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Melanie: The dawn of a new Queen

Melanie: The dawn of a new Queen

muyideen saka


Melanie is a young beautiful teenage girl, who lives with her small family. At school she is a quiet, shy girl who lives a miserable life all because of sabrina wane, her worst nightmare and her ex best friend. Sabrina wane, a rich spoilt brat who made a vow to make melanie’s life living hell after what melanie did to her. What happens when suddenly melanie wakes up and finds out she is not who she thinks she is. What happens when the hottest,most famous guy in her school, who is sabrina big time crush turns out to be her mate? What happens when she realizes she is a supernatural being from an entirely different realm? Will she take revenge on sabrina for all she did to her? What did she do to sabrina? How will she handle the dark forces that starts coming after her for her powers? How will she escape, when a bounty of 30 million is placed on her? Join me on this amazing ride, trust me you won't regret it. This is what is about Supernatural stuff

Chapter 1 HOW IT BEGAN


The flowers were looking so beautiful. Summer was doing an excellent job of making them grow well. The Palace is well tidy, the maids doing their job.

I looked around. Some guards were talking. Cubs ran around in pure delight and happiness. It made me sick to my stomach. They still hadn't seen me. I lurked in the shadows behind one of the numerous pillars in the castle.

Deciding to make my presence known which always brings nothing but chaos and havoc. The beautiful daisies began to die, they withered and turned to nothing but emptiness. It made me happy and satisfied.

Reaching out, I touched as many flowers as I could, enjoying the feeling of how they withered away.

" She is so cruel and evil. I wish she hadn't been born", a maid whispered to another maid. I smile

I looked in the direction of the maid. Raising my hand, I chanted a little spell with a sly smile playing on my lips. Her screams fill the air in seconds.

I turned towards the castle giggling when a maid bumped into me.

" How dare you?" I growled at her, my eyes burning red. With a wave of my hand, she fell to the ground. She turned and stared into my eyes.

I laughed evilly. She just killed herself.

“Your highness I am so sorry, it was a mistake” a maid fell to the floor in tears, begging a six-year-old girl who was looking so angry.

“How dare you look me in the eye?” she yells, her voice changing.

“Please your highness, it was a mistake, please spare me” she pleads in tears

“Never look me in the eye” she yells and rips out the maid's heart.

“Your highness!!!” the maid gasped. With an eye roll she rips the maid's head off, walking away smiling.

“Stop right there young lady” the Queen shouted.

“Mummy” she laughs,

“Why did you kill that maid? ” she questions.

“She deserves it. She looked me in the eye.”

“And so what? Who the hell do you think you are to just kill someone just because she looked you in the eye” the Queen yells, the ground shakes making things fly all around.

“I am the daughter of the king and the strongest supernatural ever, heir to the throne. I am too powerful to be looked in the eye” she yells back.

“ This is no way for a queen to act. You are just six years old—--”

“ And yet I am the strongest” she says, smirking.

“ Young lady, do not talk back at me. It doesn't matter if you are the strongest, you are not fit to be Queen and if you don't change you will no longer be the heir. We do not need a cruel Queen, it only brings darkness, fear and destruction”, the Queen says angrily.

“NOOOO!!!!” the little girl screams, the whole room shakes, things flying all around the bulb in the room flickers. The Queen chants a spell, making her fall into a deep sleep.

“My Queen, the King requests your presence” a maid says, bowing her head.

“Bring her with me” the Queen said, walking away.

“My love, how are you?” the King asked. Immediately she walked into the room.

“ I am not fine, our daughter is getting more ruthless and cruel by the day. She killed a maid, ripped out her heart and took off her head all because she looked her in the eye” she said with a heavy sigh.

“WHAT!!!! That's inhumane” he barks angrily

“ Exactly, she can't be a Queen like this. I fear she will grow worse, and the whole supernatural will be in chaos if it continues.”

“ So what do you suggest we do love?” the King asks.

“ I don't know” she sat down.

“ I have an idea, but you may not like it” the King said, breaking the silence.

“ go on. I am open to all suggestions” says the Queen.

“ Let Grandmother Camille wipe her memories, then we will send her to the human realm.”

“ what????”

“ That's the only option, love, if her memories are wiped and her powers tied. She would learn to live a normal life where morals matter. She feels she is too powerful, so for now let's take that power from her”, the King says.

“ No, they are hunters in the human world and if they get even a whiff of her, she is gone. Humans are dangerous and wild. I will not send my daughter into the hands of death” the Queen yells.

“Hunters come for the supernatural, but not when she is disguised as a human living in a human home. She is going to be okay, trust me”, he says, patting her shoulder.

“Oh my baby girl", the Queen cries, hugging the King.

“ It's going to be alright, it's for her own good. We will watch over her” he assured.

“Okay love, let's do it”


“Yes my lord”, a guard walks in, bowing down

“ Get grandmother Camille” he orders. The guard bows and leaves.

The door opens and a woman in a black robe and staff walks in

“Mother, we need your help” the Queen begged.

“Hahahaha” the old witch laughs out.

“Now you need my help after leaving me down there to rot!!!” she yells.

“ Mother, down there is also a room, and it is well furnished” the Queen snaps, angry at her mother's ungratefulness.

“You have done us a lot of harm, Grandmother”, and the King said slowly.

“ Enough, I know why I am here. You want me to take her memories and tie her powers, but tying her powers can not work. I can only keep it dormant for some years, but when it comes it will come in full force and if she can't control the darkness, it will consume her”, the witch warns.

“ I control mine, so will she” the king said hopefully.

“Hahaha, you have no idea. She is more powerful, the darkness in her is greater and stronger. I have seen the future and nothing good comes out of it. She cannot live. If she does, the whole supernatural is in danger”, the witch says, her eyes glowing red.

“ I will not kill my daughter, just do as we have instructed” the Queen snaps.

“ Very well then, but don't say I didn't warn you” the witch smiles creepily, raises her staff up chanting words, the whole place darkens and with great force she hits it on the ground.

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