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The Alpha's Rejected Luna: Mommy Please, Take Daddy Back.

The Alpha's Rejected Luna: Mommy Please, Take Daddy Back.



"Is it considered betrayal to develop feelings for your best friend's boyfriend? What about when fate intervenes, and he turns out to be your destined mate? You might think it's luck and thank the moon goddess for such a twist of fate. That's what I believed until the love of my life uttered those dreaded words: 'I want a divorce!' As I stared at the pregnancy test in my hands, I realized it was better to keep my secret to myself. My name is Violet, and this is my story."

Chapter 1 One

Chapter 1

"Congratulations, Violet, you're two weeks pregnant!" The doctor's words rang in my ear as I sat up straight.

My eyes widened as I stared at the result he had handed over to me in disbelief. "Y.. You're certain about this, aren't you?" I had to ask for a second time because I needed to be sure.

"Tests can't lie, Mrs. Adrian. It's certain. You're two weeks pregnant," the doctor muttered as he smiled. I could see the relief in his eyes too as he assured me.

Of course, he has to be relieved because Adrian and I were like regular visitors in his hospital. We'd tried all the methods and forms to ensure I was pregnant, but none worked: In Vitro fertilization (IVF), Intra Uterine insemination (IUI)... Name it, we tried all but none yielded results.

"Thank you so much, Doctor, thank you!" I muttered, tears welling in my eyes as I headed outside.

Adrian is going to be excited that I'm finally going to give birth to an heir to the Wolfe. Being married for four years without an heir was something that had really weighed on me, and not just me, the pack also.

I felt like screaming my lungs out as I entered my car, like the world needs to hear that I'm pregnant. Even my guards who had accompanied me to the hospital were looking at me weirdly; they could tell that I'm overjoyed, and I'm quite sure that they'd be wondering what sort of good news would make me this happy. They'll have to wait until I've told their Alpha, and then we'll announce it officially.

"Ma'am, you look so excited. Did he tell you the news yet?" Freya, my closest maid, asked. Of course, I had always referred to her as my friend and not just her...

"Come on, Freya, haven't you heard that curiosity always kills the cat?" Ravenna also chipped in.

Ravenna, too, was someone I regarded as my sister. They were my closest allies. My right hands.

I let out a sigh as Freya's words sank down my chest. Of course, I had waited for years, waiting for Adrian to utter those three words. Days passed, weeks, months, and now years. Adrian not mentioning it alone let it slip from his tongue.

I raised my chin high, my eyes flickering brightly with hope. "Well, he hadn't, but I think he is going to soon," my face beamed with a smile as I touched my tummy. The news there would make him love me more; he had said it himself.

"Really?" Both Freya and Ravenna exclaimed at the same time.

"Yeah," I nodded sheepishly, my face turning into a red blush.

Their scream made my eyes pop widely as I covered my mouth out of impulse.

"Come on, girls, put your voices down," Realizing that they had just screamed too loud, they apologized as they held their lips.

"So, tell us what's the secret?" Freya was always the courageous one to ask, while Ravenna, even with how close she was, always maintained her boundary.

"That will be later, for now, I'll have to tell the Alpha king first," I replied as I glanced at the wall clock. It was time; he was going to be back in like an hour's time.

"Freya, set the massage oil in place, lay the bed, and arrange the room. Ravenna, I'll need your help in the kitchen!" I ordered as I quickly headed to the kitchen, with Ravenna trailing behind me.

I was going to make Adrian his favorite meal, just how he likes it, followed by a massage. I needed to make the moment special, and then, after the intense lovemaking session, I'm going to spill the news to him. That's a perfect plan. I smiled as I removed the last piece of the chicken from the hot oil. Mashed potatoes and fried chicken and gravy are his favorite.

Just as her grandmother had always said, to win a man over, prepare his favorite meal, and he would attain any height for you. She really hoped it was going to work for her this time.

Sitting at the large dining table, Violet was getting nervous, staring at her watch at intervals, her eyes fixated at the door, hoping that large figure was going to burst through anytime sooner.

Staring at the dish before me, it was almost getting cold. It was past two hours from his usual arrival time, and I'm already going tired of waiting.

Suddenly, the door burst open, his masculinity filling the room. He possessed that strong aura; his height was six feet tall, his sturdy frame complemented by chiseled features, including a strong jawline that emphasized his masculinity. His piercing gaze held mine for a fleeting moment, and then looked away so coldly.

"Adrian," I muttered as I stood to my feet walking to the door. I opened my arms to hug him, but instead, he gave me his bag.

"Dinner is ready," I said instead. There was something amiss today, and getting closer to him, I could smell the stench of alcohol from his breath. What had happened? Why would he take to alcohol instead? So many thoughts were running through my head right now.

"I'm not hungry; you can go ahead and eat," he uttered, his voice so cold.

"It's your favorite, fried chicken, mashed potatoes, and..." I was still talking when he cut me off.

"I said I'm not hungry!" This time his voice was loud enough to warn me that I had just overstepped my boundaries.

"I'm sorry," I muttered, as I grabbed the bag and ran inside, tears streaking down my eyes.

Adrian had never scolded me; he had never raised his voice to me. What had happened to my husband?

Sitting right on our matrimonial bed, I felt his presence as he took steady steps closer to where I sat.

"Violet, I'm sorry," he muttered lowly. I lifted my eyes to look at him; his hair was a mess, looking as rough as ever. I knew something was going on, but I couldn't tell what.

"It's okay," I brightened up, faking a smile as I prepared my heart to tell him about the news. At least that would relieve the atmosphere from being so tense.

"I've got something to tell you," we both said at the same time, coincidentally.

"Really?" My eyes flickered brightly, knowing he was about to tell me what had put him in such a mood, and then maybe I'll encourage him, and use the pregnancy news to heal his broken soul.

"Go ahead," I urged him, knowing he was going to stick to the 'ladies first' policy.

I watched as his eyes diverted from mine, facing the floor, his hands fidgeting, and then he said the formidable.

"I want a divorce!"

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