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Claiming The Rejected: The healer

Claiming The Rejected: The healer

Lil Empress07


Anya was shocked to feel the mate bond on her eighteen birthday. She had no wolf so how was she.... No, what was more shocking? She was to be mated to Brandon, the pack's alpha to be? Brandon shot her a dirty look as he walked out of the place immediately. He had also felt the mate bond and he couldn't accept it. How could he be fated to a wolfless mate? A day later, Anya was kicked out of the pack. She walked away with tears in her eyes, only to find out after some time that she had the gift of a healer, a divine entity given to her by the moon goddess. Brandon finds out too and he suddenly appeared, after many months to ask her back. Would Anya agree to it? Or would she revenge?

Chapter 1 Rejecting the mate

'Mate' She suddenly heard within her.

"Mate?" She gasped. How was that possible? She didn't even have a wolf. But the scent was endearing......

Calling her to whoever it was that was her mate. It was like the scent of wood and she loved it.

She moved through the crowd quickly, not taking her eyes from the path she was going to and just beyond the counter, she caught him.

He was staring at her deeply too and his face suddenly squeezed into a frown. The suddenly, she knew he felt what she felt too.....but was very unhappy about it. Instead of walking towards him, she turned away and ran out from the crowd.

How could her mate be Brandon, the alpha prince? Why was the moon goddess so mean to her even on her eighteenth birthday? She deserved to be happy today! She had high hopes that maybe her mate would be someone who was different from the others.

Someone who would love her regardless of her situation, whether she was wolfless or not? Someone who would understand her or maybe even pity her? She had a lot of hope and to break it like this.....it was too painful.

Brandon couldn't be her mate, he would never accept her? Not him, not his family. A wolfless mate can never become the Luna of such a great pack. It was an insult to the Shadow Pack. She would never be accepted!!

"Anya." She heard and she suddenly halted her feet, without looking back.

"Anya, why are you leaving the party? It's not yet over. You promised to enjoy yourself today, right?"

It was Rowan, her best friend. Someone she never hid anything from. But today,.she didn't feel like telling him she was supposed to become the alpha prince's mate. He also knew...that she would be rejected and he would feel so bad for her.

"Anya." He called and held her shoulder, turning her towards him. She smiled pretentiously immediately.

"Rowan...I feel a little bit sick and since everyone is at the party today, I figured I could just go home and take a little rest." She replied before he could even ask anymore questions.


"I'll talk to you later." She said and walked away quickly, leaving Rowan surprised. He shrugged playfully and waved at her before going back into the club. He decided he would leave early and get her some drugs on the way.

Anya sighed as she walked slowly on the street. She didn't go home straight...instead, she walked around the dark places of the pack. She wanted.to be alone and she knew the only companion she needed was the darkness. She felt so safe in it.

She walked to the dark garden and sat carefully on the chair, before looking at the sky.

"Moon goddess, this is not a blessing....it's a curse." She whispered.

"You are the curse." She suddenly heard beside her and she jumped up in fear, almost falling down.

"Brandon?" She gasped.

"It's your highness to you." Brandon replied curtly and she blinked.

"I'm sorry." She just said instead and turned to walk away, but then she stopped.

"And what do you mean by I'm the curse?" She asked and he raised a brow funnily.

"Are you seriously asking me that?" He asked.

"Yes, because I do not know what you mean." She said.

"Tell me, why.....why in the world... would a girl like you be my mate?" He suddenly asked angrily and Anya sighed, blinking slowly.

"Let us just pretend we don't know that." She said.

"I'm glad you also don't want me as your mate but unfortunately....it's not as easy as just pretending not to know. A mate bond is more than that. If we want to break it..."

"Did I say I want to break it?" Anya suddenly interrupted and Brandon scoffed.

"Wait, don't tell me you think this...is an avenue for you to rise to the top." He said and Anya blinked.

"Do you..." Anya started but suddenly went mute as she stared at him.

"What? We're you about to say something that would endanger your life?" He asked wittingly as he drank from the cup of wine in his hand.

"Did you follow me here?" She asked instead.

"What part of this pack can't I go into? Do you forget that my father is the Alpha?" He scoffed in mockery.

"That doesn't mean you should disturb someone's privacy." Anya retorted undisturbed. She just needed him to leave, she wanted to think about her life and there was no where else for her to go. Unlike the prince who could actually step into anywhere he wants at any time, she couldn't. There weren't so many places for a wolfless person to be in the society and besides, all hopes were lost. This was her eighteenth birthday. The last year hoping to have a wolf. She wasn't sure any wolf could come out after this.

"Unfortunately, I don't care......what was your name again?" He asked, after thinking for a while. Anya scoffed and started walking away.

"Anya." He suddenly remembered and she stopped.

"I was wondering how I would forget the name of the only wolfless person in the pack. And I was saying....there is nothing I want that I can't do." He shrugged.

"Wow....I'm so happy for you." She said, turning back and Brandon raised his brow slowly.

"Well, I was wondering if that was what you expected me to say." She pursed her lips and fisted her hands slowly beside her.

"You must think that you have the whole world under your feet."

"I do." Brandon said sarcastically and she smirked.

"That's not something I can say. The whole world is above my head. And today is my birthday." She said.

"How does that affect me?" He asked rudely.

"It doesn't. I just felt.....on this day....I should have met the right person for me. That's the only thing the moon goddess can do for me after failing in her duty."

"Failing in her duty? Don't you think maybe she doesn't just like you?" Brandon shot and she nodded.

"Okay, maybe she doesn't like me. Then why did she give me you? The great prince? It's annoying....I hate it so much.. All I wanted was a normal life. Having a wolf and not being entangled with the affairs of royalty. Very sweet dream huh? They were both smashed and frankly I don't think I have anything in this pack anymore. So say it....Just say the words, Brandon and let me go away from this pack." She said, tears brimming in her eyes as she bit her inner lips tightly, tasting the blood in her mouth, yet she didn't let go.

"Okay, fine." Brandon said emotionlessly as he let the glass cup go. The content spilled, soiling Anya's cloth and scattering on the ground into uncountable pieces.

"I reject you, Anya. I do not... accept you as my mate!!"

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Claiming The Rejected: The healer

Chapter 1 Rejecting the mate
