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Arima's Choice: The Cursed Love"

Arima's Choice: The Cursed Love"

Toni Cherry


At nineteen, Arima is known for her kindness, obedience, and stubbornness. Always following her parents' instructions, she leads a life filled with routine and responsibility. But a chance encounter with an elderly woman in distress changes everything. Arima's act of compassion leads to an offer she cannot refuse: a choice between true love and a life of wealth and power. However, true love comes with a dark curse-if Arima ever confesses her love, her lover will face a tragic fate. As years pass, Arima becomes a successful and wealthy accountant, turning down countless suitors who seek her for the wrong reasons. Her heart remains untouched until she meets Jim, a kind and genuine man who breaks through her guarded exterior. Their love grows despite the obstacles, but Arima's fear of the curse looms over their relationship. With powerful enemies, jealous rivals, and the weight of an ancient curse threatening to tear them apart, Arima and Jim must navigate a treacherous path. Will Arima find the strength to protect her love, or will the curse claim its victim? " Arima's Choice: The Cursed Love" is a tale of romance, sacrifice, and the enduring power of true love against all odds.

Chapter 1 The First Encounter

Arima stood at the top of her class, not only in academics but also in determination and character. At nineteen, she was known for her stubbornness, kindness, and unwavering obedience to her parents. These traits defined her, setting her apart as a young woman with a bright future.

Every morning, her alarm rang at six. By six-thirty, she was dressed and ready, the scent of breakfast wafting through the house as she helped her mother in the kitchen. By seven, she was out the door, her backpack slung over her shoulder, making her way to university. This was her routine, and she embraced it with the quiet resilience that had come to define her.

One particularly warm evening, after a grueling day of classes and a long shift at the bookstore, Arima decided to take a detour through the park on her way home. The cool breeze and rustling leaves provided a welcome respite from her hectic day. The sky was painted in hues of orange and pink, and the tranquility of the park was a balm to her weary spirit. Little did she know, this detour would alter the course of her life.

As she strolled along the winding path, Arima's thoughts wandered to her future. She had always been so focused on meeting her parents' expectations that she rarely allowed herself to dream. What did she truly want? The question hung in the air, unanswered, as she rounded a corner and noticed an elderly woman sitting on a bench.

The woman's clothes were tattered, and her face was etched with worry. She seemed lost in thought, her eyes fixed on something distant and unseen. Arima's heart ached at the sight, and without hesitation, she approached the woman.

"Excuse me, ma'am, are you alright?" Arima asked softly.

The woman looked up, her eyes filled with a mixture of gratitude and sorrow. "Oh, my dear, you are too kind. I have been in this park for hours, unable to find my way back home."

Arima listened attentively as the woman recounted her predicament. She had come to the city to visit her daughter, but they had an argument, and she left in a hurry. Now, she was alone, with no way to contact her daughter or find her way back.

"I'll help you," Arima said firmly. "Let's find a place where you can rest for the night."

They walked together, the elderly woman leaning on Arima for support. As they walked, the woman's story unfolded. She spoke of her daughter, her life, and the regrets that had weighed her down. Arima listened with a sympathetic heart, her resolve to help growing stronger with each step.

"I'm so sorry you're going through this," Arima said. "Family can be difficult sometimes, but it's important to stay together."

The woman nodded, her eyes glistening with unshed tears. "You are wise beyond your years, my dear. I can see that your heart is pure."

As they reached a nearby shelter, the woman's demeanor changed. Her eyes seemed to sparkle with a mysterious light, and her voice took on a melodic tone. "Arima, your kindness has not gone unnoticed. I am more than just an old woman. I am a guardian of fates, and I have the power to bestow gifts upon those who show true compassion."

Arima blinked in surprise. "A guardian of fates?"

The woman nodded. "Yes, and today, I offer you a choice. You can choose to find true love in the future, but be warned, this love will come with a great misfortune. To avert this misfortune, you must never confess your love. On the day you do, your lover's fate will be sealed. Alternatively, you can choose to become powerful and wealthy, but your life will be filled with loneliness and misery."

Arima was stunned. "I don't want any rewards. I just wanted to help."

The woman's expression softened. "I understand, but the fates demand a choice. If you do not choose, they will, and their choice will bring even greater misfortune."

Arima hesitated, the weight of the decision pressing down on her. Her mind raced as she considered the implications of each choice. True love sounded like a fairy tale, but at what cost? Could she live with herself if her love brought misfortune to someone she cared about? And what about wealth and power? It seemed tempting, but a life of loneliness and misery was a heavy price to pay.

She thought about her parents, their dreams for her, and the life she had envisioned. Was she ready to make such a monumental decision?

After a long silence, Arima took a deep breath. "It is better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all. I choose to live a life of love."

The woman smiled sadly. "You are brave, Arima. The fates have heard your choice." She raised her hands, and a soft light enveloped Arima. "May you find true love, but remember the curse. Never confess your love, or your lover's fate will be sealed."

As the light faded, Arima felt a strange sensation wash over her. The woman's words echoed in her mind, but as she made her way home, the encounter began to feel like a distant dream. By the time she reached her doorstep, she had nearly forgotten about it entirely, unaware of the destiny that awaited her.

Years later, Arima would often look back on that night with a sense of wonder and unease. She had made a choice, one that would shape her future in ways she could not yet comprehend. But for now, as she lay in bed, exhaustion overtaking her, the memory of the old woman and the fateful choice she had made faded into the recesses of her mind, leaving her to drift into a restless sleep.

The park, now silent and still, held the secrets of that night. The guardian of fates watched over Arima, a silent witness to the beginning of a journey filled with love, sacrifice, and the haunting specter of a curse. And so, the wheels of fate began to turn, setting in motion a story that would test the limits of love and the strength of the human spirit.

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