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Silver Luna, My Fourth Life

Silver Luna, My Fourth Life



"Please, don't hurt me," I pleaded as he approached me like the predator he was, stalking his prey. But his wolf had taken dominance, and whatever I said was dismissed by him. I tried to move, but I couldn't. I was frozen to the spot. I don't know how, but my body was submitting to his alpha, even though he wasn't my alpha. Before I knew it, I found myself sprawled on the ground with him pinning me down. "Please don't!!" I cried as he roughly tore my clothes exposing me to his hungry eyes. Tears ran down my cheeks when he swiftly tore my panties and thrust inside me roughly, "Ahhh!! please, Greg, stop you're hurting me," But my pleas only made him push further making my first time the worst day of my life. *** Layla is a stunning 19 year old she-wolf with shiny white hair that shimmers in the moonlight. Her piercing blue eyes are as sharp as a hawk's, that exude a sense of confidence and strength. At first, she thought her only problem was her inability to find a mate, but little did she know that her fate was much more complicated than that. As an extraordinary wolf, she also soon discovers that the man who took advantage of her in her current life is also the reason for her untimely deaths in her previous three lives. This revelation throws her into a maelstrom of emotions and forces her to confront her past, present, and future in ways she never imagined possible.

Chapter 1 Dreaming Again

Layla's POV

It was very dark out in the woods. There was an eerie feeling that hung in the atmosphere ...

I could hear strange sounds all around me, putting my senses on high alert. I could sense danger, an unsettling presence lurking in the shadows.

"Where am I?..." I murmured dejectedly, with no idea of where I was, how I got there, and how to get out either.

Just then, I was snapped out of my thoughts by the sounds of twigs snapping and footsteps approaching, making my heart race with fear as all the hairs on my neck rose.

The darkness was so thick that I could barely see anything in front of me. But feeling terrified and trembling, I began to run blindly in the darkness, without knowing where I was going.

But I instinctively knew I had to get away from whatever danger that was coming...

In desperation, I cried out for help, but my voice was swallowed up by the silence. But I persisted.

"Someone help me!!"

My voice became hoarse from screaming for help, but no one came to my rescue. So I ran as fast as I could.

But just when I thought the darkness had swallowed me whole, I saw a figure in the distance. As he drew closer, I could see the moonlight shining brightly on him, reflecting off his tall, muscular frame, emitting a powerful and commanding aura that radiated a sense of both familiarity and dander.

I was torn between wondering if he was an angel sent to save me from this place or a devil in disguise who was here to take my life. I stood there watching him in a daze as he approached.

Just then, I heard the sounds again, this time it grew louder and more ominous. I could feel my heart pounding in my chest as I turned to look behind me, but I could see nothing but darkness, just the snapping of twigs and footsteps approaching at a fast pace.

My survival instinct kicked in and I began to run again, but stumbled upon a root only to fall into his hard broad chest.

I gasped as I felt the power of his aura and the strength of his grip on my petite figure. But then the sound of his ferocious and ominous laughter made me stiffened.

'Did I just give myself on a silver platter?' I thought. But then I felt a sense of belonging, his aura was stronger than anything else I had ever felt before. And I also felt protected in his arms, it felt like home, so I did what my instinct told me, I clung to him, feeling his strength and protection surrounding me.

And it was as if we were meant to stay like that, and nothing could tear us apart.

As we stood there, his scent enveloped me, it was both comforting and calming. Suddenly I felt a spark course through my entire body, a connection that was both electric and ancient.

It felt like deja vu, and I knew that he felt it too, because he loosened his grip on me, making me lose my balance, but he was fast to catch me.

But drew out of his embrace, as the word,

"Mate" escaped our lips in unison. I looked up eager to see his face, but before I could,

"Layla...! Layla...!" followed by a knock at the door shattered my dream, or should I say nightmare?

'Damn it! I was dreaming again, why does it always have to be like this? I've been having this recurring dream repeatedly since I turned 15 and changed into my wolf, Akisia. But I always wake up before I get a glimpse of the man in my dreams face. I usually wake up from an interruption.

It is either Mum, Dad, my alarm, or our housekeeper. But sometimes my body instinctively wakes on its own, it's like my heart and mind are scared to see his face, making me jerk awake before seeing his face.

I am Layla Adamms, the only daughter of my parents. My dad is the older brother of the Alpha of our pack. From what I've heard, he didn't want to take on the burden that comes with being an Alpha, so yeah, my uncle is the Alpha of our pack.

Most of my friends in college say I was born with a silver spoon in my mouth.

"You're a spoiled pretty brat," they will always tease. But I doubt it. I sighed and I immediately sat up on the bed.

"Who is it?" I asked standing up from bed to get ready for the day.

"Breakfast is ready," Mrs. Yvonne replied.

"Okay, please tell Mum I'll be down in a jiffy," I responded.

"Okay, dear, I'm heading home then. I love you, and have a nice day," Mrs. Yvonne's sweet voice echoed from the other side of the door.

