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PROLOGUE "Amara Celestine Fuentes!" I was nervous to hear Dad's voice in my room. I was faster to get down from the blanket I had linked to get down from the window of my room. When my feet fell to the ground, I was surprised and I saw Papa looking at me too. "Bye, Papa" I smiled and waved at him and picked up my wallet that fell to the ground. "Amara, come back here!" It shouted but I just shook my head. "You can't leave, you're married tomorrow!" "I don't want to get married!" I shouted and began to run away. He called me but I didn't bother to turn around. I raised my hand to the air and waved again even though I was running. "Armando, chase Amara!" My eyes widened when he heard what he had said as I walked home. Sh*t! They didn't have to be overwhelmed because I was really*really*around when I was in a bad mood. I slipped into the hole from the bamboo fence. I always go through it every time I run away from Papa. This road is out of the road where there are many passing vehicles. I ran even more so that I could get them out because I knew they would look for me on the highway. When I reached the road, I wrapped my hands on the passing vehicles. No one stops at all so I'm dancing to the twitter. There was a vehicle to go again so I stopped in the middle of the road. I was still very tight because I was as low as it was speeding. I was surprised to hear a series of bushes. Seeing it stopped, I quickly ran the driver's seat and knocked on the window. It opens right away. "Are you d*mn crazy?!" She immediately gave me a hug but I didn't pay attention to her anger. "Help me!" I have a promise. It just grabbed me by the forehead. "I'm not buying your act, Woman" It has driven the car's engine so I'm more in shock. "Someone is chasing me! Please, help me!" I begged him. "I saw a lot of people like you doing this just to fool the innocent. I'm not stup*d to fall in your trap" he promised. He was about to leave the car again but I hung half of my body in the air. It was blown away by the panic. "I'm not cheating on you! There are those who are chasing me and when I get caught by them they will definitely kill me" I forced myself to make myself more believable. "H-don't you help me? When something goes wrong with me ---" "Ride!" I stopped talking when he opened the door to the passenger seat. I smiled secretly because my acting seemed effective. I left the window of his car and immediately boarded the passenger seat and closed the door. It was driving away so I turned to our place. I saw Armando there too, so the wind blew me away. It seemed like a thorn in the chest. He didn't hold back the whole trip. I was just looking out the window and thinking about where I was going today. I have no friends who can stay home. I don't like my relatives either. His cellphone rings so I look at his behavior. She pressed her ear white. "Mr. Fuentes' daughter is missing? So, the wedding is off. That's a great news" I returned the look to the window because of what he said. I was so blurred and stuck in my seat. I secretly bitten my lower lip and shook my arm. I ran away so the wedding would not continue but here I am now in the car of the person who seems to be marrying me. I bowed my head and shook my palm. I think, I'm totally doomed! ---

Chapter 1 Part 1

I was restless while in his car. I would also look out the window in case I could see a temporary place. I'm already overthrowing it here.

Is she really going to marry me? I never saw my groom's face, a surprise marriage was happening between us so I laughed. I didn't think such a set-up was today.

Don't I have a boyfriend to avoid stress and get married? H*lll no! I don't want to grow old early. I just want to be single now and have fun.

I turned my gaze to him. I watched her closely while her attention was just driving. The skin was white and smooth, her thick eyebrows were almost linked because it looked so deep, her nose was sharp, her eyes were slightly narrowed, she had red and thin lips, and I also noticed the mole in her chin.

She was wearing a mirror and her bangs could barely cover her left side. These looks are obviously chased by women.

"What is your name?"

I was surprised at his sudden speech. I quickly lost my gaze before he could even notice that I was staring at him.

"Father-amelia" I almost told him my real name. Fortunately, I immediately thought of another name.

"Who is your parents?"

Parents? I can't tell him dad's name. Mom's been dead for a long time.

"A-Armando" I secretly nodded for what I said. He didn't even know that Armando was the head of our security.



It seemed like I was deaf and I didn't hear much of his question. He looked at me for a moment before turning his gaze back to the road.

"Your family name" he asked seriously.


He didn't speak anymore so I could breathe a sigh of relief. My heartbeat is gone now because of the twitter. I have mentioned my name and surname because of this lying.

