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Claimed By The Don.

Claimed By The Don.



Join Ava Sophie Marcus on her journey of being the MAFIA DON's wife. Ava is your regular twenty almost twenty-one-year-old girl, she lived with her mom, a verbally abusive father, and her two younger siblings in a small town just outside Seattle. She's the perfect description of beauty, unknowingly to her though or she just won't admit it. As they said every girl had their fantasy sequences, and Ava was not excluded. She always dream her Prince charming will come and sweep her off her feet, not that she would say it out loud. But what would she do when the Don of all Mafia wants her to be his wife in exchange for her father's debt, would she be able to cope with being the Don's wife? or not. Vincenzo Isaac Alfonso, a name that made everyone on earth shiver in fear. Vincenzo is a thirty years old ruthless Mafia boss, he has everything any woman would dream of. devilishly handsome face, insanely awesome body women crave. lavishly rich. a multi-billionaire, almost a trillionaire if not already a trillionaire. He always got what he wants and no one, absolutely no one to question or stop him. Even though the government respected and fear him, the FBI steer clear of him because everyone is under him. He's a second God. He slays ruthlessly. What happened when the almighty Vincenzo Isaac Alfonso became attracted to the timid, gentle, and fragile Ava Grace Marcus and will stop at nothing to make her his wife? Will he have his way? The answer is, yes of course. without a fight, I might add. Read to know more

Chapter 1 Claimed By The Don.

Ava p.o.v

“Ava!” Tricia yell from the living room for the twentieth time.

Tricia is my roommate turned best friend, we met on our first week of resumption. I needed a roommate, so she offered I stay with her even though she wasn't looking for one.

Mom must have liked Tricia at first sight because she agreed without hesitation, saying for a young girl to live alone is very dangerous. My mom can be extremely protective when it comes to her kids, but let's face it, which mother won't turn a tigress when it comes to her kids?

So I don't blame her for being overprotective, even though it's driving me crazy at times.

So for the past two years, I've been living with this wild wolf, shhh, don't tell her I say that, or I'm dead meat.

Tricia can be sweet and caring when she wants to be, she has a heart of gold, the best roommate I could ever ask for. But occasionally her big sister mode kicks in, and she becomes wild, but I love her.

“What?” I asked innocently, I could practically see her rolling her eyes at my act of pretense.

Ok, maybe I wasn't all innocent, but a girl needs her bubble bath.

“You've been in there all morning, and you're asking me what?" she said in disbelief," if you waste one minute in there I swear to God I'll drag you out by your hair" she growled through grits teeth, I almost laugh out, remember keyword. I would rather not be Tricia's prey, you've got to see her angry and I bet you it's not pretty.

She is always like this, waking up late and having me take a quick shower, but not today. Today is the perfect day to have my revenge and make up for all those quick showers she made me have.

Let me tell you revenge is sweet.

Tricia had a critical test, so that explains why she is extra pissed.

I came out of the bathroom fully dressed in a peach-colored sundress that stopped on my knees with a tiny black belle belt, silver stud earrings to compliment the dress, and black sandals with tiny pearls designing them.

I walked out of the bathroom flicking my strawberry-blonde hair off my shoulder just to annoy Tricia more.

And boy does she look mad.

If looks could kill, I would be six feet under the ground by now.

“Bitch.” She hissed glaring daggers at me then pushed past me to the bathroom.

“But you love me” I yell over my shoulder to her.

“You should be glad, and I wish I didn't, I would've strangled you by now.” She throws one last glare my way before slamming the door shot in my face.

If she wants so badly to get ready on time, she should at least be up early.

Not up to twenty minutes, she was out of the bathroom like a breeze, I bet she didn't bathe well.

“let's go.” She mumbled, and I quietly followed behind to her car, we got in and drove off. Above the speed limit.

Tricia dropped me by my department block before speeding off to her law faculty.

I guess that she wants to get over with the test.

