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In the cutthroat world of business, Arka Wiratama and Lira Astari are formidable forces. Arka, the ambitious and enigmatic CEO of a leading tech company, has little time for a personal life. Lira, the determined and independent head of a burgeoning startup, hides a softer side beneath her tough exterior. Once close business partners, their relationship ended in turmoil and tension years ago. Now, Lira returns to Jakarta with an unexpected twist: a long-forgotten contract that requires them to marry to resolve their business rivalry. Forced into a marriage neither of them wanted, Arka and Lira's union is fraught with distrust and conflict. As their professional and personal lives collide, they must navigate a treacherous path of sabotage, betrayal, and hidden agendas. Despite the initial animosity, a new bond begins to form as they work together to save a crucial project threatened by a third-party conspiracy. Arka sees the dedication and sincerity behind Lira's ambitions, while Lira discovers the protective and caring side of Arka. As they confront external threats and internal doubts, their relationship transforms from adversarial to affectionate.

Chapter 1 The Unforeseen Contract

Arka was seated in the grand conference room on the top floor of his company's building. His sharp eyes were fixed on the projector screen displaying the latest quarterly financial report. Every eye in the room was on him, awaiting his instructions. However, in the middle of the presentation, the conference room door opened, and his assistant entered with a worried expression.

"Mr. Arka, I'm sorry to interrupt. There's an urgent package for you," said his assistant, handing over a small brown box.

Arka frowned. "Now?" he asked, slightly impatient.

"Yes, sir. The sender insisted it's very important," his assistant replied.

Arka gave a brief nod and opened the box. Inside, he found an old, worn envelope. Without wasting any time, he tore open the envelope and pulled out its contents-a yellowed, ancient contract.

His eyes widened as he read its contents. "No way," he muttered, almost in disbelief. The contract was something he had signed years ago when his company was still in its early stages. The contract bound him to marry a woman named Lira, someone who had once been his business partner but later betrayed him.

Arka crumpled the paper in his hand, anger beginning to burn within him. He looked around the silent conference room. "Meeting adjourned. We'll continue later," he said firmly before rushing out of the room.

Once in his spacious office, he closed the door and sat at his desk, trying to calm himself. His mind drifted to the past when he and Lira were partners. They were the perfect team until one day, Lira betrayed him, taking all the company's vital information and selling it to a competitor.

"How could this be happening?" he whispered to himself. He then saw the signatures at the bottom of the contract-his own and Lira's. The contract was undoubtedly valid.

Shortly after, his phone rang. The name on the screen made his blood boil-Lira.

"What do you mean by sending this contract, Lira?" Arka asked coldly after answering the call.

"Arka, calm down. I know this is shocking, but we need to talk. I'm at the cafƩ near your office. Can you come?" Lira's voice from the other end sounded calm but meaningful.

Arka ended the call without another word. He grabbed his jacket and rushed out. Upon arriving at the cafƩ, he saw Lira sitting in the corner with an unreadable smile.

"Lira, what is this?" Arka asked directly as he sat down in front of her, throwing the contract on the table.

Lira took a deep breath. "I know this seems crazy, Arka. But the contract is valid, and we have to fulfill our obligations."

"Why now? After everything you've done to me and this company?" Arka retorted.

Lira looked into his eyes as if trying to find the right words. "Arka, there are many things you don't know. The reason I did all that was to protect you and the company. There's a bigger threat than you can imagine."

Arka laughed cynically. "Protect? By destroying trust and betraying me?"

Lira grasped his hand on the table, surprising him. "Listen to me, Arka. I know this is hard to believe, but we are in danger. The people who forced me to betray you won't stop until they destroy you. This contract is the only way we can survive."

Arka searched her eyes for lies but found only sincerity. He took a deep breath, trying to calm his anger. "Then explain everything. I need to know what really happened."

Lira then began to recount the pressures and threats she received from a third party wanting to take over their company. They used Lira's weaknesses and fears to force her betrayal. The marriage contract was apparently one way to protect the company from these malicious hands.

Arka felt his head spinning. This information was too much to digest at once. "So, what do you expect from me now?" he asked, trying to control his emotions.

"I only hope we can solve this together, like we used to. This contract is a guarantee that we stay united against this threat. If we marry, they can't separate us anymore," Lira replied hopefully.

Arka fell silent, his mind full of considerations. On one hand, he was still angry and hurt by Lira's betrayal. On the other hand, if what Lira said was true, they were indeed in great danger.

"I need time to think about this, Lira. This is too big to decide just like that," Arka finally said.

Lira nodded understandingly. "I understand, Arka. But remember, time is not on our side. The sooner we act, the better."

Arka stood and left the cafƩ without another word. He returned to his office, trying to ponder and think clearly. But the image of Lira and the contract kept haunting his mind. He knew a big decision awaited him, and whatever he chose, his life would never be the same again.

Arka stared at the city skyline from his office window, trying to process everything Lira had said. His mind raced with conflicting emotions-anger, confusion, betrayal, and a faint glimmer of hope. He had always been a man of logic, but this situation seemed to defy reason.

A knock on his door interrupted his thoughts. It was his loyal assistant, Ayu. "Mr. Arka, are you alright? You seemed disturbed after the meeting."

Arka sighed. "I'm fine, Ayu. Just dealing with some unexpected issues."

Ayu hesitated before speaking again. "If there's anything I can do to help, please let me know."

Arka nodded appreciatively. "Thank you, Ayu. I might need your assistance soon."

As Ayu left, Arka's thoughts returned to the past. He remembered the early days of the company when he and Lira worked tirelessly to build their dream. They had shared not just a business, but dreams, ambitions, and a deep connection. The betrayal had shattered him, but now, with this new revelation, he didn't know what to believe.

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