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Tears Of The Moon: A Dance With Lycan Royalty

Tears Of The Moon: A Dance With Lycan Royalty

Ike Gilboa


Betrayed by her mate and sister on the eve of her wedding, Makenna was handed to the ruthless Lycan Princes as a lover, her indifferent father ignoring her plight. Determined to escape and seek revenge, she captured the interest of the three Lycan princes, who desired her exclusively amid many admirers. This complicated her plans, trapping her and making her a rival to the future Lycan queen. Entwined in jealousy and vindictiveness, could Makenna achieve her vengeance in the intricate dance with the three princes?

Chapter 1 Why Did You Betray Me

Makenna's POV:

"Mmm... oh, Frank... harder... just like that..."

I froze in the doorway of the master bedroom, my pulse pounding in my ears. My whole body started to tremble as the unmistakable sound of a woman's moans filled the room.

What hit me hardest was the name she kept repeating-my mate's name.

I took a deep breath and pushed the door open, just enough to peek through the crack. My heart shattered as I saw two bodies tangled together in a mess of sheets and sweat.

Frank Thomas, my mate, was desperately trying to please the woman beneath him. She had her legs tightly wrapped around his waist, breathing rapidly in ecstasy. She lifted her head and clawed harder on Frank's back, her face flushed with pleasure. My blood turned to ice.

It was Jessica Dunn. My stepsister!

When the hell had this started? How long had they been sneaking around behind my back?

My mind went blank. The only thing I could hear was the relentless buzzing in my head.

Just then, Jessica purred again lustfully. "Oh Frank... when will you... when will you finally mark me?"

Frank grunted in response, thrusting even harder into her. "Soon, baby. Just be patient. Once I remove the mate bond with Makenna, I'll mark you. You're the only one I love, honey."

His words hit me like a slap, dragging me down into a black hole.

The man who once swore to love me, who promised me forever, was pledging his love to someone else. And not just anyone-my own stepsister. This was a cruel joke.

A surge of fury exploded in my chest, wiping out any trace of reason.

Bang! Before I knew what I was doing, I slammed the door wide open with a force that made it bang against the wall.

Jessica shrieked, scrambling to pull the blanket over her naked body.

Frank, initially startled, quickly calmed down. He yanked the sheet up around his waist, his face hardening into a scowl. "Makenna, what are you doing here? Weren't you supposed to be setting up for the wedding?"

I stared at him, my voice shaking with rage. "I came back early, Frank. If I hadn't, I wouldn't have caught you two snakes in my bed, desecrating what was supposed to be our wedding day."

Here he was, looking so calm and not so sorry, while a wave of hysteria was consuming me. My vision swam in a blur of tears as I choked out, "Why? Why have you betrayed me?"

Seeing that it was me who had stormed in, Jessica regained her composure and smiled.

She draped herself over Frank, planting a passionate kiss on his lips as if I were invisible. Pulling away, she shot me a look that was pure poison. "Betrayed? Please. Frank was never really yours. He prefers me."

Frank's hand found its way to her hair, gently brushing it aside as he looked at me with an almost bored expression. "Well, since you're here, I might as well spell it out for you," he said casually. "I'm ending our mate bond. I'm with Jessica now."

A cold dread settled in the pit of my stomach as I watched them. The complete lack of shame; the mockery... It sent me over the edge and a raw, guttural scream tore from my throat.

"Go to hell, both of you! Bastards! You deserve to die!"

Out of control, I grabbed anything within reach-vases, books, whatever I could get my fingers on-and hurled them in their direction. Every fiber of my being wanted to hurt those scumbags, to make them feel even a fraction of the pain they'd caused me.

Frank, with a cold efficiency, intercepted my assault, his strong arms pushing me to the floor.

"Are you out of your mind, Makenna Dunn?" he spat, his voice laced with contempt. "Do you think you can compare to Jessica?"

I crumpled to the floor, the weight of his words crushing what little remained of my spirit. My entire world had just been annihilated, and I was left with nothing but the jagged pieces of my ruined dignity.

Through my sobs, I choked out the only question that mattered to me in that moment. "Why, Frank? Why the hell would you do this to me?"

"Why?" Jessica's laughter was cruel. Clinging to Frank, she looked down at me with contempt.

"Makenna, haven't you heard? The Lycan princes are on the hunt for sex slaves. Every unmated woman in the country has to participate in the trials. Frank couldn't bear the thought of losing me, so I'm afraid you're the one who has to go."

Being sent to a tryout to become a sex slave for the Lycan princes? I couldn't believe what I was hearing. It was enough to rob me of breath.

My chest tightened as I stared at Frank. "Those three princes are monsters-brutal, merciless. You're sending me to die?"

The man who once swore to love and protect me for the rest of our lives was now handing me over to the brutal Lycan princes as if I were nothing.

As if it wasn't enough, he continued to crash my soul. "I stopped loving you a long time ago. Jessica is the only one I care about now. And I won't just stand by and let her die. You mean nothing to me anymore."

I was so furious that a bitter laugh escaped my lips. "Frank Thomas, don't forget you're still my mate. Are you really willing to break your vow to the Moon Goddess?"

"I'll break it, and I won't lose a wink of sleep over it," Frank sneered.

Before I could process the venom in his words, Frank straightened, his voice rising as if calling out to the heavens.

"Moon Goddess, hear me! I, Frank Thomas, reject you, Makenna Dunn, as my mate."

The world tilted. The bond was broken. A searing pain shot through my skull, more agonizing than anything I'd ever felt. These were the consequences of being rejected by your mate.

I clutched my head, the agony bringing me to my knees, pulling me again into a black hole.

The last thing I saw before everything went black was Jessica's smug, victorious smile and Frank's cold, unfeeling gaze.

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