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If only she could turn the hands of the clock.......... Asher Rollings is a young orphaned and wolfless Omega who at the early stage of her life lost her parents to an unknown infection that claimed their life. After the death of her parents, she was forced to move to the Pack house where she served as a maid. She was maltreated, abused and enslaved by the others. As a means to end her depressed state, she sought for a mate but wasn't fortunate enough as no one desired her instead she was ridiculed. Meanwhile, fate had other plans for her. One fateful day, the Alpha of her Pack desired for a mate and promised to make Asher his one true mate after they had a one-night stand with each other. Will Asher become the Alpha's one true mate? Will she find the solace she craves for ? Find out in this interesting story. ......

Chapter 1 One

There was celebration in the Rodgers pack that evening. Prior to that day, wolves from different packs had paid a visit to the most powerful pack as they knew it.

Alpha Konan always made a statement with any types of ceremonies held in the community.

"You look very beautiful today, Ash," said Serena.

I had been wandering aimlessly for the past few minutes since I came to the field.

"Thank you, Serena. So do you. You're actively glowing. What's the secret?" I said teasing her.

Serena and I weren't close friends from the onset. We just kind of found ourselves around each other a lot lately.

We were polar opposites which was so cliche if you think about why we were even friends in the first place.

I didn't really know why we were friends but is there ever a particular reason why two people become such close friends?

She was very pretty and I was a potato next to her. But I didn't mind too much. To me, she was the kindest and nicest person ever.

Serena was popular, hence why I had been alone from the beginning of the party and not by her side all along.

She had to talk to a lot of people before finally gracing me with her presence.

Tossing her hair over her shoulder she said, "Dont think I don't know what you're doing complimenting me like that, Asher baby".

Grimacing, I remembered why I had been avoiding her in the first place.

Serena had the most persistent attitude ever. If she wanted something, you could bet the heavens and the whole earth that she was going to get it.

"I'm not sure I want to get to know anybody, you see I'm keeping myself for my mate" I began saying but she cut me off.

Scoffing she said, "Yeah, yeah, yeah, your same old rant about mates and true love. I get it, trust me I do. But this isn't about all that at all. This is about experimenting, seeing other people and having fun".

I cannot count how many times she had said this to me but I always ended up chickening out because it really wasn't what I wanted.

"I can't promise anything, okay? But I'll interact with one guy if it makes you happy" I said finally giving in to her puppy dog eyes.

Really, nobody could say no to those eyes. Rolling my eyes, I sighed heavily as she happily put her arms in mine.

Letting myself be led towards a group of men where Alpha Konan was currently having a discussion was not on my mind at all.

Frighteningly, I clutched her arm, almost denting it with my nail marks.

"How– Serena! How about we go the other direction and look for someone over there" I said, desperately trying to get her to switch directions.

She looked confused, apparently she had a particular person set in mind and I was ruining it.

I didn't give her time to object as I turned us around and moved the other direction.

"Uhh okay. I was going to introduce you to a warrior I thought you would like but whatever we can settle for whoever we find in this corner" she said exasperated.

I was happy she didn't ask about my sudden change in behavior. That was one thing I was grateful to the moon goddess for.

Serena was oftentimes so oblivious, if you really thought about it, she seemed to act like she was an airhead sometimes.

I never questioned it because she couldn't possibly be that bad. And she was a really sweet person when she wanted to be.

Back to the topic at hand, this wasn't the first time I had that reaction anytime I was even a few feet around Alpha Konan.

He had this dangerous aura around him and he never failed to make me nervous.

Konan was a ruthless wolf who was stronger than any other wolf in our pack or the neighboring packs.

And it doesn't help that he was very good looking and most of the women threw themselves at him at any given interval.

He hadn't claimed a mate and so he was currently free to be with whomever he pleased and that could be anybody.

If the rumors are true, he indulged in those kinds of activities almost everyday. And he was still admired and feared in our community.

I failed to realize that we had been standing in front of someone for the past few minutes and I had not said a word.

"I'm sorry, what did you say?" I said snapping out of my daze when Serena called my name.

"I was saying Blake here wanted to get to know you, maybe he could walk you home so you two can get to know each other" she said, gesturing to him and smiling at me.

I was both grateful and appalled. Leaving me in the hands of someone I didn't really know was really something.

But I smiled and nodded at him. Waving goodbye to Serena we began walking home.

Blake was really a conversationalist, in the sense that he just talked and I listened. I couldn't count the amount of times I said 'oh really' in response.

I was so happy when I saw my house and how close we were to it.

"This is me," I said, stopping in front of the walkway.

"Well, can I see you some other time?" he asked sheepishly.

I hummed uninterestedly and waved goodbye to him. I bounded for the front door in a hurry not really caring about how that would look to him.

Breathing a sigh of relief when I made it inside I noticed how quiet it was at home.

"Mom!" I called out. "Dad!".

I made my way to their bedroom and opened the door, freezing up immediately.

My eyes widened as I took in the room. Nothing would have prepared me for this.

"Oh Goddess!".

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