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The Life of Columbus / From His Own Letters and Journals and Other Documents of His Time

The Life of Columbus / From His Own Letters and Journals and Other Documents of His Time

Edward Everett Hale


From the book:This book contains a life of Columbus, written with the hope of interesting all classes of readers. His life has often been written, and it has sometimes been well written. The great book of our countryman, Washington Irving, is a noble model of diligent work given to a very difficult subject. And I think every person who has dealt with the life of Columbus since Irving's time, has expressed his gratitude and respect for the author. According to the custom of biographers, in that time and since, he includes in those volumes the whole history of the West India islands, for the period after Columbus discovered them till his death. He also thinks it his duty to include much of the history of Spain and of the Spanish court. I do not myself believe that it is wise to attempt, in a book of biography, so considerable a study of the history of the time. Whether it be wise or not, I have not attempted it in this book. I have rather attempted to follow closely the personal fortunes of Christopher Columbus, and, to the history around him, I have given only such space as seemed absolutely necessary for the illustration of those fortunes.


The Instructions Given for the Voyage-He is to go to

the Mainland of the Indies-A Short Passage-Ovando

Forbids the Entrance of Columbus into Harbor

Bobadilla's Squadron and Its Fate-Columbus Sails Westward

-Discovers Honduras, and Coasts Along Its Shores

-The Search for Gold-Colony Attempted and Abandoned

-The Vessels Become Unseaworthy-Refuge at

Jamaica-Mutiny Led by the Brothers Porras-Messages

to San Domingo-The Eclipse-Arrival of Relief

-Columbus Returns to San Domingo, and to Spain

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