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The teacher's pet

The teacher's pet

Zara Wright


Riley finally figured out the perfect revenge plan; she decides to frame Creed and get him fired on the charges of sexual abuse. Her intention was simple - she was going to seduce him. The next day, Riley visited stayed to ask Mr. Creed a question after plan. Of course, it was only a ploy to commence her plans. She seemed to have succeeded in seducing him, but before he could make a move, he noticed the hidden camera she hid. After exposing her. He threatened to report her to the principal for breaching his privacy. Riley was soon on the Receiving end of things. She came up with a plan. She offered herself up to Creed to do whatever he pleases for a week, but after that. He will stop treating her better than the others. Creed ended up taking her virginity. Every night, they made love. He showcased his beastly instincts and dominating traits. Every time was one daunting and embarrassing thing for Riley to do. He made her crawl in her undies, he tied her up and did several other saucy things to her. The week passed and everything was back to normal, Creed stopped giving Riley the special treatment. But Riley on the other hand has awakened a thirst for the young teacher. She craved his essence until she finally threw herself up to him. They shared a loving night but Creed warned her that they can't have a relationship as it will go against today's moral standards. They agreed to meet in private to satisfy their thirsts, and for a little while, everything went smoothly. Until they developed feelings for one another.

Chapter 1 Riley's pov

Riley's Pov

High school - the point of life where students become adults. But for some of us, we are forced into the life of adults earlier...

My name is Riley, I live with my single mom in a basic household. I don't mean to brag, but I have a gifted head. I am a straight-A student and the object of praise for my teachers.

I wish the same could be said for my peers...

I sat quietly at my desk as our new teacher, Mr. Creed handed back the test papers. I took a deep breath before flipping my paper.


I smiled and pumped my fist in the air after seeing the result. It was another perfect score. But my celebration was cut short as I realised what this meant - Another round of silent resentment from my classmates.

I could sense the death glares from every corner of the classroom but I didn't mind. I didn't come here to make friends. I came to learn.

I was approached by a blond-haired girl, I turned and frowned upon seeing who it was. She was the absolute pain in my petite ass - Selena.

Selena, surrounded by her entourage of friends, gathered over my desk. They exuded the aura of spoilt rich brats who had everything handed to them with minimal effort. I hated people like that.

"Wow, Riley, another perfect score?" She said mockingly as she picked up my script.

"You really love stealing the spotlight, huh?"

I looked at her and returned her gaze with a calm yet tired expression. Everybody had limits to the amount of bullshit they could take and honestly, Selena is beginning to push me against mine.

"I'm just trying to do my best, Selena." I replied as calmly as I possibly could.

She scoffed. "Best? Please, we all know you're just the teacher's pet. My daddy won't be happy if you keep showing us all up."

Who cares about her daddy anyway?

"Unfortunately Selena, I am not interested in your assumptions, not even the slightest bit. Stop making everything look like a competition. I'm here to learn, not to compete with you."

Selena's eyes flashed with irritation. "You should care! You're making us all look bad with your perfect scores. You're not better than us, no matter how hard you try."

I held my ground, my voice steady. "I'm not trying to be better than anyone. I'm just giving my best."

The bell rang, ending the confrontation. As Selena walked away, she paused to throw a final jab at me over her shoulder, "We'll see how long your 'perfect' streak lasts, Teacher's pet."

Teacher's pet- I hated that nickname. Just because Mr. Creed appreciates my interest in learning doesn't mean I'm a suck-up.

What annoys me is the fact that Selena is going around slut shaming me.

I watched her leave and gathered my books. Her annoyance left a bitter taste in my mouth.

But I straightened up, once again refusing to let their childish rants break me.

My knowledge was my strength, my shield against their taunts.

I glanced at my script once again and smiled. If I keep this up, I could get a scholarship and finally give my mom a break.

I have always sat alone at the cafeteria table. Not that it bothered me, but I had trouble making friends as everyone assumed I was prideful and egotistical, another one of the rumours Selena and her minions spread.

"Not again." I sighed as my eyes fell upon the unappealing meal before me: mac and cheese, it was my least favourite meal.

I steeled my resolve and picked up the spoon to eat this dreaded meal only for me to get a hand forcefully tapping my head, thrusting it into the tray.

You guessed it, it was none other than the wicked witch of the web, Selena.

"Oops, I'm so sorry, I slipped," Selena's phony apology was dripped with feigned innocence as her friends surrounded us.

They pulled out their phones and eagerly captured the humiliating moment. At this point, my eyes were filled with tears.

"Teacher's pet slut is a real nut-case for mac and cheese," Selena taunted as they departed leaving me to my misery, their laughter lingered in my head like a never-ending echo.

Tears welled up more and more in my eyes over the humiliation I just faced.

Unable to hold it in any longer, I rushed towards the bathroom.

"They're all satanic assholes!" I cursed as I washed my face.

What have I done to deserve this kind of treatment? I've always minded my own business. Or is being intelligent a crime?

My thoughts scattered all over my head as I was overcome with an uncontrollable urge for Vengeance.

"That's the last straw." I have had enough.

Selena has messed with me for the last time and I will see to it that she gets her dues.

I wanted my revenge to be perfect and well-planned. I pondered for a while in the bathroom thinking of the best way to set my plans in motion until it finally clicked. The answer to my previous question - Why was Selena harsh to me?

It was because of Mr.Creed. I've seen the way she and half of the girls in our class looked at him. I don't blame them, he is tall, well-built, and handsome.

"Teacher's pet," I repeated the name that was branded to me.

An invisible light bulb appeared over my head, the perfect plan just came to me.

"If they'll never stop calling me teacher's pet. Then I'll seduce him. And make him punish Selena."

I'll claim the object of admiration of Selena and her friends. Then I'll make him torture her every day in school until she breaks.

I took a look at my reflection in the mirror. With my petite yet curvy body complemented by my clear blue eyes and golden hair, I have what it takes to pull it off.

It was sinister, I know. But to kill a monster, one must become one as well.

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