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The Chase for Her Heart: A Billionaire's Dilemma

The Chase for Her Heart: A Billionaire's Dilemma



Fiona Hendrix, a survivor of a toxic marriage, thought she'd finally found freedom. But when her abusive husband, Fredrick, begs for a second chance, she's torn between the past and her new life with the influential Henry Galisto. As Fredrick's regrets turn to obsession, Fiona must navigate the treacherous landscape of her emotions. Will she succumb to the familiar pull of her ex, or embrace her newfound strength and the promise of a brighter future? The battle for her heart has only just begun.

Chapter 1 Living In Pains

Fiona's peaceful morning was shattered when Fredrick stormed onto the balcony, his black suit a stark contrast to the serene atmosphere.

'Babe, I'm leaving for a friend's birthday party,' he growled, his voice low and menacing.

Fiona's grip on her coffee cup tightened as she asked, 'Which friend exactly is hosting a birthday party today?'

Fredrick's eyes narrowed, his jaw clenched in anger. 'Don't question me, Fiona,' he snarled, his voice rising. The air was heavy with tension as Fiona repeated her question, her voice trembling slightly.

Fredrick's hand flashed out, striking her across the face with a resounding slap. Fiona's head snapped back, her coffee cup shattering on the floor as she fell. The sound of broken ceramic and her own cry of pain filled the air.

Fiona struggled to her feet, her cheek throbbing in pain. Fredrick's eyes blazed with anger, his chest heaving with rage.

'The next time you dare question my authority, I will definitely skin you alive,' he hissed, his voice dripping with venom.

The threat hung in the air like a challenge, making Fiona's heart race with fear. She knew she had to escape, but her legs felt like lead, her body trembling with fear.

The sound of Fredrick's car roaring to life in the garage was a stark reminder of her isolation and vulnerability.

"Just as Fiona thought she was alone, Nelly appeared at the doorstep, her concerned expression a beacon of hope.

'Oh, Nelly, it's you,' Fiona said, her voice shaking as she tried to compose herself.

'What brings you here?' Nelly's eyes scanned Fiona's face, her gaze lingering on the red mark on her cheek. 'I came to give you a ride to work,' Nelly said gently, her voice a soothing balm to Fiona's battered soul."

Fiona still with the aura of the preceded event declined her request.

"I'm on my monthly leave. I will definitely resume next week," Fiona replied, her voice shaking as she tried to compose herself.

Nelly scanned her facial appearance as it pounder on her that all isn't well with Fiona.

"Is there anything you're concealing from me?" Nelly queried. The placidity of her voice ameliorate the effect of Fiona's current situation.

Fiona couldn't control her emotions. She flashes back the scene of what had just happened. "Just leave Nelly, I'm not in the mood to talk now," Fiona said, slamming the door. The cohesion between the door send down sensory tension travelling down Nelly's spine as she leave immediately.

Fiona went to her room and sleep off her worries. She had forgotten to go take David their son from school. The ten years old David waited for her mother to come pick him up from school, but all to no avail.

"What is mom still doing at home at this time?" David said solemnly, with a frown.

Mr. Newton, a close neighbor who lives few miles away from David house also come to pick his daughter from school step in to be the savior, "Hi David, what are you doing here?" Mr. Newton asked, stepping in to be the expected messiah.

The Juvenile was extremely famished, "sir, have been here couples of hours waiting for my mom. But I don't have any premonitions she's coming," David retorted, his voice growled more feeble and sapless.

Mr. Newton decides to give him a ride home, "get into the car, let give you a ride home," Mr. Newton chuckled, he nods his head in disappointed.

While driving him home, he stops at the shopping mall to buy an ice cream for his daughter. So, he decided to also get one for David.

"Here's an ice cream for you David," Mr. Newton uttered placidly, his smiles were so contagious.

David was excited as his face scanned the ice cream, "thank you very much sir," David replicated, his smiles were so hilarious and could make Lucifer fumble.

David arrived home safely. The sound of the door bell disrupt Fiona from having her rest. She was surprised to see David at the doorstep, immediately she opened the door.

"Oh! I'm sorry for not coming to pick you up from school," Fiona pleaded. The tone of her voice was placid and entailing regrets.

David scanned her mother's face and quickly detects the red mark on her jaw, adding another colouration to hrer skin.

"Mom, who did this to you?" David inquired, his voice were alarming and entails absolute care.

Fiona was flabbergasted, "Oh! The mark? I fell down at the kitchen," Fiona chuckled, she touches her jaw faking a smile in pretence. She sees her son eagerness to know what triggered the red mark on her jaw.

David believed his mother because there was no any other person to divulge the truth to him.

The night was drawing nigh. The shadows of evening was still across the sky. Fiona heard the roaring sound of a car in the garage.

"Dad is back," Fiona said, her voice was feeble, she feels Fredrick might deal with her again.

David quickly rushed out to welcome his father. "Daddy, you're welcome," David said, he was paralyzed with happiness seeing his father.

Fredrick embrace him. "Daddy, I really missed you," David enunciated with exceedingly joy and happiness. The scene entails he hasn't set his eyes on his father for months, but it was just only a day.

Fredrick sees that her wife has been gloomy ever since he slapped her. He was struggling with his emotions. The spirit of guiltiness deluge him.

He needed to apologize for what he has done. Fiona was in the garden watering her pineapples and cucumbers. He couldn't hold it any longer, he walked up to her at the garden.

"Baby, I'm definitely sorry for the way I reacted. Please forgive me, I won't repeat it again," Fredrick said, his voice trembling slightly. The placidity of his voice could only entails repentance.

Fiona stared closely at him for a while, "this is what you keep saying all time? Is this just to entice me to bed tonight or are this words from the dept of your heart?" Fiona inquired, expecting a genuine answer from him.

Fredrick adjusted himself closer to her. "If truly you love me and still see me as that man who was the only best for you, among the thousands please forgive me," Fredrick stammered, tears begin dripping down his cheeks.

She couldn't stand and watch her husband on his kneels. Crawling after her like a little baby. "Babe, please get up. Don't under estimate yourself. I've definitely forgive you," Fiona unleash the startled news which gladden Fredrick's hearts.

He stand up from the floor, embrace her closer to himself and kiss her passionately. The both switch to the whirlybird dance.

They are walking back home together, holding each other like two loves birds.

Fiona has a washing machine which is at the laundry room. David remind her about it, "Mom, it's been while you check your washing machine," David said, just like waking up a sleeping Bull. His voice quickly stirred up the interest in her mother.

Fiona make her way down to the laundry room downstairs. The room is adjacent to the kitchen exit.

Entering the room, she begins examining the washing machine. She finds a secret drawer lying besides the washing machine.

Opening the drawer, she sees a document inside it. Fiona was feeling anxious to know what's the content of documents is entails.

Fiona opened the document and began reading it content. Suddenly, she screamed at the top apex of her vocal cords.

Tears began cascading down her cheeks. She's breathing spasmodically.......

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