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Married By Accident

Married By Accident



Soraya Jones is pregnant and forced to marry a man with a split personality who killed her mother. Soraya, who previously worked as a secretary, had to give up her career and stay away from Mr. Golden's life But who would have thought that he would have to lose Nora, his mother, who would happily pick him up that night. Married by accident turns out to reveal who killed Nora's Soraya mother.And Soraya had to choose.

Chapter 1 You don't have to be married to get pregnant

"You're wrong, Vin. "It's not as simple as you think," said Soraya after taking a sip of her wine, then looked back at Devina who was rubbing the rim of the coffee cup with her index finger. "You know that I can't falling in love again. I won't!"

"Why?" Devina asked casually with a friendly smile that brightened her face. Soraya snorted lazily at the question, then rolled her eyes.

"Hmm, don't tell me that it's all because of Felix." Devina guessed it was right on target, but Soraya tried not to react. However, as a friend who has known Soraya for a long time, Devina could read the change in Soraya's facial expression, even if only slightly.

"Gosh! He's been missing since... let me count, hmm... seven years ago. Have you lost your mind? "Seven years is a long time to stay fixated on a bastard, Soraya," Devina scolded, lashing out and mocking her stupidity. Unfortunately, Devina didn't know how hard a jolt hit Soraya's chest when that name was said loudly and casually- the name of the man he tried to bury deep in his subconscious.

"Should you say his name?" Soraya complained thinly.

"Hello! Where is the strong and tough figure of Soraya that I have known all this time? Please ... Don't, because hearing her name, you turn back into stupid and weak Soraya. Come on, Soraya! He has gone. Gone!

"What do you expect? Waiting for him to come back so he can hurt you again? Is that what you call love? No! That's not love, but obsession and stupidity. "Just so you know, obsession is not good for your health," Devina rebuked firmly with a look of anger and disbelief.

Soraya was speechless. Every time I hear Felix's name, his image immediately appears and fills Soraya's head . Strangely enough, she immediately turned into the naive, stupid and weak Soraya for a few moments. He was easily swept away by the swift and painful current of the past.

Stupid? Yes I know. That's why I really hate love. Love makes me stupid and weak, Soraya thought angrily and annoyed with herself.

"Damn it, Soraya! "Don't tell me you still love him," Devina guessed when she caught Soraya's sad expression.

"No!" said Soraya doubtfully, "the word 'love' has long disappeared from my dictionary."

""Well, honestly, I can still see that sprinkle in your eyes every time I say his name," said Devina full of mockery, as if she was able to read Soraya's heart.

"I think you're wrong." Soraya still avoided it, then looked away from Devina. He was reluctant to continue the conversation about his past.

""Felix, Felix, Felix, Felix," said Devina repeatedly.

Reflexively, Soraya covered her ears. He didn't want to hear that name again. That name was like a spell that was able to paralyze all of Soraya's strength and stubbornness. and he didn't like that.

"See! You can't even hear his name. You still love him, Soraya, and that is absolutely ridiculous!" Devina scoffed curtly.

Soraya wasn't angry. He is actually grateful to have a friend like Devina who is always honest with him.

Devina does not hesitate to express her opinion, no matter whether the person will be offended or not. At least, Devina's honesty was like a whip that made Soraya realize that everything was over.

""That's why I really hate love and don't intend to feel it again," Soraya admitted honestly, then sighed in defeat. Taking a deep breath indicated that the pain of past wounds had returned and occupied his heart.

Trying to strengthen herself, Soraya lifted the glass filled with wine, then drank it until it was finished. Devina continued to examine him with a probing gaze, but Soraya insisted on ignoring that look. He then looked away, called the waiter and asked the woman to refill his glass.

"Then, how can you get married and have children if you don't love the man?" Devina asked, sounding a little calmer than before. While lifting the coffee cup, Devina's gaze continued to lock on Soraya, who occasionally sipped the wine in the glass.

"No man in this world wants to be the father of a child born to a woman he doesn't love. No man is that crazy, Soraya," said Devina after sipping coffee and putting the cup back. Soraya remained silent, allowing Devina to express her views.

Suddenly, Devina's eyes widened. The woman's expression changed to panic and disbelief. Soraya remained silent. He could guess the line of rebuke that Devina was ready to spit out. A moment later, the long, well-groomed index finger was pointed straight at Soraya's face.

"My God! Don't tell me you want to inseminate! Please, don't be crazy, Soraya! I hope that idea didn't come to your stupid head."

""To be honest, the idea occurred to me," Soraya answered honestly, trying to respond to Devina's surprise as casually as possible even though she still had difficulty erasing the image of Felix from her mind.

"But...," continued Soraya quickly, stopping the protest that Devina was about to make. "I want to get pregnant the right way. Have sex. I don't want any interference from medical equipment. You know, I'm most afraid of needles."

""Well, then, don't dream of having children," said Devina curtly. "There is not a single man in this world who is willing to just impregnate you without fear of the demands of being a father. There won't be, Soraya. Unless, that man is crazy and doesn't have feelings like you."

"Why do you need to be scared?" Soraya asked, responding quickly and curiously to that opinion. He tries to explore all the impossibilities of his plans and finds a way to make everything possible.

"Because they definitely think that you-perhaps one day-will demand costs and responsibility for the child. They also definitely think that the child will be a burden in the future, or even undermine their lives when they have a family. No man wants to face those frightening possibilities, Soraya. No. Will. There is!" Devina explained firmly while emphasizing the last sentence to emphasize her point.

"I will not demand anything!" Soraya replied irritably as she frowned, not liking the thought that she would beg men to support the child she gave birth to.

"I am an independent woman. I have enough wealth to raise a child to adulthood, and I will even leave all my wealth to him. So, they don't need to worry. There will be no demands for a penny from me or the child later."

""Still, money and wealth will not be able to stop the child's curiosity to find the identity of his biological father," replied Devina, who then chuckled in amusement and shook her head in surprise at Soraya's train of thought.

"Oh, come on, Soraya. Do not be selfish! You brought a child into this world, not a robot whose memory can be erased and you control whatever memories you want to implant into its mind.. The child is a human being, and you should not play with someone's way of life just because of your selfishness."

Slapped by Devina's reprimand, Soraya fell silent. He hadn't thought that far at all. However, currently Soraya's ego is bigger than her common sense, and her name wouldn't be Soraya if her stance and decisions were easily shaken just because of a series of advice. Soraya wants to have a child. He also believes that a mother's pure love for her child can definitely change Pappy's decision.

Love has many meanings. It's not just love between two different people becoming one, but it can also be pure and affectionate love between a mother and her children. Yes. Soraya believes that her main goal now is to have a child from her own womb.

"What if I could find a man who would get me pregnant?"

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