Turning to enter my first class, Economics. My other friend, Nathan but like we can him, Nate. Greets me with a warm hug, no strings attached, thank you very much.

He's gay.

“Oh, my Ava, look how pale you are, what has that bitch of a roommate done to you” Nate exclaimed dramatically, looking all serious, but I know he isn't. He's just kidding around.

“You don't want her hearing what you've just said now, do you?” I warned, a smirk tugging on my lips as I shook my head.

Tricia will no doubt castrate him that's for sure, ok, not that they don't get along with each other. That's their way of playing, though I sometimes don't understand them until I realize they are playing.

“like she could do a thing.” Nate scoffs rolling his eyes.

“Really Nate” I threaten, giving him the don't test me look.

“Oh, Of course not I love my balls where they are.” He laughed throwing his head back. We took our seats as our professor, MR Whilem entered and the lecture began.


I smiled as I stared at the bold letters written 'MOM' It's been a while since we last talked especially with Dad's constant drinking.

“Hello, baby girl.” Mom's tender voice came from the other side of the phone, how I'd missed hearing this voice.

“Mom.” I chirped excitedly.

“How are you doing over there, hope you don't lack any school or food supplies.”

“I'm fine Mom,” I replied and heard her sigh in relief.

“How are you guys,” I asked back.

“We are fine, darling.”

“And dad?” I asked even though I already knew the answer to that.

“That's nothing to worry about dear, you just focus on your studies” she reassured, but who am I kidding?

If I were to believe that everything was fine with Dad around, then I had another thing coming.

My dad wasn't this way when I was a kid, he was sweet, caring, and a loving father to us. He was the type of dad every kid could ask for, but everything changed when his Business went bankrupt, and he had to let it go to those who invested in the business.

He was devastated, and he resorted to drinking for comfort, but since when does drink help solve your problems, it rather increases them. It made him miserable and turned him into an alcoholic.

“Ok.” Deciding not to press it further.

“Ava my dear, please be careful with people you interact with, there are always bad guys lurking around.” She sounds worried.

A frown creeps its way to my face, yes, there are bad guys around. But mom using my name in a warning means something isn't right, and why do I feel it in the back of my head that something is wrong?

“Ok, Mom, I promise. Can we talk later?” I said ending the conversation.

“Alright dear.” the line went dead.

Now I'm restless and curious, what exactly is wrong, is dad giving them a hard time? Or did he cause some sort of trouble?

I'm going home this weekend, no doubt about it.

“What happened, you look stressed out.” Tricia's voice snapped me out of my thoughts, she walked out of the changing room in the coffee shop where we both worked.

Now, not that Tricia needed the Job nor the money, well, basically because her parents are wealthy and her boyfriend is well-loaded. She even offered to give me her paycheck every month, but I so kindly refused. I can't just take the money she worked hard for, I would be best described as a desperate greedy bitch if I do.

Like who the hell does that?

“Well?” I told her my conversation with Mom and emphasized the dangerous people as well.

“I think she's just looking out for you,” Tricia said thoughtfully, I already know that which mother doesn't look out for their kids, but there is also a hint of fear in her voice.

Mom has never spoken like this even when dad has started his mental abuse, her voice has always been firm. And hearing her talk this way only means there's trouble in paradise.

“No Tricia something is up.” I broke the silence that had stretched between us.

Tricia fixed her gaze on me as if searching for something.

" If that's what you think then, you are going home this weekend"

Tricia said in an end-of-discussion tone and I couldn't agree more with her, if we were in another situation I would have argued with her for using that tone on me but not this time.

We both walk out to the counter.

“Ava, please go attend to table six,” Mason, the guy behind the counter said with sweat running down his forehead, quavering lips, and trembling fingers, then returned to what he was doing or pretending to be doing.

A frown spread on my face, confused, as to why his shaking. Is he cold or something, I turn away to go find table six. But the tension in the air is like a knife cutting through your skin.


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