"Your address?"

P-Assan! Whose address do I say? Can I just deliver to the police station? Can not! Everything will be more complicated.

"Just tell me your house address, I'll deliver you to you"

"A-ah that's it ..." I smiled fake and bowed down and bitten lips. "A-what is it ..."

What the heck, Amara! Get up! What will I say? It stopped the car so I swallowed.

I sniffed and then I tried to make myself cry again. I'm a member of the drama club at school and best in acting as well. I put my hand in the mouth and then it was sad.

"A-that's true because ...." I hugged and cried out loud. "My parents are gone. I'm alone in the b-life. Because of my family's debt they took me as a payment ... and now I just escaped"

I make my feelings even more believable to be more believable. I could see the avoidance of it so I secretly smiled again because my face was really effective. I laughed again when he looked at my behavior.

"Your house was the bank we took because we couldn't pay them. W-I didn't really go" I moaned again. I glanced at the handkerchief he was giving me that I accepted.

I will do it to get rid of the cold of the cold on my nose. I returned it to her but she nodded and shook her head.

"S-it's just that" he said before operating the car.

I want to laugh at the way he looks at what I did.

"Thanks. Can you recommend me that I can go first tonight?"

I really had no choice but to ask him for help. Even tonight I have a home and tomorrow I will find an apartment.

I heard her sigh as she looked at me for a moment before she returned to the road.

"Don't you have a relative you can stay tonight?"

"They were far from here and they were definitely not going to leave me in their homes. They couldn't even look for me when I was gone" I bowed my head and sniffed again. This is a great idea to do this.

"Alright. Would you like to work? It's free all you need and even home is free too"

I didn't immediately speak what he offered. I also have money here for a premise on rent in case I find an apartment or boarding house but I still need to find a job.

I know that I will never be home again. I also didn't want to come back because my dad would definitely get me and get married to this person.

"If I ever agreed, I would work with you?" I will ask. I want to make sure he will be my boss. If only he had, I would just look for an apartment and another job.

"Nope. I can recommend you to my friend. He's looking for an assistant"

I breathed a sigh of relief at his response. Just in case I still have a problem. If my job was a helper, would I be able to do that? Eh, I don't know how to cook.

"Is that a legit work?" I'm sure. It was hard and maybe he was just cheating on me. It was a bit of a jerk.

"Tss. I'm not scammer"

"You're not a bad person either?" I asked again so it made me look in my eyes. I just made a peace sign because it looked angry.

"I shouldn't wasting my time just for helping you if I am a bad person, Amelia"

I closed my mouth because of what he said. I stopped asking because his patience seemed to be short. Ang sungit naman. Tsk.

I was wondering what the person looking for the assistant looked. Woman like that? Man? Well, I don't care about it anymore. Maybe he's just as old but his parents can also look for an assistant.

Sometimes the parents are like that. Dad is like that when he finds a buyer of his harvested rice, avocado and pineapple I post in socmed.

His car slowed down when we got to a single way. Each side of it has santan and well-trimmed. It looks really good. A few moments later I saw the big gate ahead.

His pace slowed down until we were close to its opening. It just opened so I was amazed. Wow. I even looked at the gate as we finally passed. I saw that it was also closed. Their gate is high-tech.

We are capable but not as wealthy as people. It looks like I can only see it in the movie. I returned my gaze to our path and was surprised to see the plants blooming the flower. Even in the dark I could still see because of the lights on the ground.

I turned my gaze to the front and saw the fountain in the middle. I couldn't help but think that our car was turning around until we passed it. I turned my gaze in front of us and I was even more amazed at the big house I see today.

It looks like a mosquito is about to enter my mouth because of the size of the mood. I just returned to the reality when he tap me on the shoulder. I looked at him removing his seatbelt.

"B-are you home?" I can't believe my question here.

"No. This is my friend's house. I brought you here so I can introduce you to her"

I was not able to calm down when he dropped the Saskayan. Is the speed at all? I was nervous all of a sudden.

I took off my seatbelt and would have opened the door when someone opened it so I would almost drop to the ground if he hadn't just grabbed me by the shoulder.

