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Stolen Chance

Stolen Chance

MJ Henry


Stolen Moments are sweet, always enjoyed and memorable but the aftermath is always complicated. This is a story that revolves around a real estate Billionaire —Mr. Patrick Evans and Daniella Smith. The real estate mogul traveled with his team on a trip from Ohio to Texas to check out a property they wanted to buy and resell for clients. Mr. Patrick and his team lodged in a hotel for three days where he met a Lady in that hotel they Lodged in Texas. The third night an incident occurred, Mr. Patrick stole the moment and had sex with her, Daniella realized she was pregnant but Mr. Patrick had gone back to Ohio. She didn't have his contact and that's how she couldn't reach him. Five years later they met and Daniella tried to convince him that he is the owner of the child. Will Mr. Patrick accept the child when he is married to another Lady? Would he believe Daniella? And what will Daniella do if Mr. Patrick denies the baby?

Chapter 1 Patrick's Pov

"Let's go guys!" I said, packing the documents on my file.

"Sir, where should I put this?" Nathan asked me, holding a briefcase.

"Put it in the driver's seat in my car, I will be there in a few minutes. I just want to finish tidying up my desk." I responded.

I had gotten a call from a client in Texas, to come and check a property for sale there. I was preparing to leave my office and travel down with my team from Texas to Ohio for inspection of the property.

"Is anyone else inside?" I asked George who was at the office entrance.

"No sir, they're outside waiting for you to come so that we can move." He replied.

"Okay then, lock it everywhere." I instructed.

"Yes boss." George said, nodding his head in agreement.

I was the boss, the billionaire CEO of Evans company. A company that deals with real estate majorly, I was the one who gave orders and no one disagrees.

We all finally entered the car that was waiting outside, three SUV Audi and escorts to follow us to Ohio.

As we drove towards the airport, my mind was already buzzing with plans and strategies for the upcoming trip. The client in Texas was eager for us to inspect the property they were interested in, and I intended to make sure everything went smoothly.

"Sir, do you have the itinerary for our trip?" Nathan asked from the passenger seat, glancing over at me expectantly.

I nodded, reaching into my briefcase to retrieve the folder containing all the necessary documents. "Right here," I replied, handing it over to him. "Make sure everyone knows the schedule for the next few days."

Nathan nodded in acknowledgment, flipping through the pages of the itinerary as he began to brief the rest of the team on our plans. I watched as they listened intently, their expressions serious and focused.

It was moments like these that reminded me why I loved what I did. The thrill of the deal, the satisfaction of a successful negotiation—it was all part of the excitement of being in the real estate business.

As we arrived at the airport, I could feel the energy of my team buzzing with anticipation. We checked in our luggage and made our way through security, each of us eager to board the plane and begin our journey to Texas.

The flight itself was uneventful, filled with the usual hustle and bustle of travelers coming and going. But for me, it was a chance to catch up on some work and prepare myself mentally for the tasks ahead.

As we landed in Texas, I could feel the excitement building in the air. The warm sun beat down on us as we stepped off the plane, a stark contrast to the chilly weather back home in Ohio.

"Alright everyone, let's head to the hotel and get settled in," I said, leading the way to the waiting vehicles. "We have a busy few days ahead of us, so let's make the most of our time here."

"Sir this hotel is not conducive enough." Nathan responded.

"Yes, it doesn't fit your status." Evans agreed.

"Okay but this texas. How do we know an exact hotel that is suitable for us?" I asked

"Sir, I know of a particular hotel. It's luxurious and conducive." Nathan said.

"Okay, sit beside the driver and lead us there." I responded

Nathan was my personal assistant, he was always outspoken and current with the trends in the society.

The drive to the hotel was filled with anticipation and excitement, each of us eager to begin our work in earnest. And as we pulled up to the luxurious accommodations, I couldn't help but feel a sense of pride in what we had accomplished so far.

"Here we are." Nathan said, as we finally got to the hotel.

"Great! Better!" I said, loving the hotel premises.

"Alright team, let's get checked in and meet back in the lobby in thirty minutes," I instructed, stepping out of the car and taking in the sight of the hotel in front of us. "We have a lot of ground to cover, so let's make every moment count." I told everyone.

With that, we dispersed to our respective rooms, each of us eager to rest up and prepare for the tasks ahead.

But little did I know that the moment I stepped into that hotel, my life would be forever changed by a chance encounter that would turn everything upside down.

As I entered the lobby of the hotel, the opulence of the surroundings left me impressed. The marble floors gleamed under the soft glow of the chandeliers, and the scent of fresh flowers lingered in the air. It was clear that this was a place accustomed to catering to the elite.

"Sir, we've reserved the penthouse suite for you," Nathan informed me, handing over the keycard with a professional smile.

"Excellent," I replied, taking the keycard from him. "Make sure the rest of the team gets settled in their rooms. We have a busy day ahead of us tomorrow."

Nathan nodded in agreement, and I watched as he headed off to attend to his duties. Alone now, I made my way to the elevator, eager to see what awaited me in the penthouse suite.

As the elevator doors slid open on the top floor, I stepped out into a spacious and elegantly furnished foyer. The suite was even more luxurious than I had imagined, with floor-to-ceiling windows offering stunning views of the city skyline.

I made myself comfortable in the living room, sinking into the plush sofa as I pulled out my laptop to review the plans for tomorrow's property inspection. Despite the late hour, my mind was still buzzing with excitement, and I wanted to ensure that everything was in order before the day's end.

Lost in my work, I barely noticed the passage of time until a soft knock on the door interrupted my concentration.

"Sir, your dinner has been served," a voice called out from the other side.

I glanced at my watch and realized that it was indeed time for dinner. Setting aside my laptop, I made my way to the dining area, where a sumptuous spread awaited me.

As I enjoyed my meal, my thoughts drifted to the property we would be inspecting tomorrow. It was a prime piece of real estate, with immense potential for development. If all went well, it could be a lucrative investment for both our clients and our company to make more money.

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