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The end of the two

The end of the two



Lily and monica have been friends for eight good years, what could be the reason behind their separation? Find out in this interesting and educative story.

Chapter 1 The end of the two

"What gave you the audacity to talk to me in such manner"? Lily said.

Did I hit your Achilles heel?

So, it has come to this, have become a pain in your neck. Alright, let's go our separate ways from this day henceforth.

I will not fight you, neither will I say something I shouldn't say.

But I cut ties with you today.

Since you can make it on your own, and I no longer mean anything to you.

Lily rushed inside angrily grab her bag, put her toothbrush and two clothes into it and exit the door.

Lily and Monica have been friends for eight years and have being living together ever since.

Though Monica is bit older, yet they share everything, they work at the same place of work, wear the same clothes, pray together and eat in the same plate.

Nevertheless, good days never last they say.

The sixth year of their relationship, Monica had to get married.

However, Monica's husband doesn't earn much because his business is not doing well.

He lives in a room and parlour rented apartment.

Monica finds it uncomfortable, so her husband decided to move in with her because Monica and lily lives in a three bedroom flat.

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