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The Moon's Awakening

The Moon's Awakening



When I was a child, werewolves, vampires and witches were all tales my mother told. In recent times, we've heard rumours of their existence. How they have conquered human settlements and turned them into food and slaves. My village has been rumoured the last free human settlement. We have encountered various threats on our borders but none have been able to penetrate. We suspect an infiltration. The day they entered was the beginning of the Awakening.

Chapter 1 Reality check

Adriana's pov

"Luis!!!" I kept calling as I walked into the training arena. Since the war started, our military has been on their toes. The whole city has been tensed because they are coming and we know it. What used to be a fairytale bedtime story has now become a fucking nightmare. We are no longer sure how long the borders will hold back the attacks.

As I walked further into the training arena, i saw my brother giving orders. He looks so intimidating when he does that and I always laugh secretly because I know what a teddy he can be. It's entertaining how the soldiers look so terrified.

"Luis!" I called again once I was right behind him. He turned to look at me. With the look on his face I knew what he was going to say. I did a mental countdown, "5..4..3..2..."

" I thought I told you not to come down here", he said and I just rolled my eyes at him. " Yeah but you know I've never been the obedient little sister. you've been saying that since I was 4, now I'm 20. You and I know that I can kick all their asses" I said to him with a smirk on my face as I looked at his soldiers.

" Well you can beat all their asses because you had a great teacher" he said looking at me with a proud smirk on his face. I just rolled my eyes and murmured "proud jerk".

Luis had been my personal trainer since I turned 16. Mom and dad were not comfortable with me being trained by any of the army commanders in our troops. Mom kept saying "I can't watch my daughter get beaten", while dad was saying " I can't watch my daughter get beaten by just anyone". Dad had to convince her to let Luis train me giving her the excuse that it was for my own protection. The truth is that I actually always wanted to join the army. I always liked guns and I was sure I was going to get one by hook or crook. Girls my age preferred shopping, spas and all that shit. The thing many people don't know is that being in the company of soldiers can be very entertaining and the friendships made there are the realest you can find.

" Any way, Dad is asking after you. He said your phone is not connecting. He needs us back at the head quarters now. I think something came up with the boarder control". Immediately I called boarder control, I could feel him tense up.

I took his hand in mine " it's going to be alright" I whispered to him. He calmed down then followed me to the car.

The ride back home was silent but it wasn't intense. Soul soothing music was playing in the car as we approached the headquarters.

As we entered the estate, I saw Jeremy and Mira in front of the house. Jeremy is Luis' second in command and my best friend. Mira is Jeremy's kid sister and Luis's fiance. I remember when Luis and Mira started dating, Jeremy and I were initially irritated by the union. We had to accept it because after all, we all grew up together. We are like family.

Once we were out of the car, Luis walked up to Mira and kissed her. As if on que, Jeremy and I shouted " ewwww.. yuck". They turned to look at us " it's not my fault that you're still a single sad ass" Luis said to Jeremy. Jeremy held his heart in fake hurt. Mira and I burst out laughing " burrrn..." I shouted.

" When will I find love?" Jeremy asked keeping a puppy face. I looked at him imitating his look, " never, if you don't stop being a man whore" I said with an evil smile.

He raised his arms in surrender " it's fine, it's all good. You both have decided to gang up against me".

"I think you guys are forgetting something" Mira said looking right behind us. We turned our heads to see dad standing right in front of the door. "Oops".

"Good day dad" Luis and I greeted. "I've been waiting for you guys for the past two hours". Dad said with no emotion. "We're sorry, I had to go looking for Jeremy since I could not get him on the phone", I said calmly. "Dad, what did you want to talk about?" Luis asked.

"The soldiers at the border brought a man to me who was at the brink of death because the man said he had a message for me. The man claimed that his town was attacked and they were all taken as slaves. He said he overheard when the kings had a meeting and said they were coming for us. They are planning a joint attack soon". He said looking worried.

"As a father.." he paused and looked at Luis "I'm scared we won't be able to hold them back any longer. For that reason, Luis your wedding to Mira has been moved forward. The wedding will be in 5 days. Your mom is afraid and she said she wants to see her son married. I'm sorry".

We were not at all that bothered about the marriage because we know they love each other and wouldn't mind. The problem was the look on dad's face. He looked like the worst was about to come. He was about to drop a serious bomb.

"As your Mayor..." he said then paused for a while before continuing" Adriana and Mira will be handling ground security. I know your troops are skilled and well trained by you. So you will be in charge of protecting the town and family. Luis, I'm sorry but immediately after your wedding you would be leading the border security. Jeremy will go with you".

"what about Sarella" I asked my dad. " she would stay home because of the pregnancy. I can't risk anything happening to the baby. Your mother would kill me. Her fiance would be working with you and Mira" dad replied.

To say we were shocked would be an understatement. We all were shaken. I have never been separated from my brother or best friend and now the only time we get to see is during breakfast and training. This was going to be hard but I couldn't complain because I know it's for the greater good. This was our new reality.

There was a short silence after the revelation. Then dad broke the silence saying " training hours would be doubled from today henceforth. That would be all for now" with that, he walked back into the house.

I hugged Jeremy while Luis hugged Mira. "This war has to fucking come to an end soon" I thought to myself.

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