Aunt.

I was so immersed in my world, thinking about the past that I didn't notice Margot was already seated by my side.

"What is she thinking about?" Margot's voice brought me back to the present.

"Hey, you scared me," I muttered under my breath. Margot looked happy and I was curious to know the reason behind her sudden smiles.

"You're glowing Margot, tell me... What did James say to you?" I asked her teasingly with a smirk, Margot blushed, and her gaze shifted from me to the bench.

"James has finalized the building of his bakery. And it's a surprise though so don't leak it okay? You're my best friend that's why I'm telling you this." Margot smiled.

"Wow, congratulations Margot. Now I can get free pastries from Margot and James' bakery... Isn't that amazing?" I squealed in excitement.

"What? Free? I never said so," Margot teased and I hit her hands playfully rolling my eyes with a frown on my face. We sat outside the bakery, munching on fresh bread and cheese and watched the villagers bustling about, going about their daily business.

"Did you hear about the new blacksmith in town?" Margot suddenly asked, her eyes sparkling. Margot's eyes always sparkled whenever she got a new gossip.

"No, what's the scope?" I replied, I wasn't even interested but had to act curious to not hurt her feelings.

"He's handsome, single, and from the city!" Margot whispered. "I heard he's looking for a wife."

I giggled. "Well, he's come to the right place. Our village is full of eligible maidens."

Margot playfully rolled her eyes. "You're one of them, Oceania! You should go talk to him."

I blushed. "Margot, I'm not interested in marriage right now. I have too many other things on my mind."

Margot raised an eyebrow. "Like what? You're always so mysterious, Oceania."

I smiled mischievously. "Let's just say I have big dreams, Margot. Big dreams."

"Like getting married to a handsome prince and living in luxury? Oceania, you read too many fantasy novels. A prince can't come to a village searching for a wife. It's only in novels." Margot said to me.

"A miracle can happen," I grinned. Like I've been waiting for my prince charming. I have this dream of sleeping and waking up in a beautiful palace, with maids and servants at my beck and call, getting married to a prince...

"Oceania, you're almost 20, you need to..." As Margot talked, the village elder, Old Man Thorne, walked by and tipped his hat. "Good morning, young ladies. Enjoying the fine day, I see."

Margot and I curtsied. "Good morning, Old Man Thorne. Indeed we are," I replied.

"Back to what I was saying..."

"Margot, it's noon. Aunt Kiara has to pack the eggs so she can get to the market right on time, I'm leaving." I said to Margot and ran off.

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