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Melody For A Billionaire

Melody For A Billionaire



Lily Harper is a 23-year-old young woman with big dreams of becoming a famous singer. However, her world shatters when she discovers her boyfriend, Jason Collins, cheating on her with her best friend, Sarah. The deep pain and betrayal drive Lily to seek revenge. But the revenge she seeks is not something simple. She plans something more intricate and painful: getting close to Alexander Collins, Jason's handsome billionaire father. Alexander Collins is a successful and powerful 35-year-old man, but his life is far from perfect. He suffers from severe insomnia, making him weak and dependent on sleeping pills. When Lily learns of this weakness, she sees a golden opportunity to begin her plan. With her melodious voice, Lily offers to help Alexander sleep, all the while secretly drawing closer to him with the intent of revenge. Night after night, Lily sings soothing songs to Alexander, making him feel calm and finally able to sleep. However, as time passes, their relationship deepens and becomes more complicated. Alexander, who initially suspects Lily to be a cunning woman only after his money, begins to feel something more than just physical attraction. He cannot ignore the charm and kindness that Lily shows. Behind her sweet smile and soft voice, Lily harbors a great secret. She suffers from leukemia, a deadly disease she hides from everyone, including Alexander. Despite this, she continues to appear strong and plays the role of a cunning woman chasing after a wealthy man. However, her heart cannot fully ignore the feelings that begin to grow for Alexander. Lily's inner conflict peaks as she struggles between the physical pain from her illness and the emotional pain from the betrayal she experienced. On one hand, she wants to destroy Jason and Sarah, but on the other, she cannot deny that Alexander has become someone significant to her. One crucial night, Lily performs at a major concert. She sings several songs from her popular album, but suddenly she collapses on stage with blood streaming from her nose. Alexander, who is in the audience, panics and rushes her to the hospital. There, he learns about Lily's serious medical condition. His heart breaks knowing that the woman who has brought peace to his sleep is battling a deadly disease. After recovering from the incident, Lily returns to Alexander's home. That night, as usual, she sings for Alexander, but something is different. There is tension and intimacy that they cannot ignore. Feeling guilty for his cold behavior, Alexander finally opens his heart. They share an intimate moment that reveals their true feelings for each other. As Lily sings, Alexander feels a surge of strong emotions. He can no longer hold back and approaches Lily with desire. They share a deep and passionate kiss, and Alexander starts to realize how precious Lily is to him. In that intimate moment, he discovers that Lily is still a virgin, a fact that shatters all the doubts and lies he had believed from Jason. Alexander regrets being cold and suspicious of Lily all this time. He realizes that Jason has been lying to him about his relationship with Lily. Alexander feels a deep love for Lily, not just because of her beautiful voice, but also because of the strength and courage she has shown in facing all obstacles. With an open and repentant heart, Alexander promises to support Lily in every way. He vows to protect and love her, no matter what happens. They both realize that the love they share was not something planned, but something that grew out of mutual respect and sincerity.

Chapter 1 Betrayal Unveiled

Lily Harper stared at the bathroom mirror in her apartment, her beautiful face looking tired and her eyes swollen from crying. "How could you do this to me, Jason?" she muttered softly, as if hoping for an answer to reflect back from the mirror. But all she saw was her own shattered reflection. Jason Collins, the man she had loved all this time, had just destroyed her world.


The night had started perfectly. Lily planned to surprise Jason by visiting him at the bar where he usually hung out with his friends. Lily wore a red dress she knew was Jason's favorite. She wanted to give him an unforgettable night, but it turned out to be a night she would never forget due to the immense pain.

As Lily walked into the bar, her eyes immediately searched for Jason in the crowd. The smile that had adorned her face slowly faded when she saw Jason making out with Sarah, her best friend. Her heart felt like it was shattering into pieces, but Lily forced herself to stay strong.

Lily didn't want to cause a scene in front of everyone. With trembling hands, she took out her phone and recorded the moment of betrayal. She knew this might be the only evidence she could show later. After capturing enough evidence, Lily walked out of the bar, unable to hold back her tears any longer.

In her apartment, Lily felt lonely and hurt. Every corner of the room reminded her of Jason. Their photos were still hanging on the walls, and Jason's gifts were scattered all around. Lily felt as if her entire life was a big lie.

