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The Heart Of Ice Alpha

The Heart Of Ice Alpha

Claire Wilkins


Aria was born to be great. Her father was in the running to become the next Alpha King who will rule the southern werewolf kingdom and her mother was the best warrior in the kingdom. But Aria had a devastating secret that could ruin everything... On her 18th birthday, she failed to get her wolf. Now, she is a student at the prestigious Academy of the Supernatural and she is trying to keep out of trouble but it all comes to a head when she meets Professor Atlas, the new Alpha King of the rival kingdom in the north, and she discovers that he is her true mate. From the moment they meet, the game of the hearts begins and the first one to fall in love loses. Will true love prevail or will centuries of rivalry and tradition keep Aria and Atlas apart? The Heart Of Ice Alpha is created by Claire Wilkins, an eGlobal Creative Publishing signed author.

Chapter 1 We are over

The slick sounds of sex filled the air as I walked down the hallway. Grunts and moans were mingling with each other. The front door to my boyfriend Scott's house had been opened. I had only come to say goodbye before going to the academy but now I was regretting it. I opened the door to his room and what I saw was horrible.

Knowing about it was completely different than seeing it with my own eyes. What I was witnessing made me sick-the man and the woman's body intertwined together, the man on top of the woman was still thrusting, looked like he enjoyed it a lot, the woman screamed when she found out I was standing at the door.

"Did I interrupt you?!" I asked with a cold tone, I tried my best to suppress the anger in my heart and the impulse to tear the man and woman on the bed apart. The man looked at me with fear and panic in his eyes.

His eyes locked on mine, wide and frantic. There was Scott, my boyfriend, lying in bed with some other woman.

"Aria," Scott started dumbly and jumped off the bed naked.

But then my eyes flicked to the woman he was with. She gave me a dirty look, like she was showing off.

"Babe, I swear this isn't what it looks like," Scott continued to mumble as he started grabbing his clothes.

"What does it look like?" I reiterated with a scoff. "It looks like you're too busy screwing someone else to even notice I am here?"

Scott's face fell, and my heart went along with it. I watched as he tried to find an excuse and fumbled on his words. His eyes flicked between me and the girl behind him, who was watching this happen with amusement.

"It's not my fault, I didn't want her, I-It's just that... well, you know... we haven't been intimate, me and you, and... t-this-this was just a release." He headed toward me, tossing his shirt over his head. His eyes softened as they met mine. "You know I love you, Ri. But you can't always keep me waiting." The way he looked like he still loved me made me feel even more disgusted.

He tried to put his hands on my hips, but I yanked myself away. "That's a sorry excuse," I said.

Scott had told me he'd respected my decision to wait. That was all a lie, and now I had proof right in front of me.

"But–" he began.

I cut him off. "Whatever, Scott. You can fuck whoever you want, we are done," I spat out. I turned to give a dirty look to the woman cowering on the bed before leaving. I walked out of his house and got in my car, heading for home.

Scott and I started to date a year ago. He was the son of Alpha Tyrone. His father always wanted to be a member of Alpha Board which meant he was born in a good family.

I'd only dated him because he didn't know I was the daughter of Alpha Rick, despite being of Alpha blood himself. I thought Scott was different. He seemed to be sweet and acted like he didn't care about status. We had a good time, but soon I found out he was not that kind of person he said he was, he said he didn't care about status but the truth was he enjoyed the benefit of being powerful and he despised those who were weak. Scott got enrolled in the best shifter academy in the South and he was proud of that. There was nothing wrong with him being proud. Every werewolf wanted to be the students of the academy but he always looked at me with pity every time he mentioned it. I knew he probably thought I was just a broken girl and could never have the chance to go there.

I didn't tell him that my father was the primary candidate for the upcoming Alpha King election. And my mom was the best warrior in the werewolf kingdom. And I was enrolled in the academy with full scores.

Later I'd found out he was cheating on me–multiple times–just a week ago, but I was too busy worrying about my wolf to break up with him. It was heartbreaking to know I was right, but we realistically shouldn't have been together anyway. It was doomed from the start, and I was only realizing it now. The only problem now was that I'd probably run into him there too. But I didn't care.

Once I got out of the car, I turned into the large property my parents owned, waving at the man guarding the gate.

My father and mother were sitting at one of the tables on the patio. They were the perfect couple. My mom was one of the best warriors in the South and my dad loved how strong she was. While she was strong, she was not that unapproachable and cold when she was with my father and me. My father, on the other hand, was very charming. They complimented each other well.

I wished I could find someone who made me feel like that. I approached them, my footsteps on the gravel causing my father to glance upward and smile.

"Morning, dad, mom. " I hugged them and sat next them.

"Anything yet?" My mom asked directly. My dad looked at me too, there were worries in his eyes.

I frowned slightly and shook my head.

I turned 18 but I still didn't get my wolf. Most shifters' wolves appeared on their eighteenth birthday-but mine never did. It was a worrying prospect for a man hoping to be Alpha King. Five days had passed, and still nothing. As a result, I had spent those last five days alone in my room, praying for it to happen. But clearly, the Moon Goddess had not heard my prayers yet. I was beginning to lose hope.

The longest it had taken after someone's eighteenth birthday was seven days, and even that was rare. On the other end, some shifters even got their wolves before their eighteenth birthday. I had to keep the fact that I hadn't gotten my wolf yet a secret from everyone. I knew I'd never forgive myself if my family's reputation was affected and my dad's election was tarnished.

