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Mated To The Celebrity Alpha

Mated To The Celebrity Alpha

Lola Ade


In a world where humans and werewolves coexist, where humans can be mated to werewolves, and where the omegas are the only ones who get to know their Alpha mates through a soul mark that imprints on their skin upon first sight, a young omega named Deja discovers that she is mated to a celebrity Alpha Werewolf. Deja, a jobless omega, grows tired of relying on her caring roommates for support. When she is presented with an incredible job opportunity to work on the team of her favorite celebrity, Fay Darrow, a full-blooded werewolf, she seizes the chance without hesitation. Fay, an orphaned werewolf, is a beloved singer known for his soulful songs that mend broken hearts and spirits. This is one of the reasons why Deja adores him. However, Deja's perception of her favorite celebrity is shattered when she realizes that Fay is not as friendly off-camera. The revelation that Fay is her mate leaves her wondering how to approach the unfriendly Alpha and make him aware of their connection. Being mated to a celebrity brings forth a whirlwind of drama and challenges, especially when hidden secrets lurk in the shadows, threatening to either unite them or tear them apart before they even have a chance to fully embrace their bond.

Chapter 1 Deja's New Job

Deja's POV:

We are parked in front of the record label. Lily, Paula and I, my closest friends and roommates. They insisted on driving me to my new job after many months of searching and even though at first, I was hesitant, I later realized that I couldn't have done it without their emotional support. Because right now, I'm dwindling in nervousness.

"Deja love, you can do this. Go make all our dreams come true." Lily cheered me on as I was still hesitating if I should step out from the car or already call it a quit without starting my first day at my new job.

"My nerves are killing me. You guys know that I'll be able to meet freaking Fay Darrow, right? The god of music, beauty and sexiness." I asked both my friends, Lily and Paula, who also happened to be big fans of Fay Darrow. One of the biggest singers in the world.

They both nodded their heads in response with a sheepish grin on their faces.

"And you both know just exactly how much I'll be affected by his presence, like this is going to be more real than ever?" I asked them again.

"The more reason you can't chicken out. You're going to meet our big daddy, and bring back sweet gist for us. You're going to let him know that we're the best omega trios in the world that are very much capable of carrying his pups, yeah?" Paula, the most level headed and less delusional of us said to me making me widen my mouth in surprise.

"What? Don't act surprised. He's the only Alpha for us. So you better slay this job and bring back good news." Paula added, making me burst into a small laughter at my friend's craziness.

Actually, the three of us are the same. We are crazy and delusional but it's all fun. The kind of love a fan has for their celebrity crush. No harm except the fantasies and imaginations that aren't in any shade of innocence.

"OK, Paula. The mother hen that has gone bad. I will do my best for the team." I say to her with a smile. "I'm just scared that I'll mess up. It's my first time working as an assistant manager for a huge celebrity like him. Even this skyscraper building already looks intimidating. And with what my job entails, I'm going to be working with him sometimes." I was ranting, and it was increasing my nervousness level.

"Deja," Lily called in an endearing tone. She pumped her apple scent into the air which instantly did the magic of calming me. The air in the car now smelled like a freshly baked apple pie. I exhaled loudly in the sheer relief her scent caused me. "Paula and I believe in you. You should do the same and trust your capability to do this job. Remember how hectic and difficult the interview process was and at the end, you were chosen because you were perfect for the job. That manager saw the potential in you so stop being scared and nervous. You can do this." She finished and pulled me into a hug. The three of us were seated in the back seat.

"Yes baby, you can do this. Just look at the bright side. You finally got a job and you also get to meet Day in real life." Paula said, then joined the hug. Their mixed scents engulfed my wholeness and calmed my nerves even more.

I know I will be smelling of their scents for a while. Paula also had a mild scent just like Lily and I, it was vanilla cream. Omegas are known to have very sweet and heady scents but we were different. But mine was on the sweeter side. I have a raspberry scent. And it intensifies based on my mood.

It's the same for everyone's scent to change depending on their mood. When someone is angry, their scents get on the bitter or sour side and when happy or horny, it gets sweeter, heady and alluring like a freshly cooked food or freshly crushed fruit.

"Thanks guys. You two have been so wonderful to me. I'm so grateful for all you've done for me and still doing for me." I said to them after we broke the hug.

