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Alpha Asher's Mated Slave

Alpha Asher's Mated Slave

Purple Speedy


Warning!!! extremely erotica flee if you don’t read something streamy, rated 18+ “You’re mine and mine alone do you understand?” he growled in her neck, his fingersg buried deep in her wet p*ssy. Her breath caught in her throat as he made her feel like her skin had come to life, she was burning with need, crying for him, craving for him to fill her up. “Answer me!” he ordered then she nodded squinting her eyes shut as he thrust his fingers in and out of her, she cried in pleasure her lips quivered as she whimpered, “I’m yours Asher” Selene had lost her parents after an attack that turned her from a rich girl to a poor orphan. Read this steamy hot novel to find out how her life changed drastically when she encountered Alpha Asher and his jealous twin brother Axel.

Chapter 1 An alpha

Chapter 1 Selene stood at the sink, scrubbing pots and pans at the same time with beads of sweat forming on her forehead. She was tired and her arms ached, but she knew she had to keep working. She swiped the tears from her eyes sadly, trying to focus on the task at hand. At that moment, Selene heard the brisk sounds of footsteps approaching and her heart sank. She knew it was the chief maid, Josefina, coming to check on her progress. “Aint you don yet?!” Josefine shouted angrily as she entered the kitchen. “You’re working too slowly.

Do you want to get beaten again?” “N-no,” Selene shook her head, trying to hold back her tears as she quickened her pace. Josefina’s eyes blackened with hatred and disgust as she sneered, “You are just a worthless, pathetic slave!” Selene body shook frightfully as she felt Josfina moving closer to her, she pushed by fastening her work so as to avoid a hit from her. However, one of the plates she was rinsing, slipped and crashed on the ground. Josfine’s expression turned from sneering to pure fury, and she marched over to Selene. “You stupid, clumsy oaf!” she shouted, her voice full of rage. “I’m sorry, I’m... I’m sorry,” Selene was shaking, her palms joined in a pleading manner. “You broke the plate!” Josefina was so raged and she grabbed a fistful of Selene’s hair, yanked her head back, and slapped her hard across the face. “Mmhmm,” Selene winced in pain, but she didn’t cry out. She knew if she showed any weakness, it would anger Josfine and she’d only be more brutal. “You can’t even do the simplest of tasks without breaking something. You’re nothing but a useless waste of space!” Josefina screeched, her furiousness was evident. Selene quivered as Josfine aggressively shoved her to the floor, and marched her stomach repeatedly. “You are just a piece of waste, idiot!” Josephine spat irritatingly, while Selene kept groaning under her feet. Selene knew better than to fight back, but it was hard to take the abuse without lashing out. She bit her tongue, trying to numb herself. “Clean up this mess!” Josefina shrieked, her voice sharp as broken glass. “And there will be no food for you tonight! You can go hungry for all I care!” She turned on her heel and stormed out of the kitchen, leaving Selene alone in a sea of shattered dishes and tears. With trembling hands, she pulled herself up cleaned up the shattered pieces of the plate, and wiped up the broken fragments with a cloth. Her eyes were red and puffy from crying, and her face stung from where Josfine had slapped her. She felt drained and exhausted, but she forced herself to finish washing the dishes. As she worked, she tried to push Josfine’s cruel words were out of her mind. Despite her punishment, the thought of Scott, her younger brother, crossed Selene’s mind and she worried her bottom lips. She couldn’t bear the thought of her brother going hungry. So, after she was done with the kitchen chores, she checked around to be sure nobody was watching. With cautious movements, Selene sneaked some bread and cheese from the kitchen and hurried off to find Scott in their usual spotShe always knew it was a risky move, but she had no choice but to do it. Scott needed her. Their childhood was marred by tragedy. Her parents, who were Gammas in the pack, had been killed in a rogue attack. Ever since then, she and her younger brother, Scott had been treated like nothing but petty slaves. The pack malevolently mistreated them, making them do all the hardest and dirtiest work. Scott had been taken by the Jones, the cruelest Betas in the pack, and she could only see him at secret meetings in the woods. Ever since their misery started, Selene longed for a better life for her and her brother. But it seemed like an impossible dream. Selene sighed emotionally as she remembered the moments when she secretly met Scott; he always seemed happy but she could see through his facade. His eyes are sunken and his skin pale. And her heart broke at the sight of him. Arriving at their usual secret spot, Selene didn’t see any sight of Scott. She decided not to read the meanings of it and waited patiently. Hours passed by, and she waited and waited, but Scott never arrived at their secret meeting spot. “Where is he?” She muttered, looking around the surroundings but to no avail. Selene grew more and more uneasy with each passing hour. She had no idea what could have happened and there was a pricking feeling in her chest that heightened her worry. She got the hint that knew something must have happened, but she didn’t know what to do. Having no other choice, Selene headed to the Jones manor to see if she could her younger brother. It was a difficult decision, but she had no choice. “I hope I find him sooner,” she braced herself as she approached the manor, her heart pounding in her chest. She knew she was taking a big risk, but she had to know what had happened to Scott. Selene took a deep breath and knocked on the door of the Jones’s manor. After a few minutes, Mrs. Jones opened the door, her expression souring when she saw Selene. “How dare you show your disgusting face here?!” She snapped, “What do you want?” “I’m sorry to bother you, ma’am,” Selene trembled, she swallowed hard, steadying her voice. “Whatever. Speak now!” Mrs Jones shouted. Selene swallowed hard, forcing herself to be brave as she said, “I’m sorry to bother you, but I was wondering if I could see my brother for a moment, it’s urgent.” “He’s not in,” Mrs. Jones scowled at her. “W-what?” Selene muttered surprisingly, and she became more restless. Just then, a young expensive outfitted girl came out from the shadows of the manor’s doorway. It was Vennesa, the daughter of Mrs. Jones, and she was glaring at Selene with a look of pure hatred. “You better tell your stupid brother to stay away from here!” she said, her voice filled with venom. “If he ever comes back, he’ll regret it!” Selene was taken aback by Vennesaa’s anger. She knew the girl was spoiled and entitled, but she had never seen her so vicious. Where is Scott? “Get out of here, ew!” Vanessa’s eyes were filled with rage and revulsion. “T-thank you, ma’am!” Selene clutched the food to her chest and hurried away from the Jones’s manor, and a ripple of panic washed over her. Where could Scott be? Why hadn’t he come to meet her? She had no idea what to do. Abruptly, Selene heard a soft voice calling her name. She quickly turned and saw Ember, her closest friend, and paused. “Ember!” She exclaimed. “You are looking for Scott, correct?” Ember rushed over to her. Selene’s eyes widened with shock, “How… how do you know—” “I know where Scott is,” Ember worriedly answered and Selene’s heart skipped a beat. “Where is he?” She panicked. “H-he was… w-was involved in an accident with—” Ember shuttered but was cut short by Selene. “What!” Selene gasped shockingly, the food she held fell and crashed onto the ground. “Where is he?! With whom did he get involved with?” Ember was hesitant as she replied, “A-an Alpha.” “An Alpha?!” Selene’s eyes widened, staggering her backward with her face turning pale.

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