I was trying to hold back how worried I really was. He already had so much on his plate, but I couldn't help but wonder, what if my wolf never came? The idea filled me with worry. My parents didn't say anything, but I could feel their disappointment.

My mother's eyes lifted from her newspaper. They were delicate and loving, but her frown was more clear than anything. She was such a strong woman, and I really wanted to be like her. I was their only daughter, and heir, and therefore, had a lot of pressure to be the best I could be.

"Don't worry about your wolf, sweetheart," my dad replied, putting on a smile. "Your mother and I just want you to be happy. Your wolf will come when it's time. Maybe it will help to be around other students your age."

"Thanks Dad." I forced a smiled on my face.

At the same time, my father looked down at his watch. "Well, look at that. Speaking of the academy, it's about that time. Should I send for the car?" my father asked. He smiled wide as though the thought of arriving in a fancy car would thrill me.

But I cringed. "No, dad, thanks, but I don't think it was a good idea, I'd better just stay in the low key."

I didn't want to show up to the academy in a nice car. I didn't want people to know that my father was an important member of the Alpha board. But before I could argue, my mother finally spoke up.

"Take the car, Aria, it will be much faster then drive on your own," she cut in.

She placed her hand on mine and smiled softly. My father didn't argue. He may have been the Alpha, but at home, her word was final.

"Alright." I sighed, knowing that there was no use to refuse.

I went upstairs to finish getting ready for the academy. My bags were packed and were being carried to the car, but I still had to find an outfit for my first day.

I added a leather jacket to my jeans and T-shirt combo before slipping on my best combat boots. I assessed myself in the mirror before pulling my brown hair into a bun.

I was excited for my first day.

The Academy for the Supernatural was one of the best schools in the south, and it was a great honor to be accepted. I wasn't worried about studying at the academy, though. I was more focused on the fact that my wolf was still non-existent.

I closed the door to my bedroom and headed downstairs. I hugged both of my parents in the foyer, and before I knew it, I was in the car and headed to the academy.

It was a nice drive along the coast. Waves crested upon the sand and families were out, enjoying the full sun. It was finally spring, and the shifter community couldn't be more excited.

The beaches eventually turned rocky as we got closer to the cliffs. I knew we were there when we pulled up to the ornate gates. The name of the academy was on a bronze plate in bold lettering, and I felt the butterflies build in my stomach at the sight.

This was really happening. I was finally here.

The driver dropped me off at the front and offered to help me unload my items, but I insisted that I take my own bags to my dorm. After much persistence on his part, he finally got into the car and left.

It was only when he was gone that I finally let out a big sigh. Behind the gates was a stone arch that seemed to lead into a quad. I picked up my bags and walked through it, getting a better look at the large campus.

A lot of the other students were wearing school colors and gathered on blankets on the lawn. It wasn't just wolves at the Academy for the Supernatural and I was excited to have friends who weren't so caught up in pack politics. A particular group of girls seemed to be doing spells in a small cauldron, giggling at the spectral image of a rabbit that ran in the air. I smiled at the sight and continued making my way through the lawn.

I was trying to find my dorm when a man caught my attention. I felt drawn to him in a way I couldn't explain. Somehow, it felt like my wolf just woke up-but that didn't make any sense because she was not there.

All I could see was his back. He had broad shoulders that stood out in his button-down shirt. I couldn't stop looking at him.

He was complete... perfection.

It was only after a few minutes, and after my body returned to itself that I realized he had turned and was looking back at me.

And for some reason, I couldn't move, yet again.

My brown eyes met his piercing blue ones, and I couldn't help the way my face flushed. The feeling that I knew him from somewhere was so intense; it was like we'd known each other in another life. He smirked at me and began walking my way very decidedly.

His gaze was focused and heated-and I was in the center of it all.

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The Heart Of Ice Alpha

Chapter 1 We are over



Chapter 2 An unexpected kiss



Chapter 3 Facing Rebecca



Chapter 4 The man I kissed is my professor



Chapter 5 First Battle Class



Chapter 6 Judy



Chapter 7 He is an A



Chapter 8 He discovers my secret



Chapter 9 Anything he wants



Chapter 10 I can help you



Chapter 11 An interesting start



Chapter 12 Rich roommate



Chapter 13 Alpha of The Blood Storm



Chapter 14 No one gonna save you this time Rebecca



Chapter 15 I reject you as my mate



Chapter 16 A kiss



Chapter 17 A wet dream



Chapter 18 Go to the North



Chapter 19 Alpha Atlas



Chapter 20 Together in the male bathroom



Chapter 21 You are my daughter



Chapter 22 You are a wolfless trash



Chapter 23 Fight back



Chapter 24 He is your ex



Chapter 25 They are a perfect match



Chapter 26 Locked in a room with Atlas



Chapter 27 Who's behind this



Chapter 28 It was Arthur



Chapter 29 First date



Chapter 30 In the bar



Chapter 31 The Revenge



Chapter 32 Aria's Protector



Chapter 33 Scott Dumped Rebecca



Chapter 34 Rebecca was Crazy



Chapter 35 My Wolf Woke up



Chapter 36 The Trial



Chapter 37 He is Back



Chapter 38 I Want Rebecca to be Kicked Out



Chapter 39 : You Make Me Sick



Chapter 40 : Shifting