"That's why we are friends. We should be each other's support system in any way. And we most importantly love you. We're like sisters from different parents so there's no need to thank us. You'd do the same for us." Paula said to me in a soft tone and I almost melted from the sweet love.

"Yes, Paula is right. Now get your pretty round ass out of the car or you're going to be really late on your first day at work." Lily claps her hand, she was not a big fan of being sappy so her action and words made me laugh.

"See you guys at home. Love you." I grabbed my bag and finally stepped out of the car.

They put their heads out of the car and waved me off as I walked into the building, mustering up my courage.

I was ready for this job. And I was ready to start a new chapter of my life.

The moment I got to the front desk, I was directed to the manager's office to sign some documents including a non-disclosure agreement, shortened as N D A. They are meant for me not to disclose whatever goes on in the company to outsiders, especially crucial things and personal information. There will be legal actions taken against me if I breach the agreement.

Many papers later, I was so ready to start my work for the day but the manager, An Alpha female werewolf named Martha Conrad, told me I needed a tour around the building so I could know how to navigate my way around.

"Wait here, your senior will come take you around. She is a beta human but her scent isn't as mild as yours. That's one of the reasons we hired you because there's a lot of Alpha on our team, Fay's team. We needed a balance to the scents because it was getting overwhelming. And I'm very sure your raspberry scent will blend in so well and give it some of that balance we need." Martha informed me, making me feel heat rise up to my cheeks.

"Thanks for telling me. I'm glad to be of help." I said to her, happy that I can be of help to my precious Fay Darrow.

Martha waved me off and left me sitting in the lounge in her office. I only had to wait for a few minutes when I heard a knock and a young lady that looked like a tall model. Everything about her appearance screamed confidence which intimidated me a bit but I schooled my facial expression to also look confident. She also smelled strongly of cinnamon.

"Are you the new girl?" Her tone was snarky, a contrast to her whole look.

"Yes. But I'm a woman. I'm twenty-four years old actually." I say with a smile, so my statement wouldn't come out so rude.

"OK," She says but mumbled something I couldn't really hear under her breath, "I'm Isabella. And you?" She questioned me.

"I'm Deja. It's nice to meet you." I stretched forth my right hand and she took it, shaking me. Maybe she's not a rude one, maybe she's just having a bad morning hence the attitude.

"Let me show you around." She gestured for me to walk, and I did. She started with the floor we already were on. She explained this is where everyone on Fay's team office is. But the studios and conference room are on the floor below. She also told me which floor the cafeteria was located on. The tour was fast and straightforward that Isabella left me to do the remaining exploring myself.

Her energy still wasn't welcoming but I was not expecting to make a friend on my very first day at work.

There was a room she pointed me to while we were touring that was called the lounge room. I was curious to see what it would look like. I am someone who values peace and calmness so I'm sure it would be a very much appreciated space to run to whenever it gets too loud. Maybe it wouldn't make me miss my little nest at home too much.

Because I share an apartment with my friends, we couldn't all build a big nest for ourselves. Just a mini one in each of our rooms.

As I was walking down the long hallway, heading to the lounge room, I saw a few of my new colleagues who greeted me and I returned the polite gesture. So far, other people have been nice and respectful to me even though I'm a newcomer. The only one who apparently has an unknown issue with me is Isabella.

But we'll see how tomorrow goes. Maybe she's really just having a bad morning.

It didn't take me too long to arrive at the lounge room. I grabbed the door handle and pushed it open. The first sight that greeted me was the chill ambience. The lights were low and warm, creating a peaceful atmosphere that I'm already in love with.

I stepped into the room with excitement of exploring further while also hoping nobody will be there. It could either get awkward or smooth. There was a tall plant by the door, I wasn't a big fan of plants but I appreciate their benefits and greenish beauty.

My eyes darted around the wall of the large space. There were art frames and picture frames of Fay Darrow on the wall, making me squeal silently. The fangirl in me was so excited but I had to maintain a good composure, especially when I wasn't sure if there was someone inside.

As I walked further into the room, wanting to see more of the lounge space, my gaze landed on the brown looking soft couch. But what got me shocked and about to scream my lungs out was Fay Darrow.

Fay was freaking sleeping on the couch and was still looking so damn gorgeous that it's making my poor heart palpitate.

And at the rate my heart is thumping, it will surely burst. That I'm sure of.

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