After crying for hours, Lily decided not to let herself be defeated. She grabbed her phone and started deleting all of Jason's photos from her gallery. She then opened a notes app and began typing something. It read:

"Jason, I know you betrayed me with Sarah. You might think I will crumble because of this, but you are wrong. I will rise, and I will make you regret hurting me."

After writing that message, Lily felt a bit relieved. However, the pain was still there, haunting her every thought. She tried to distract herself by watching TV, but nothing could truly take away the pain.

At two in the morning, Lily's phone buzzed. It was a message from Jason. With trembling hands, Lily opened the message.

"I'm sorry, Lily. I don't know what to say. Please give me a chance to explain."

Lily laughed bitterly. "Explain? What is there to explain about betrayal?" she thought. Without replying to the message, Lily turned off her phone and threw it on the sofa. She walked to the kitchen and grabbed a bottle of wine. That night, she was determined to drown her sorrows in alcohol.

The next morning, Lily woke up with a heavy headache. She looked around and saw the empty wine bottle on the floor. Memories of the previous night came crashing down on her again. But this time, she felt a bit stronger. She knew what she had to do.

Lily spent the day planning her revenge. She didn't just want to make Jason regret it, but she wanted to destroy his life the way he had destroyed hers. However, the most painful revenge couldn't be carried out with blind rage. Lily knew she had to be smart and plan everything carefully.

When night came, Lily sat at her dining table with a cup of warm tea. She looked out the window, thinking about her next move. At that moment, her phone rang. The name on the screen made her heart beat faster. It was Sarah.

With trembling hands, Lily answered the call. "Hello?" she said, trying to sound calm.

"Lily, I... I don't know what to say," Sarah's voice trembled. "I'm so sorry, truly. I never meant to hurt you. It all just happened."

Lily held back her anger. "Just happened? You slept with my boyfriend and it just happened?"

"Lily, I know this isn't easy for you. But please, let me explain."

Lily took a deep breath. "Alright, Sarah. I'll give you one chance to explain. Meet me tomorrow at the cafe near my apartment at ten in the morning."

Sarah thanked her with a voice full of regret, and the call ended. Lily knew that the meeting might not give her the answers she needed, but she felt it was the first step towards the revenge she planned.

The next morning, Lily arrived at the cafe early. She chose a quiet corner table and ordered a cup of coffee. Her mind was filled with various scenarios about how the meeting would go. She wasn't sure if she was ready to hear Sarah's explanation, but she knew it was something she had to do.

A few minutes later, Sarah arrived with a pale face and swollen eyes. She sat awkwardly in front of Lily, trying to avoid direct eye contact.

"Lily, I'm really sorry," Sarah said softly. "I know nothing can justify what I did. I just want you to know that I never meant to hurt you."

Lily stared at Sarah coldly. "Why did you do it, Sarah? We've been friends since childhood. What made you think that betraying me like this was acceptable?"

Sarah looked down, tears streaming down her cheeks. "I don't know, Lily. I really don't know. Jason and I... we were drunk, and everything got out of control."

Lily felt her anger burning. "That's your excuse? Being drunk? You ruined our friendship and my relationship with Jason just because you were drunk?"

Sarah nodded slowly, unable to say anything more. Lily took a deep breath, trying to control her emotions.

"I don't know if I can forgive you, Sarah," Lily finally said. "But I'll try to understand what happened. You will regret this, I promise."

Sarah looked up, surprised by Lily's words. "Lily, I..."

Lily stopped Sarah by raising her hand. "Enough, Sarah. I need time to process all this. I'm leaving now."

Lily stood up and left the cafe without looking back. As she walked out, a mixture of feelings filled her heart. She knew that the next step in her plan was the most crucial, and she couldn't afford to fail.

That night, Lily sat in her apartment, staring tensely at her phone. She knew that to continue with her plan, she had to contact someone she never imagined talking to again. With trembling hands, she dialed a number she had long saved in her contacts.

The phone rang several times before it was finally answered. A familiar voice came from the other end.

"Hello? Who is this?"

Lily took a deep breath before answering, "It's me, Lily Harper. I need to talk to you, right now."

There was a moment of silence on the other end before the voice responded in a surprised tone, "Lily? Why are you calling me? What's going on?"

Lily looked out the window, the cold, dark night mirroring her heart full of hatred. She knew this conversation would change everything.

"I need your help," Lily said firmly.

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