"Be careful" he reminded me so I was ashamed to apologize. I got up and fixed myself. Sometimes my clumsy really exists.

"It's inside" he was there so I nodded. I followed him into the big house. I try to step up my steps to catch her.

"By the way, every time I tell him about you is nodded or you just say yes. Okay?"

I was shocked at what it said. "Can I not speak or answer his question?"

"He is strict when it comes to this matter, Amelia. I'm just helping you"

"What if he asked me?"

"Well, you can open your mouth and answer his questions if it is necessary"

I nodded. I was wearing a dress with a sunflower design, because it was a bit frustrating because it was probably hanging on the blanket and running. I also fixed my hair when I saw my reflection on the glass door. I was looking at my slippers with a sunflower design as well.

I need to adjust my appearance because I have to get the position here as a maid. When the glass door opened, I was amazed again. As well as the door high-tech as well. Is there an escalator here or is it an elevator?

When I finally got inside, I was startled. Wow. The size of the house. As I entered, I immediately noticed the white floor and had purple snowflakes of design. To my left is a white long sofa and a single couch on either side, surrounding a reading center table resting on a white carpet. To my left is the brutal stairs up to the other floor of the house.

At the edge of the stairs there is a large plant. There are large beige curtains that are covered in the large windows of this house. I looked up at the top and had a large chandelier there attached to the ceiling.

The space of the house is wide and can be made into a dance floor. I was so amazed that I didn't notice that there was a babe next to me and I was standing. I almost jumped in shock as it touched me.

"P-I'm sorry" I apologized and repaired myself. It just smiles. I was overwhelmed because you had no man with me before.

"Where is that guy with me before?" I was worried because I couldn't help it. Maybe I left here and then it wasn't really a job so I was here. What if he really sells me?

"Sir Lorenzo just left because he was going to Master in his office. Just wait here" he led me to the sofa so I just followed.

It is a shame to sit here because the white one looks like the dust is the one who is afraid to come. It said goodbye to leave. I would have done nothing but wait for my companion to be Lorenzo's name.

A few moments later I heard the footsteps coming from the stairs. I got up and waited for the person down there. The first thing I saw was the glossy and black shoes, and then it was the black slacks that were plain-plants because I didn't see any crack.

My eyes went up to the black longsleeves that were a bit close to the body. I swallowed because I saw abs every time he stepped down. It fixes the sleeve of his left hand and folds it to the elbow. My eyes moved to his arm white and smooth. In each movement, the roots also came out of his arm.

It is obvious to the gym but even though its body is just right, not big and not thin.

When he finally got down, my eyes fluttered on his face. I could no longer close my mouth to the end of it.

"This is ryoushin Castillian. He is the friend that I am talking about. He is also looking for a helper"

I secretly nodded. It's really legit that he's just looking for a helper.

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Other books by sopia

Fake Wife of the Duke

Fake Wife of the Duke



My hands trembled when I heard the opening of the car I was riding. There was a cloth covered in my mouth and I couldn't breathe. "Can you do that?" A man taught me. My companion grabbed me and rubbed my arm and thigh. I want to cry but I hold back. I might be slapped again. "This'll do. Take that to the mansion," I was returned to the carriage and moved to wherever I was taken. I work in a beer house as a waitress. In the town there are missing women every night but also returned after a few days. Some of them do not remember. I could hear my heartbeat because of the overwhelming. A few hours later my car stopped. The man pulled me out and pulled me to a large mansion. I was swallowed when we entered. I looked at the big door behind me. I want to go home. We went up to the second floor. I just stooped down the whole time I was in the mansion. Concerned with what happens. We entered a large room and knelt down. "You two, leave." I heard a man say. I heard the two men leave me and shut the door. I was still bowing and I could see someone knelt in front of me. She moaned as she grabbed my back hair and raised my head to close our eyes. "You're too good looking for a waitress in a beer house. Are you really not an escort?" asked it and examined my face. My forehead twitched. Escort? Really? He smelled my neck and kissed it softly. "And you smell really good." My feathers rose as this man did! M*nyak ba toh? "You'll do good pretending to be my wife," she pulled my hair out and stood up. Wife? What- Before I could protest, I had a fragrant smell that dropped my lid.

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