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My Blind Mate

My Blind Mate



"You marked another woman after you spent the night with me?" "You're just my slave, Sicily. Just throw that foetus away!" Sicily was in so much pain, she unconsciously shed tears. However, Harlan did not care about her and even tortured her until she fainted. After feeling strong, Sicily tried to escape. The guards of Harlan's mansion hunted Sicily down. In a terrible situation, almost all of her beautiful body was torn apart, Sicily fainted again and was dumped by the guards on the banks of the Junka River. Living in misery, Sicily got up after being helped by an old woman named Rebeca. Together with the old woman, Sicily's life became more colourful. Will Sicily manage to live a normal life with her group? Will Sicily meet her true soul mate again?

Chapter 1 1. Sad

"Haha, just throw that blind man out of our clan. It's an embarrassment!" shouted one of the moon clan members.

"Forgive me, chief. I will not repeat this mistake again, please!" pleaded a blind she-wolf.

"What guarantee is there for your unrepeatable behaviour when you are blind for the rest of your life, Sicilian!" snapped the Alpha.

"Let me be your slave forever, Chief."

"Hahh, someone who is blind can't satisfy. She can't even take care of herself, let alone the Alpha. Yuck!" insulted the Alpha's daughter.

Sicily looked down, she couldn't choose to be born under any circumstances. If she had a choice, the young wolf would have wanted to be born perfect. However, fate said otherwise. Although the good wolf said Sicily was a beautiful and gentle omega, but her existence was always ostracised by the others.

"Can you warm my bed, Sicily?" asked the clan leader's old Alpha.

"Father!" Snapped the Alpha's daughter.

"We'll just sell this blind man to a ruthless Lycan in the Alps, Dad. As usual as bait for our journey later!"

Susilia shook her head weakly, her lips unable to say no. Her voice caught in her throat. Her tongue suddenly became twisted and folded, very difficult to move.

"What do you want to say, Blind. Haha, now your pain has increased to a mute. Sibuta has become a mute!" shouted the Alpha child who was about Sicily's age.

"I'm not mute, Miss. Indeed, this is my voice!" hissed Sicily with her lips moving.

"My voice, where's my voice!" thought Sisiilia as she clutched her neck.

The moon clan heir's shrill laughter made Sicily's heart even more troubled, and the young wolf woman was bullied by all the pack members. Both young and old. Even her body had become common consumption for male wolves.

Without a single piece of cloth, the blind woman was led around by all the pack members. Ignorant hands began to touch her smooth, flawless body. However, a pair of eyes rounded at the sight of the telltale speck that two had been searching for. The old woman's lips spread thin, very thin.

"Have patience, Sicily! Fate will bring you back," the old woman thought.

Sicily continued to be shown to all the clan members without a cloth, her body exposed so beautifully. Some were pinning two growing hills, others were pinning other parts. Painful, the young wolf's heart ached and stung. Until finally he was thrown onto a pile of dry hay.

"This is your place, Blind!"

Sicily immediately sniffed out the spot the Clan heir had just given her. She nodded silently at the unfavourable treatment.

"Remember, there will be guests for me in the evening. You... Don't get out of here!"

After uttering such scathing words, the heir walked away leaving Sicily alone who had previously thrown a piece of thin cloth.

Feeling the cloth touching her skin, Sicily hurriedly grabbed it. Her pure white hands felt the texture of the cloth.

"This... It's so thin, I wear it like I'm not even wearing it. I'll just wear it, it's still good to have it!" Sicily thought.

The young wolf hobbled along while her hands felt the empty air, this she did so as not to make a mistake. There was a faint gurgle of water, her steps stopped to confirm what she heard.

"Water? Is this area fertile? This scent is so real, fragrant and fragrant. Not to mention the sound of rushing water, heem!" Sicily monologued.

The blind wolf didn't understand that the pack had moved on to greener, more fertile territory. So many wanted their territory by proposing to the clan chief's daughter.

Sicily was seen submerging her paws in the rushing river. Her mind drifted to the events she had just experienced. Various wolf scents had greeted her sense of smell, but her forehead wrinkled as she recalled one scent that was the same as hers

"Who is the owner of that scent? Can I find him again and ask him about my origins?" thought Sicily.

The young wolf was so deep in thought that she didn't realise when two hands pushed her into the river. Sicily screamed in shock and immediately cried out for help. However, not a single scent came near her. Even the wind was the same, not a single change. Sicily's lips pressed closer together.

"What bad luck I have today!"

Sicily kept trying to swim towards the bank, but the current was so strong that she could hardly breathe. After being carried for a long distance, the body collapsed onto a large rock in its half-wolf state.

Meanwhile, at the original spot, a gafis grinned meaningfully. What he had done seemed to have worked. Humming softly, his steps swayed lightly towards his clan who were sunbathing on the other side of the river.

"Hi, Rhena! Come join us," said another young female wolf.

"I have to get ready for tonight's event, sorry!"

"Ah yes, almost forgot, good luck and there's a match of your choice!"

As Rhena made her way to her home, the young woman was still humming softly. She went straight to her private room and prepared herself.

"You'll be stunned by what I have, I've thrown away that girl, no more rivals when you come my prince. I'm still superior to that blind girl," Rhena said softly.

The girl continued to monologue while looking at herself in the mirror. Her beautiful face with natural red lips and high nose made her look even more perfect.

"Look, I'm prettier than that blind girl. You'll definitely be captivated!"

Meanwhile, outside the area, there was a distinct clatter of steps. Rhena was still busy polishing her face to make it look more attractive. Packs of wolves from other clans had gathered in an arena for a competition organised by Bugary the old Alpha.

Laughter boomed when Bulgary met the eastern Alpha. The two shook hands and embraced, after which Bugary made room for his guest. In a dark room in the corner of the city, a girl was seen limping with her cane. Her hands scavenged through a pile of rubbish.

After getting a packet of rice and a used drink, the girl walked to find a place to continue her activities. The smell of stale rice and drinks stung the young woman's nose, but she didn't care because right now her stomach was desperate for food.

"I have to be strong, this is all temporary until the next full moon!" she said softly.

The woman continued to force the food into her stomach without chewing. She endured the unpleasant aroma and paid no attention to her surroundings. Although her sensors picked up the presence of two sharp eyes that were always watching how she ate from a distance.

"If you come to take my life, I'm ready!"

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