"I love you more. Take care," I replied.

Mrs. Yvonne has been with us since I was a child. She's a woman in her mid-thirties and helps my mother with the housework. In fact, she does most of the work.

Mrs. Yvonne has no children of her own, so she treats me like her daughter. And strangely, I feel an inexplicable closeness and comfort with her, almost as if I were her real daughter.

My mother told me Mrs. Yvonne decided to work in the pack house after she first laid eyes on me. She explained that it was due to my undeniable adorableness.

While some found her decision unusual, I believe the truth is that I was undeniably cute. Growing up, I was affectionately referred to as "Moon" by anyone who set their eyes on me, due to my silver-white hair, silver-gray eyes, and snow-white complexion.

They would say I resembled a child born of the moon goddess herself.


After a long shower, I slipped into a pair of comfortable blue jeans trousers and paired it with a cozy, grey sweater. With a touch of delicate makeup, I felt prepared to face the day ahead.

As I made my way outside, I encountered my dad on his way downstairs. I greeted him with a kiss on the cheek,

"Good morning Dad, looking good." I compliment him.

"Thank you, sweetheart, you're looking..." He couldn't complete his statement, when Mum's voice interrupted, cutting him off.

"Albert dear," mum called. "Can we talk before you leave?" Mum asked as I walked down the stairs with Dad, I looked down at her as she waited for Dad with a frustrated look.

"Mum, are you alright?" I asked, only to be ignored and be eye rolled at by her. 'Woow... that was not new.' This familiar behavior signaled that I was likely the subject of their impending discussion.

"Do you care if I'm sad?" Mom asked.

"Oh no, not again, Mom, please... Can we please not talk about this today? Let's do this another time, please?"

I asked as I descended the stairs and stood in front of her. I reached for her hand and led her to the dining table.

"Sit down, Mom," I said, taking my seat as well. I began massaging the back of her hand. "Mom, you know I love you, right? So can you not talk to Dad about this?" I persuade with puppy eyes.

"I love you too, but no!" she said, hitting the back of the hand I was massaging her with.

"Ouch! That hurt," I whimpered and exclaimed. "Mom! You didn't have to do that," I said, feigning a hurt expression as I soothed the spot where she had struck with my thumb.

"Oh, cut it. I made you this bratty by always taking your side, but no, I'm not listening to you anymore! No!" she said, continuing, "Albert, Layla is turning nineteen next month. Her friends are all living with their mates, and some already have kids. Do you want her to grow old without her mate?" she complained.

"Mom?!" I yelled, feigning betrayal, and turned my gaze from Mom to Dad, awaiting his response. But, as expected, he replied...

"Layla sweetheart, why don't you want to participate in the moon goddess mating festival?" Dad questioned as he took his seat, I know it was just a question, but it still freaks me out.

Because Dad always listens to me but listens to Mum more. He, getting convinced by Mum, was just a heartbeat away. Mum was his partner after all.

'The Moon Goddess Matchmaking Festival is an annual event, a highly anticipated event among werewolves. It is a unique gathering that offers a chance for werewolves without a mate to find their perfect match, a second chance mate.

The event attracts many Werewolves from different packs to participate in this festival, all of them hoping to find their second chance at love.

However, I chose not to participate in this festival because of the potential risks involved. When a werewolf finds their true mate, the bond between them is incredibly strong and undeniable. It is powerful and unbreakable.

Unfortunately, this bond can also be a source of destruction and conflict, especially if one or both partners are already mated to a second chance mate.

I have witnessed some women cheat on their second chance mates because of the bond of the true mate, and as a result, many of them were banished from their packs. Some were fortunate enough to be accepted into their mate's pack, but others were forced to become rogues.

Even for those who were lucky enough to find acceptance in their mate's pack, the guilt and shame of their actions always haunt them, because of rumors about them being unfaithful that usually spread through the pack.'

Therefore, I have decided to avoid the Moon Goddess Matchmaking Festival and wait for fate to bring me together with my true mate.

To make sure my dad didn't get convinced by his wife, I walked behind him placing my hand on his shoulders, and was about to massage him, hoping to distract him, but I think Mum got a hint of my intention and hissed,

"Do the needful." I retracted my hand slowly. 'This woman, how did she become my mum?' I questioned myself inwardly, 'I love her but when she started to talk about something, no matter the distraction you may create, she would still pursue the topic.'

"Okay mum I will go, but next year...?" I said with an uncertain squeaky voice, "I promise I will definitely go," I said as I grabbed a toasted bread from the dinner table. "Don't worry mum, I have a feeling I will be encountering my mate before you realize, I'm running late, Rachel will throw tantrums," I said, placing a kiss on her cheek, and Dad's before walking away.

"Layla! come back here, I'm not done speaking with you!" She yelled after me, I laughed at her determination to convince me.

"I love you too Mum and Dad," I said then sped off.

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