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Olivia’s Vengeance

Olivia's Vengeance



From the moment I watched my parents and my pack members being murdered by the heartless and brutal Alpha Jethro, my life has been ignited by only one purpose which was revenge. I have trained for years leading a group of Rogues who also shared the same hatred for my worst enemy Jethro. Now the time of vengeance was finally here, with my attack well planned out but things took a drastic turn when I found myself helpless and at the mercy of Alpha Jethro, about to be executed. I was bailed out by Alpha Jethro's son Derrick, why was he saving me? I had no idea but I was grateful now I have to serve as a maid in my enemy's shield. As my plan for attack collided with new found love for Derrick,I was faced with the ultimate test. Can I kill the man who destroyed my pack and my family, even if it will be at the expense of losing the one who saved my life? My name is Olivia Rayman and this is my story of vengeance, love and hope of redemption.

Chapter 1 The Night That Changed It All

I sat on the hills. as I watch the sunset, the birds sound creeping in the midst of the thick woods, that has become my safe place. I looked up, all my senses at alert as I surveyed the landscape, there was a hint of unsettling within my heart like a fear of loss, but I am surely not backing down, the only sound I could hear, the only thing I could think of was vengeance, revenge.

I wasn't always like this, I wasn't always the hardened relentless girl, consumed with desire for revenge. I was once the cherished daughter, the pride and happiness of the moonlight pack. My father Alpha Desmond was a strong and passionate leader, respected by many within and outside our pack. My mother Luna Helen was the heart and soul of our pack, so loving and caring, always seeing to the affairs of the women and children. I was their only child, Olivia Rayman the apple of their eyes, I could say I was born with a silver spoon, I had everything I wanted and life was like a bed of roses.

Our pack was peaceful and running smoothly, until that one night, the night that changed it all the night that will forever be seared in my memory. I was ten years old hiding behind the large table situated in our grand dining hall. I held onto my mother's necklace a charm she said was going to protect me. The scent of blood and death was thick in the air colliding with the scream and cries of my pack members. The invaders had taken us unaware, led by the ruthless and brutal Alpha in existence Alpha Jethro of the Firestorm pack.

I peeped through the shadows, my heart pounding in my chest, as I watched my father fight relentlessly. His roars echoed through the hall, he was filled with determination to fight and protect us. But Jethro was a monster, the worst one you can see in existence, his eyes were glistening with pleasure as he struck down my father with a single, brutal swipe of his claws. My mother's pained scream cut through the moment as she rushed to my father's side, only to be met with the same merciless fate of painful death.

The sight of their lifeless bodies, lying in a pool of their own blood, shattered something inside me. I clinged my feet to my chest uncontrollable tears streamed down my face as I fought to sniff in my sobs. I was frozen, paralyzed by fear my world had just crumbled before my very own eyes. I was clueless of what to do.

Just then an involuntary loud cry escaped my mouth as my body began to change, the pain spreading through me like fire. My bones shifted, my muscles archend, and a howl of pain escaped my lips. I was just ten, the normal age for a wolf's first transformation was eighteen. Nothing could have prepared me for the reality of it. I felt my senses sharpen, my sight became clearer, my strength building up.

Just in between the shift, I saw an opening, a chance to escape. With the sudden fuel of strength I burst from my hiding place and ran. I ran through the woods, my paws hitting hard against the earth, my heart pounding fast in my chest. Behind me, the screams and roars of my pack members faded, replaced by the silence of the night.

I didn't stop until I reached the safety of a lonely cave, hidden deep within the forest. I collapsed, my body shaking in pain and fear. I curled up in the darkness, my mind reeling from the events of the night. My parents were gone, my pack was no more, and I was alone.

The forest became my refuge. In those early days, I survived on thin ice, scavenging for food, with the help of my wolf Mia I had managed to survive. My wolf is a fierce and dangerous wolf. Sometimes I find it so hard to control her.

One night, as I was in search of food, I was ambushed by a group of rogues. They were wild, their eyes hungry. They saw me as easy prey, a young wolf alone in the forest. They attacked, their claws and teeth tearing into my flesh. But then my wolf Mia took over, her power and anger unleashing on them. tearing through the rogues with brutality. The rogues, seeing the strength of my wolf, began to submit. One by one, they lowered their heads, recognizing my dominance.

It was the start of something new for me. These rogues, outcasts and survivors like myself, became my family. I became their leader, a young leader with a fierce wolf and an unquenchable desire for vengeance.

It's been eleven years already, since the death of my parents and my pack members, and I have perfected my skills, changing from a frightened girl into a formidable warrior. I trained tirelessly, pushing my body to its limits. Along the way, I encountered more rogues who had suffered under Jethro's brutality, who had lost their packs, their families. Together, we formed a band, bound by our shared hatred for the Firestorm Alpha.

We lived in hiding, preparing to strike when least expected, always moving, always planning. My role as leader was not one I took lightly. Every decision I made was calculated, every move was made to bring us closer to our ultimate goal which is the death of Alpha Jethro.

"Olivia" I heard a voice called out and I turned to see Micheal, Micheal is also one of my teammates but we are best of friends, I am only a year older than him. I had rescued Micheal from some wild wolf when he was younger, after his both parents were murdered by Alpha Jethro, Michael has this unwavering trust in me since then, Micheal walked towards me and sat next to me.

"Everything is ready for tomorrow" he started.

"That's good" I said nodding my head "is there anything else we need to put in place?" I asked.

"No, everything's fine," he replied but I have a feeling we should postpone this attack," he added, staring into space.

I turned to face him, my eyes burning with rage. That statement alone pissed me off for some reason. "I am not going back on my decision, we are attacking Firestorm pack tomorrow, Alpha Jethro, that monster must die by my claws tomorrow" I replied with my voice stern with anger.

"I am not going against your decision, it's just a feeling and whatever you say is fine by me" Micheal said, his voice timid trying to calm my anger.

I took a deep breath, trying to calm myself. "Get everyone together," I ordered.

Michael nodded and went to gather the others. As they assembled, I addressed them.

"We have come a long way," I began, my eyes staring over their determined faces. "We have sacrificed everything to reach this point we have trained and planned. Tomorrow is the day we end Jethro's reign of terror. We finally put to action all that we have worked for years. Fight with all the pain and anger within you. Remember the pain of losing your loved ones."

They all responded in agreement after the address. I went back to my tent, wanting some rest. But sleep eluded me. I tossed and turned, my mind racing with thoughts of tomorrow's battle. I kept hoping it would go well.

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