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Caleb Williams

Caleb Williams

William Godwin


The reputation of WILLIAM GODWIN as a social philosopher, and the merits of his famous novel, “Caleb Williams,” have been for more than a century the subject of extreme divergencies of judgment among critics. “The first systematic anarchist,” as he is called by Professor Saintsbury, aroused bitter contention with his writings during his own lifetime, and his opponents have remained so prejudiced that even the staid bibliographer Allibone, in his “Dictionary of English Literature,” a place where one would think the most flagitious author safe from animosity, speaks of Godwin’s private life in terms that are little less than scurrilous. Over against this persistent acrimony may be put the fine eulogy of Mr. C. Kegan Paul, his biographer, to represent the favourable judgment of our own time, whilst I will venture to quote one remarkable passage that voices the opinions of many among Godwin’s most eminent contemporaries.

Dramatis Personae

MR. FERDINANDO FALKLAND, a high-spirited and highly cultured gentleman, a country squire in “a remote county of England.”CALEB WILLIAMS, a youth, his secretary, the discoverer of his secret, and the supposed narrator of the consequent events.MR. COLLINS, Falkland’s steward and Caleb’s friend.THOMAS, a servant of Falkland’s.MR. FORESTER, Falkland’s brother-inlaw.MR.

BARNABAS TYRREL, a brutal and tyrannical squire.MISS EMILY MELVILLE, his cousin and dependent, whom he cruelly maltreats and does to death.GRIMES, a brutal rustic, suborned by Tyrrel to abduct Miss Melville.DR. WILSON; MRS. HAMMOND, friends of Miss Melville. MR. HAWKINS, farmer; YOUNG HAWKINS, his son, Victims of Tyrrel’s brutality, and wrongfully hanged as his murderers.GINES, a robber and thief-taker, instrument of Falkland’s vengeance upon Caleb.MR. RAYMOND, an “Arcadian” captain of robbers.LARKINS, one of his band.AN OLD HAG, housekeeper to the robbers.A GAOLER.MISS PEGGY, the gaoler’s daughter.MRS. MARNEY, a poor gentlewoman, Caleb’s friend in distress.MR. SPURREL, a friend who informs on Caleb.MRS. DENISON, a cultivated lady with whom Caleb is for a while on friendly terms.

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