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Mated to The Quadruplet Bullies

Mated to The Quadruplet Bullies



Clocking 18, Suzie had just one thing in mind, to take revenge on everyone who has bullied her, including her father and the quadruplet brothers, one of them which she has given her entire heart only for him to shatter it. But hours before her shift, the goddess played a trick on her, mating her to the same brothers she desperately wanted to play with their lives. What would become of Suzie's revenge especially now that the four brothers want to be with her? Even with their lives in danger, all they want is for their mate, whom they have tortured all this years to love and forgive them. Would this be possible for Suzie? Or would she turn a blind eye and watch their lives turn miserable? Find out.

Chapter 1 A NEW CHANGE



A small sad smile tugged the two corners of my lips as I stared at my reflection in the mirror. Tears fought desperately in my eyes, threatening to fall any moment from now. I tugged the sleeves of my white collar top to cover every part of my arms aside my fingers, covering the wounds and marks my dear father has inflicted upon me. Every minute, every second, Every hour, day after day, a new scar falls on my body. I closed in on the mirror, my finger reaching up to the wound patch hovering over my eyebrows. I removed it to find it soaked already, pressing my lips into a thin firm line before picking another one on the table and pressing it to the wound again.

My heart clenched painfully, causing the tears to roll down my eyes. My father. My own father was my greatest tormentor. Yesterday was the last day on our vacation, and seeing there was nowhere again to inflict new wounds on my body, he angrily smashed a glass vase on my face. He was one who liked to see his works, and seeing a wound on my face brought him immense pleasure.

"You stupid girl! Are you craving more wounds this morning!" His loud and angry voice boomed out.

My heart jumped out in a frenzy, withdrawing from the window and towards my scattered room. I picked up my black pop socks, wearing them on my already skinny and bruised skin. No one must see it as he always says. He was a good man to everyone. Although he was not the Alpha, he was one of the elders, a dignified member of the pack. I had just pulled on my skirt, zipped it and was about to carry my back when the door burst open, revealing a 5 '7 middle-aged man, his veins all popped up on his face, and his eyes bulging with enough anger to scare my hand away from my bag.

"You stupid thing!" He yelled out, rushing towards me, his right palm coming in hard contact with my cheeks before I could pull out.

My brown long hair that I had put down to cover the scars on my neck was tugged backwards, and my throat gripped hard by him. His black orbs stared directly into mine, fuming with much anger that I was not surprised anymore. The smell of alcohol oozed to my nose, filling every part of it and torturing me as he started.

"Are you cursed? Why the fuck do you keep stressing my life? If not that I can't just kill you, you'll be dead already by now, you useless ingrate."

I muffled out a cough, water clouding my eyes from both my hair and neck pain. He pointed his finger to my eyes, continuing his daily hatred speech, "I feed you! I cloth you! I do everything for you, yet you want to pay me back with your stupid lazy attitude! You're so just like your mother.." he continued, spitting in my face.

The cold disgust thing entered straight into my eye and my heart tugged painfully, not because of the spit but my mother. The woman I wanted to hate so much for leaving me with this demon, but thanked the moon goddess for landing her a safe escape away from him.

"...useless, stupid, lazy, unremorseful, and disrespectful just like her. The only thing you both have in common and make you good is that stupid pretty face that I want to destroy."

My father was a pure demon, one that was going to go straight to hell. He didn't just turn this way, he has always been this way. I was never the child he wanted, and my mother paid dearly for that. He wanted a boy, and she gave him a girl. Right from my childhood, we both paid for it. It started slowly, raping her, hitting her, and doing everything to inflict pain on her.

And it all got worse when he found out she took birth control pills already. The beating got worse that he almost killed her, but she packed up one day, ran off and left me to this stupid fate of mine.

My small hands tugged the ones on my throat for a little air, "Fath...fat..you're...hurti...hurting me.."

A devilish laugh escaped his mouth, throwing me to the side of the room and heaving out a loud breath, "I cursed the day you were born." he muttered loud enough for me to hear.

I ignored the pain, managing to stand up immediately as he ran his hand through his hair. He turned back to me, raking me up, "At least you know not to disgrace me."

I nodded in response, throwing a small smile in. "Today is the first day of resumption right?"

"Yes father,"

"Get to know the beta's daughter. I don't care if she beats you or bullies you, you're not useful either way. I need her father to side with me so you need to be friends with her. If you have to grovel at her feet, do it. Unless, there'll be more beatings for you. Am I clear?"

I nodded, fisting my hands to my back. Of course, that was all I was useful for. His eyes bulged out as he approached me quickly, another hot slap landing to my face, "next time i tell you something, you respond? Is that clear?"

My voice shook desperately, forming the words, "Yes, father."

He nodded at me, turning his back once again and marching straight towards the door, "Be out in 2 minutes."

The tears I was trying to hold back trickled down my cheeks, my lips quivering as I fell to the bed. Why? What did I do to deserve such a bad father? A father that doesn't even recall his daughter's birthday. A father that beats his daughter up on her 18th birthday.

I closed my eyes, taking a dee​p breath and steadying myself just like i taught myself to do.

"It would be fine Suzie. This is the last time he'll ever touch you. Today is the day where everything changes. You'll get your wolf and you'll be fine." I thought to myself.

I opened my eyes and reached out for my bag, wearing it on my back as I stood up. My eyes collided with my calendar, the red marker on today's date giving me hope.

"Happy birthday to me."

To a new change, a new hope and getting away from my demon father.

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