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Majekodunmi zainab


Blurb:Lena, marked by a crescent birthmark, moves to the remote Silverwood Valley to uncover the truth about her parents. What secrets does this quiet place hide? As she befriends Draven, a hunter mourning his family, and meets the mysterious Elder Miriam, strange changes overcome her. Why does the full moon turn her into a werewolf?Rejected by Draven at first, they later join forces and discover Lena is the "moon child" destined to break an ancient curse. But what if the prophecy is misunderstood?Lena uncovers her true identity as the reincarnated moon goddess. The curse's true solution isn't a sacrifice but a collective ritual. And Miriam? She’s the villain who cursed the village to keep her power. Can Lena and Draven expose her and save Silverwood Valley in time?With the curse lifted, will peace finally come to the village? Lena finds her place, her bond with Draven deepening. Can the moon, once feared, now symbolize hope and renewal?

Chapter 1 The moonlight curse

The night her parents disappeared, the moon hung low in the sky, a silvery sentinel casting long shadows across the forest. Lena was only ten, but the memory remained as sharp as the cold wind that whipped through the trees that evening.Her mother’s voice echoed in her mind, “Stay inside, Lena. No matter what you hear, do not come out.”She had obeyed, curling up under the blankets, trying to drown out the terrifying sounds outside—growls, cries, and the ominous howling of wolves. Minutes felt like hours, and when dawn finally broke, the house was empty.

Her parents were gone, leaving no trace but for her mother's locket clutched in her small hand.The memory still haunted her, a puzzle she could never solve. Until now.Fifteen years later, Lena stood at the edge of Silverwood Valley, the same crescent moon now a faint birthmark on her wrist throbbing with an unexplainable warmth. She had spent years searching for answers, following rumors and whispers until they led her here. The village lay nestled in the mountains, shrouded in mist and mystery.She took a deep breath, clutching her mother’s locket, and stepped forward. The air was thick with the scent of pine and something else—something ancient and wild. As she walked through the narrow streets, villagers cast wary glances her way, their whispers following her like shadows.Silverwood Valley felt both foreign and strangely familiar, as if she had walked these paths in another life. Her path led her to the village square, where a large, ancient tree stood at its center. A figure emerged from the shadows—a tall man with piercing eyes and an aura of quiet strength.Draven’s breath caught in his throat as he saw her. She was beautiful, with an ethereal quality that seemed to draw him in. There was something about her that felt both fragile and fierce, a dichotomy that intrigued him.“New here?” he asked, his voice gruff but not unkind.Lena nodded. “I’m looking for answers. My parents disappeared fifteen years ago, and I think this place holds the key.”The man studied her for a moment, then sighed. “Silverwood Valley has many secrets. I’m Draven. If you’re searching for truth, you’ll need more than just determination.”She met his gaze, unflinching. “I’m ready for whatever it takes.”Draven’s eyes softened slightly. “Then welcome to Silverwood Valley, Lena. Let’s hope you find what you’re looking for.”As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting long shadows over the valley, Lena felt a shiver of anticipation. Her journey had just begun, and with it, the unraveling of the mystery that had haunted her for so long.Noticing an odd-looking amulet hanging around Draven’s neck, Lena’s curiosity piqued. The amulet was intricate, with a strange, glowing stone at its center.“That’s an interesting piece,” Lena remarked, nodding towards the amulet. “Where did you get it?”Draven’s hand instinctively went to the amulet, his expression darkening briefly before he forced a smile. “It was my parents’. They gave it to me before they died.”Lena sensed there was more to the story but decided not to press further. There was something about Draven that intrigued her, a complexity that mirrored the village itself.“Thank you, Draven. For your help,” she said softly.He nodded, his eyes flickering with something unreadable. “Be careful, Lena. This place… it has a way of revealing things you might not be ready to face.”With that, he turned and walked away, leaving Lena standing alone in the square, the weight of his words settling over her. She looked down at her mother’s locket, determination hardening her resolve. She would uncover the truth, no matter the cost.As she headed towards the inn where she would be staying, the moon rose higher, casting an eerie glow over Silverwood Valley. Lena couldn’t shake the feeling that her journey was just beginning—and that Draven’s secrets were intertwined with her own destiny.Later that night, unable to sleep, Lena found herself tossing and turning in the small bed at the inn. The whispers of the villagers and Draven’s cryptic warning echoed in her mind.Finally, she gave up on rest and decided to take a walk, hoping the cool night air would clear her head.The village was eerily quiet under the light of the full moon. As she wandered through the narrow streets, she felt the pull of the forest, an inexplicable urge to explore its depths.She followed a narrow path that led her into the woods, the trees closing in around her.Suddenly, a rustle in the underbrush made her pause. A figure emerged from the shadows, cloaked in a tattered robe. It was an old woman with piercing blue eyes that seemed to see right through Lena.“You shouldn’t be here,” the woman rasped. “The woods are not safe for strangers.”Lena swallowed her fear. “I’m looking for answers about my parents. They disappeared fifteen years ago, and I believe this place holds the key.”The old woman’s eyes widened. “You carry the mark,” she whispered, reaching out to touch Lena’s birthmark. “The moon child…” Before Lena could ask more, the woman turned and vanished into the forest, leaving a trail of whispers in her wake.Confused and unnerved, Lena returned to the village, her mind racing with questions. Who was the old woman? How did she know about the birthmark? And what did she mean by “moon child”?As she made her way back to the inn, she noticed the full moon hanging high in the sky, its light casting an eerie glow over the village. Suddenly, a strange sensation washed over her.Her skin tingled, and her body began to ache. She stumbled, clutching her sides as pain rippled through her.“What’s happening to me?” she gasped, fear creeping into her voice.Her hands began to shake uncontrollably, her vision blurring. She fell to her knees, feeling an overwhelming surge of energy coursing through her veins. The moonlight bathed her in its ethereal glow, making the birthmark on her wrist pulse with light. Her eyes began to glow with an otherworldly luminescence.She tried to scream, but it came out as a growl. Her bones started to shift and contort, a guttural cry escaping her lips as she began to transform.Lena’s heart raced as she realized what was happening. She was turning into a werewolf.

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